Can you imagine what the destruction might be surrounding that scenario? :o). Heard that in The Age of Hal Lindsay and Christians For Nuclear War; then the explanation (plain reading of SCRIPTURE?) I think Jesus was communicating to his audience in a way they would have recognized. I dont see what the attraction is. Would not surprise me either way. Elizabeth Prata and The End Time, 2009-2021. Its a double-bind for women who only desire what Christ has given us and which certain men wish to reserve for themselves. DETAILS BELOW David Jeremiah (born February 13, 1941) is famous for being religious leader. He has helped me come closer to our lord and I look forward to seeing him on TV any chance I get . I remember one episode from the first season. One of the things that bothers me (more like puzzling bothered than angry bothered) is how often in my reading of Scripture Gods chosen people are chastised for simply not listening to Him. @ dee: All of Dr. Jeremiah's April dates were canceled, including "Singing in The Sun" in Myrtle Beach. Of course the people of the first century would also have been familiar with the insect swarms. Therefore, we need to re-work the concept of equality so that scarystuff will be banished from the earth. In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins: I was making a broader point about how to assign the plain meaning to a text that has a meaning created in one culture but in another sense has meaning which transcends a particular culture. Neither is it a member of the Better Business Bureau Wise Giving Alliance. But first, lets go back and do some groundwork. Her husband is Jan Jeremiah. As I understand it, we have to read the Bible in its cultural and historical context. After His Resurrection, they got it. :o). Inspiration is amazing thing, and the Scriptures are so amazingly relevant to us, and God speaks to us so clearly, even now, thousands of years later, on the other side of the planet, in a completely different culture and language. Contra the complementarians implication of linkage, the scarystuff that happened in ancient Greek culture did not happen because females had been liberated. You care and you cant move on. It changed everything about how I understood it. Then we push them all through the wicket at the same time. But then, I have changed how I view scripture. She participated in a psychic show and allowed the medium to call up her dead mother from the nether-realms and Downey talked with her. 6 Actors Who Played Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek, Quarterbacks With Super Bowl Wins With Different Teams, Teams That Won The Stanley Cup In The Last 10 Years. I think that is where a lot of folks go off the rails in the end times scenarios. And in actuality, it is consistent with the plain meaning since the letter was written to a specific group of people, and the admonition to greet each other with a holy kiss is not a command to all believers in all time periods. Is the word Beginning always referring to time? @ Lydia: There are good arguments for both sides in scripture as far as I can tell. Cedarville University bestowed upon David an honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity upon his graduation in 1981. In the interview Jeremiah flatly said that the duo creates shows that honor the word of God and doesnt pervert it. That is why you must vote. @ dee: With our natural mind and our understanding. Doug, you are going far, far away from the literal meaning of that passage, the plain meaning. Of course, that sounds like medical diagnosiswe frequently talk about something being consistent with which does not mean necessarily a confirmed diagnosis but it does mean a step up from cannot be ruled out at this time.. The rest of us have kind of let that slip by, I am thinking, and let the totally depraved among us shout everybody else down. Actually the rapture theory as taught today is a relatively new theory supposedly received buy a young lady in the early 18 hundreds in a so called vision she says she received. Luke 4:18 The Spirit of the Lord is on Me; because of this He has anointed Me to proclaim the Gospel to the poor. Judge notthats the Lords job not ours. TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network) not only sponsors these false ministries but has unreservedly adopted the gospel of greed heresy. These are difficult questions when we get down to the level of what does this phrase mean in Revelation or even places in the Psalms. People trust the leaders and dont examine what they are saying like Bereans should. He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim deliverance to the captives, and new sight to the blind, to set at liberty those having been crushed. Doug wrote: Paul also seems to have had a rather sarcastic sense of humor, and some of the things he wrote about, like head covering, make no sense to a man who also said that circumcision was irrelevant, when it was commanded in the OT. Eden was a teeming expanse of forests, foliage, and gardens with rich fertility unparalleled in human history. 1. Precisely right. When you have no future, the Future has a way of happening anyway without you, and you will end up Left Behind. the pope as antichrist, per White, in the vestibule of an SDA church. David Jeremiah's master class on finding God's purpose in your tomorrow. If it becomes culturally relevant to do so, I will create my own sect of non-kissing brothers who dont wash feet either. However, they do not support the stuff on TBN. OK, he was a bit goofy. Well, we could speculate, but what would be the point? They say you got to cuss, cry or pray. Where did David Jeremiah get his doctorate? Horror movies, to me at least, seem to be mainly social cinema. Why couldnt the oil have been form the tree of life!. Edward and Carla tied the knot in 1997. The ancient wotld wss hughly cosmopolitan; the temple in Jerusalem wouldnt have had its large Court of the Gentiles if there had bern no Grerk-ified gentiles coming there to eorship the One God. _America the Beautiful_ book published by Zondervan has lengthy plagiarized passages. When I use a word, Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, it means just what I choose it to mean neither more nor less. But I distinguish between a PhD (or D.D., Ed.D, Th.D, etc.) He was all about helping actual people. Some Christians interpreted those events as God rejecting the Jews. I appreciate your demystifying the process of authorship. You write If were going to have a Christian version of the X Files than I nominate CJ Mahaney to be Cancer Man! He was truly shocked. I think we can go off track into modalism, and we can be like some social trinitarians who wander in the direction of tri-theism. Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature: (Jesus) David Jeremiah's net worth is $55 million in 2021, at the age of 80. Gen 1:1 In The Beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Any linkage which *may* exist between those two things is definitely not causal. Here is a link to his online Prophecy Book. Plain meaning means that words are to be understood as not having an alternative or hidden meaning regardless of the genre of the literature employed. what one commits when they denounce, reject, or fall away from their faith (i.e. Jeremiah is a Christian author and the founder of Turning Point Radio and Television Ministries in the United States. Driving to the hotel, he explained to Robert that oil deposits result from the decomposition of plant and animal life now buried by eons of time. It is hysterical and starting to get a lot of play. So hopefully my brand is welcome at the table. It could be #1, #2 or #3. There are the Oneness Pentecostals, but I have no idea what they think. I should probably add Thriller with Boris Karloff. We have broken faith with our God and have married foreign women from the peoples of the land, but even now there is hope for Israel in spite of this. And, I kinda wish that concept was true and simple. Oh, we can speculate beyond that What if someone got the remains of the cherubim (Genesis 3:24) in their gas tanks. I can see how a verse like that can be misused by people who have a hyper-literalist reading of the text. There are many theologians who take the Bible seriously who do not buy that view of the perturb rapture. (Matthew 10:16). He was uniquely qualified to be an apostle to many gentiles, since (as i seenit, and i may well be wrong), he was familiar with the wider wirld beyond Galilee and the rest of Judea. It was primarily written for the original recipients, and we are reading their mail. Actually the cheek kiss is cultural in romance cultures and Midfle Eastern cultures and Eastern European cultures. Nuance in language is recognized. What exactly does the mean? They do not have to perish, or go through the Tribulation, but the choose to do so. David Jeremiah net worth: David Jeremiah is an American Christian author and pastor who has a net worth of $50 million. Why cant air Just be air and clouds just be clouds? We request an offering of $50 for theHonorary Doctor of Divinity Degree. You know, the one that starts out with Hello, my name is Kent Hovind. The second doctorate is published as a book What On Earth Is About To HappenFor Heavens Sake?. He is 81 years old. But hey, its just as plausible as any other date. The show investigates the surge in online fraud, h Tv presenter Jonnie Irwin's significant weight loss is a symptom of his lung cancer. @ William G.: He is in my opinion Satan in disguise. A city with ties to many parts of the Roman wotld, with traders from that empire and likely Central and East Asia as well. I am attempting to understand the development of thinking of folks like Robert Morris, Chris Hodges, Peter Wagner and Neil Anderson. However, that Coming may appear very different than what was presented in the Left Behind series. The geophysicist went on to say that the earths richest, deepest, and largest deposits of petroleum lie under the sands of countries just to the east of Israel in the location pinpointed in the Bible as the garden of Eden. Oh no real concernsjust kinda thought of them as Mr. Jeremiahs alma mater and thinking how you cant disavow a graduate post graduation, Driving to the hotel, he explained to Robert that oil deposits result from the decomposition of plant and animal life now buried by eons of time., My father is a retired geophysicist from the oil industry. She is the boss of her blog. Ezekiel gets my vote as weirdest, not least for his street theater. There is much to glean from it, I totally agree. Wait until Dark is my favorite suspense movie. This is not surprising since Downey and Burnett arent Christian. Now that is a road that we have travelled down before. Paul also seems to have had a rather sarcastic sense of humor, and some of the things he wrote about, like head covering, make no sense to a man who also said that circumcision was irrelevant, when it was commanded in the OT. They were tarred and used as torches for Neros garden parties, there was the Coliseum, etc. There is an unspoken assumption among Anglos that men should suppress their emotions, which (again, imo) is not only unhealthy but a foolish attempt at squelching or denying actual humanity. I am not arguing for the correctness of the third position but only that I do not think it can be ruled out at this stage of the game. Turning Point airs on over two thousand stations worldwide. Seems, in the Bible, there is a challenge I suppose all of the above would be more or less in the moderate complementarian camp (if we have to have camps). Otherwise, being caught up to the clouds could mean getting on a plane or taking a spaceship for a ride. I dont like TV drama but X Files seemed to be in a class by itself. The new tv show is called A.D. I think that its good to consider the what if scenario: What if this word is just exactly what it says? He has a Ph.D. from Rosemead Graduate School of Psychology and was Director of Alive Counseling Ministries in Richland, Washington both highly psychologized organizations. I can understand people having different theories about how the events will unfold, and the timing, but the fact of the event occurring (the rapture and the tribulation) really shouldnt be a question, should they? It seems since this was originally published the downhill apostasy slide has increased its velocity, sadly. David and his family relocated to Dayton when he was one year old because his father had been called to serve as the Pastor of Emmanuel Baptist Church. Why cant Jesus just have meant exactly what He said? And Im pretty sure Im not the only one. But, my Plain Reading of scripture has changed over the years. In retrospect, it was a lot like having a terminal disease. I have heard her mention, though) that she has enough trouble keeping track of herself (paraphrased). Am not trying to justify prejufice, but if you keep going through Chas. Nope, you gotta do lips. Even though I should be working. Have you ever heard of a 40s/50s-vintage Seventh Day Adventist book titled What Jesus Said? One look at their regular programming schedule from today is pretty bad. Justin Peters was astounded to hear Jeremiah say this. They dont need to be interpreted. Obviously, I am not serious about the number. I swear thats a fair and true summary of what he said. We dont know what the intervening history might look like. If he kept the money, did he disclose this income to the boards of Turning Point Ministries, which is responsible for setting his salary? and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints: William G. is better equipped to provide the historical details of the debate. I like creepy but not explicit/gruesome as well. Episode 415: We are to be holy because He is holy, Episode 414: Why I am grateful for THAT troll, Episode 413: Bible twisters vs. the plumb line, Episode 412: They used the wrong evidence to defend themselves, Many will say to Me on that day, Lord, Lord, in Your name did we not prophesy, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name do many miracles? And then I will declare to them, I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness. Mt 7:22-23. Hope he comes back. They have been married for over 40 years and have four children together. When Hal Lindsay came on the scene, my mother groaned, Oh great. He graduated from Cedarville University and earned his master's degree from Dallas Theological Seminary. What Happened To Mike Lynch From WCVB? Like I have said b4, thanks for doing what you do. Our theme song could be Well Not Fly Away, oh glory, Well not fly away!. Seems, in the Bible, there is a challenge I think that its good to consider the what if scenario: What if this word is just exactly what it says? Yeah, I think we are all pretty eclectic in the theology department. discussions with him were about as fruitful as Ive found discussions with hyper-literalist Christians to be. I am all for that. Personally, I still think the clock will be rolled back on technology and that the world will look very different at that time, whenever it is. Then theres the matter of hyperbole, metaphors, similes, and near/far prophetic fulfillments. This episode is also available as a blog post: Someone once said that God describing who he is to us is like us describing who we are to a mollusk. I used to espouse his eschatological view but now consider myself to bean amillenial, partialpreterist with an emphasis on the word "partial" for any reader who might think I have jumped the shark. I agree, Lydia. That said, I am increasingly inclined to default to the view of sin existing but Original Sin, as the doctrine developed early in church history and elaborated upon as time passed not so much. It made it much easier for organizations like Jeremiahs to be a member. Maybe since we do not understand the concept of the trinity (and it is a derived concept) we have wandered off the path philosophically/ theologically in understanding what is meant by God is one. Sure, but the plain reading isnt the only criteria that needs to be taken into consideration. Lots of my questions are unanswered and probably always will be. I have seen it it isnt gross in my opinion. That makes interpretation a bit more complicated. The date of birth of David Jeremiah is 13-feb-41. David Jeremiahs sermons have made him a popular Christian figure. I worked at Cedarville for 14 years and Jeremiah is on the BOT there and I never knew he didnt have an earned Doctorate! He underwent extensive surgery and also stemmed from cell transplant therapy. but **to be spiritually minded** is life and peace. Such were some of you, after that carefully constructed series of evils he cites, and all the adjectives at the end that make these people sound like the worst specimens of humanity EVAR. Agreed. Because if you do that, you will no longer be taking the plain reading as being the plain meaning. Can you picture the momentous scene described in Nehemiah 8:1-2? With Jeremiah, there is instead repeated partnership with darkness, evil, and error. Dee, on your tangential point about aligning with the Health and Wealth gospel, did you see Nick McDonalds wonderful (and really short) post at Scribblepreach yesterday? The series of posts + discussions in comments are well worth your time, I think. Although He did say Satan MAY (and not WILL)finance his coming whatever by the oil from the Middle East.Im from the same generation as Mr Jeremiah.perhaps he still remembers his historywhen that was considered the cradle of civilization & there was a presumed lush Fertile Crescent. Im not sure what you mean by Greeks reworking things. There is nothing modern about it. I thought I must have missed something. Did that ever happen? Writing a review on there is a good idea. David Jeremiah is blessed with two sons and two daughters. Now, I did not grow up from youth with some of the teachings and suppositions some of you all did, so naturally some of what I say and how I say it may sound rather odd. I do think the bible is clear and understandable in the basic essentials of the faith. In 1973, he made an extension to the Church by starting the Blackhawk Christian School. Hopefully we are open enough (loving?) from current events that were now forgotten.). By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; i can sing it, too loved the show when I was small! Oooo!! Some people dont care about the present and this world because they are enraptured with end times., lydia wrote: Imo, most of the confusion and disunity comes from religious baggage we refuse to jettison, and from an unwillingness to be honest enough with ourselves to take God at His Word and let Him have His way with us. Investment Real estate (Mansion / house / home / apartment) Jeremiah bought a $2-million condominium on Coronado Island in January of 2010. In the year 1941, he was born on February 13th. His preaching usually sounds okay to me, Ive never heard him say anything too outlandish, so when I saw him on TBN tele-thons the last few years, asking people to send TBN money, I was disappointed. Just never mind, okay? So a parable that uses mustard seeds as an example is referring to literal mustard seeds. I have heard that theory, and I appreciate that perspective a lot. I will not be discussing this in any depth since I am looking at other issues. !, Or randomly wandering in and out of the rooms without regard to the order. But even in that story, the water is water. Downey and Burnett have produced a TV show that twists the Bible, presents another Jesus, fails to offer the Gospel, and they themselves have participated in New Age, direct revelation, mystical practices, and sorceries. They say that the sin of our First Parents (CC for=Adam & Eve) has left all of humanity deeply wounded, but still alive. Its been an adjustment for me. Hollywood overtakes Shadow Mountain Church. In fact, it appears that ResultSource CEO Kevin Small, as a graduate of Liberty University, is right at home with Christian clients. Now that is a road that we have travelled down before. You might be happy to know that I consider Spandex anathema! Literature 3 Answers How much is bariwise worth? Wow, how did that one slip by me. How much money is involved? I am writing a blog about it now. some of my fundamentalist brethren will show signs of Jihad when they find out that I no longer sign on to the Western view of sin and redemption and have adopted a Jewish view instead. How about Grace Driscoll? The Nicene Creed states that Jesus will come again to judge the quick and the dead. In 2003, his book, My Hearts Desire, won the Gold Medallion Award for Best Inspirational Book. He is an Evangelical Christian who is also a conservative. Like Doug says,the scriptures are just not as clear or understandable as we think they are. . But there is no necessity that that means that the event that he then saw would be after the event he previously saw. David Jeremiah is married to his beautiful wife, Donna Jeremiah. We think we may watch some more in the coming weeks. ! Dr. David Jeremiah, a well-known Christian author and speaker, was injured in an accident that occurred in January when he was hosting a conference cruise in the Caribbean. You havent seen the recent Noah movie, have you? @ Doug: Jeremiah regularly appears on Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) alongside Paul Crouch (when he was alive) during their fall Praise-A-Thon. His predecessor in the church was Tim LaHaye of Left Behind fame. He also goes for a lot of gotcha! moments in that book gets everyone agreeing right along with him (as at the end of Romans 1 those terrible, terrible gentiles!) But he does get some things right and I doubt he is as bad as he seems. I was converted in 1980, and as a young believer, i worked for a very mainstream evangelical ministry. Hope that living in the end times nearly kept me from. I believe Arabs and Iranians also do it. It simply is shorthand for the idea that words used to do have hidden, spiritual meanings. Pastor at Shadow Mountain Community Church, a megachurch in California, who is also a Christian author and popular televangelist. But for women, that is not the case. I pulled that out of an article I read last night in a journal, where the author put the date of creation at 4199 BC. Now, curiously when keeping in mind the comp argument, male superiority was unquestioned in ancient Greek culture, and women were subordinate. and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive: But When Jesus was alone with His Disciples He would explain the parable. Per Day: Per Hour: Per Minute: Per Second: $ 70,000 $ 3,000 $ 50 $ 1.00: Since you arrived on this page at , David Jeremiah Earned: Discuss With Everyone: Once a person accepts the concept of speculation anything is plausible. The throne of David, according to the prophet Jeremiah, would rule over the "house of Israel" ( Jeremiah 33:17 ), not over some Gentile peoples. As the sermon opened I was assaulted by pounding music and slick graphics. Or faith the size of a mustard seed. So am I. Say what we believe in but stay away from personalities. Founder of Turning Point Ministries, David Jeremiah. I have never found crying to be worth the energy it takes to do it. @ Doug: Jan Crouch, in her soft sugary voice said on TBN, God has a special blessing for the little women who have caught the vision of giving, even if only their grocery money. While there are many Christians who see TBN and its association with the gospel of greed ministries as an abomination, many others (not well versed in the Bible) believe in the heresy and fall prey to its deception. Well, we are talking about the Hellenistic era, yes? I watched it for a while when it was new but to keep the story lines going the story lines had to keep getting more and more nuts to the point where it was, well, just plain nuts. Oops: Just ask you tube for eschatology; al mohler. Cedarville University entitled him the Honorary Doctor of Divinity. I think that some of the abuses come from not listening to God. "- C.S. Roger Price, charismatic bible teacher. And Im like, Probab what the frank, a talking truck? David Jeremiah. If it does not happen, then he is not who he says he is and he is not speaking for God. To remain in good standing in the gospel glitterati club it appears that no matter the offense you never speak negatively of a fellow club member. Both would completely miss the point that Christ was trying to make. Fear can be easily exploited, and I think it is primarily an appeal to fear that the comps make. He did have some good questions and I appreciated reading his viewpoint. And talk about bad movies, yikes! They have always been supportive of each other's careers. Based on our estimates` David scores in the top percentile when it comes to other people in groups mentioned previously!

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