Hebrews 4:15-16 tells us thatJesus can empathize with our pain and weakness: Whenever I read that passage I find myself marveling at the fact we, sinful humans, can approach Gods throne with confidence, so that we can receive mercy and find grace to, help us in our time of need. This proves a couple of things. The power of pain? Jesus answered, Ye neither know We cannot fathom the pain He experienced on our behalf andin our rightful place. Knowing who GOD really is can change your life. He's been taking care of most of the hard stuff that life keeps throwing at you and only allowing those challenges that are most important for your growth. As my daughter Christy likes to say, God never wastes our pain when its offered to Him. Perhaps our pain will draw us close to Him, keep us from harm or enable us to encourage others who are suffering. There is a nearness, a personalness to God that David immediately feels in trouble. Share with us in the comments, and well pray for you! Luke 8:40-50. God wants to work in your pain to make you more like Jesus. Now I see in a mirror dimly. 1 John 2:3-6, The one requirement that we have in this life is that we know God. There is no place to flee from His presence. Pentecostal, Pain Perspective God knows your heartaches! While we can know more about Jesus through Bible study, small groups, books, and sermons, some of the richest dimensions of our relationship with him will be forged through suffering. When I am weak, then I am strong, Paul said. God wants to work in your pain to make you more like Jesus. All good words. He battled temptation and anxiety over his young churches. Wouldnt you want to know what caused such a fury? But heaven may feel like little comfort as days of pain on earth stretch into months and even years. And again. God is compassionate and cares about you and, like any good father, doesnt like it when youre hurting. VARIOUS KINDS OF PAIN Topic: IF YOU KNOW JESUS YOU WILL KNOW GOD The king looked into the furnace and exclaimed, Look! Wonder of wonders, in some small measure, lowly me gets to identify with and enter his grief. Bring your pain to God don't run from him. So we must know God. Only the pain of Pearl Harbor and 9/11 mobilized an entire nation to take the actions it needed to take, first in World War II, and now, in a global war against terror. TITLE: God Knows . For more resources to help you study the word of God and grow in your faith, check out Reveal.tv. be Or perhaps its one who suffers from Lou Gehrigs Disease. John 16:17-24, Denomination: Like nothing else, it can introduce us to the power of God. You will remember that there are only three things that are certain in life . Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. John was very specific about his Because I ache does that call for me to quit? ITS TIME TO LET GO OF THE PAIN Its a prime-time witness, when all eyes are on the person who hurts. And as we behold Gods glory, we are being changed into his image (2 Corinthians 3:18), becoming more like him. If the Devil can use your pain to drive a wedge between a believer and Christ; he is doing his job. None of those New Testament heroes had a personal appearance from the Lord at every beating, scourging, or arrest. But we can be certain that, as Joni Eareckson Tada says, Well thank God endlessly in heaven for the trials he sent us here.. This is the first message in a series of seven. Without that we do not have eternal life; we have eternal punishment. And in the New Testament, its Paul crawling out from underneath a pile of rocks in Lystra, dusting himself off, and heading to Derbe. I know you feel alone, but through your pain, He's been right beside you. He had seen rejection and disappointment as surely as you have. But the lesson is so difficult, the only way any of us would discover it is that God allows pain to be a part of our lives. But God sees us, and He cares deeply. He leads us. Sometimes we are put in pain for not listening to him. Please, God.Please, God.Please, God.. Emotional pain as we experience a severed relationship. Are you suffering? He knows what disappointment feels like and He knows how stubborn mankind is because He created all things ( Colossians 1:16 ), knows all things ( Psalm 139 ), and can experience in perfect matrimony, all things. The Lord even knows how much of the pain the can handle. Mark 5:21-43 In verse 29, we get Gods definition of good. He defines good as conforming us to the likeness of his son. 1 Kings 19:1-10. This is quintessentially the very thing we want from God; for Him to see us and for Him to see, deal, and eradicate our pain. God Knows Your Pain By Marcus Donaldson August 28, 2019 God, our benevolent and gracious God, knows what pain is. Sunday, August 18, 2002 But when he moves into a place of danger and suffering, he shifts from talking about God to talking directly to him. Know how the pearl came to be? Then, with striking imagery, David recognizes that. Please open your Bibles to John chapter 17. Matthew 10:22 . God gives us pain for different reasons. This point of theology is really tough. The Greek word for the Holy Spirit is literally translated to, The one who comes alongside. Remember that, when youre standing in the hospital or funeral home, or when you hear the words you never thought youd hear. Because I ache does that call for me to quit? Proverbs 3:5,6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. But it does mean that he can give even our senseless pain a purpose. According to most scholars time-lines, Jesus was crucified about A.D. 30. Psalm 139:1-24. read more, Scripture: I dont know that you have never noticed that the number 40 is used several times in the Bible. 2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. All real. Church Of God. It was a miraculous salvation experience, complete with a blinding light and the thunderous voice of Jesus, sending Paul into three days of repentant fasting. Baptist. It is for people who live each day with an anxious foreboding about their future. In Ephesus, Pauls had what might be his most successful ministry anywhere, preaching there fore more than two years until all who lived in the province of Asia heard the Gospel. It has given me joy when I was discouraged (Psalm 16:11), refreshed me when I was weary (Acts 3:20), and taken away my fear when I was in deep waters (Isaiah 43:2). Like a wicked taskmaster, it can enslave us. The pain didnt go away. He could plant more churches. You would say no. Heres the really important question: Will you find the positives in your pain? Everything might have been fine, except I had no medical care at all. And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you. And He is doing something about it. If we know God then should we not live differently? In our time of need, if we look to our abilities, more likely than not, our situation will not change. Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, prt. You know it's going to be a tough day when. Second,God has the tools we need in our hour of need. Morning Service What if we limp? Every man or woman who does not know God is living in slavery to something.If God is not your God then something else will be. Jesus knows what it is to suffer and He knows our pain. When we experience it our natural tendency is to shut everyone out. The reality expressed in the words "God knows" is a well of profound comfort and peace for us in our afflictions. read more, Scripture: During the beating the day before, Paul and Silas must have been screaming their prayers to God, begging for relief. We live in a world that is filled with hurting people. He comprehends the unexplainable anguish that invades our lives like an intruder bent on stealing valuables our self-esteem, purity, health, hope, future and more. With no way to expel the grain of sand, with no way to ease the pain, the oyster coats the sand with a layer of the inner lining of its shell to make the sand smooth. death and taxes. He knows that your straw has been taken away. It is good for us that we were afflicted, that we might learn Your statutes. How Can We Determine God's Will for Our Lives? In the midst of pain that will not leave, you might be able to discover at least part of the purpose your pain has. *, Forgot your password God was working in the courts of Egypt. All of our resources exist to guide you toward everlasting joy in Jesus Christ. Look at the passage we just read. But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." They lived day to day, as we do, disappointed, waiting, and wondering why their lives were so hard. In other words, Paul decided he was fine with the pain. It was a messenger from Satan, sent to torment him. Username God is constant in His goodness. Sermon - Finding a Purpose in Your Pain - LifeWay Christian Resources God loves you in your finest moment and your darkest hour. The method of knowing God is through forgiveness of our sins, where we, God is Fully Revealed in Jesus Christ I understand in part. God Wants You to Have a Healthy Heart Struggle with debilitating physical and mental illness. Is there a way I can get reimbursed?Reflectors need to be placed on trees every 50 feet so people can hike at night with flashlights.Escalators would help on steep uphill sections.A MacDonald's would be nice at the trailhead.The places where trails do not exist are not well marked.Too many rocks in the mountains. When I was flooded with the pain of the unknown, I clung to the truth that God saw me. Riding on a plane to a conference called Marked. That had the biggest impact on her ability to persevere. Please see below for details. There are times in our lives when it seems like God is against us. The Bible tells me to be an imitator of God, so I get to imitate Jesus and his glad willingness to submit to the Fathers s terrible, yet wonderful, will. These are lessons that can be learned only in the classroom of suffering, and only the student enrolled there is allowed to make the discovery. * Intro: He is faithful and will do what He says (1 Thessalonians 5:24). God uses all things, even painful things, for our good. He knows your hurt, your fear and groaning. 21:21) are made of pearls. God was working in the weather patterns that circled the globe. He freely helps those who call upon Him in their time of need (Psalm 46:1) and there is nothing that can separate you from His love (Romans 8:38-39). Psalm 139:1-6, Denomination: We come out on the other side of it looking a little more like Jesus. Free Sermons and Sermon Outlines for Preaching : How Can We Determine God's Will For Our Lives? From a logical point of view, it would seem that God would reward those who do good with less pain. He knows exactly how long our pain will last, and he will give us everything we need as we wait. Copyright 2003-2023 | Outreach, Inc., All rights reserved. October 24, 2010 We will die from wasting disease. Need to Know Just think, our field of knowledge DOUBLES every 18 months! No, Are you a Small Group Leader? This sermon describes 10 ways to know we are saved from the book of 1 John and why knowing this is so important (in light of 1 John 5:13). Galatians 4:8-11, Denomination: read more, Scripture: And now, there was a thorn in the flesh. How bad was this particular pain? Independent/Bible, GOD KNOWS US Independent/Bible. Somehow, suffering can transport us into the throne room of God, where we feel the tenderness of his embrace, an otherworldly sense of joy, and a fellowship unlike anything else weve ever known. He heals and binds our wounds (Psalm 147:3). read more, You can't know God without knowing Jesus and you can't know Jesus without knowing God, May the peace of the Lord be with you. What motivates you to make changes in your life? He knows! That God was using my suffering to accomplish something far greater than I could see or understand. The insolent smear us with lies, but with our whole hearts, we keep Your precepts. What youre experiencing may have caught you off guard, but it didnt take God by surprise. I think its fair to say that for most of Pauls pain, Jesus didnt show up. Perhaps a person going through the excruciating process of cancer treatments could tell us how bad pain can become. And now is doubling at the rate of every 18 months. He comprehends the unexplainable anguish that invades our lives like an intruder bent on stealing valuables our self-esteem, purity, health, hope, future and more. Enter to win by leaving a comment here. Think back to a time when you made a change in your life and ask the question, What motivated me to make that change?

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god knows your pain sermon