Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Troll Trouble Walkthrough - Neoseeker Alternatively, you will have to pass diplomacy or intimidate 15 to get in. When he burns through a character's fire resistance, top it up. Continue further east and fight your way past another two bandits to a bandit Conjurer. The Boomsayer, as always, is the primary threat. "The law is with him", Valerie? Allowing either the kobolds or trolls to keep their kingdom used to prevent you from obtaining the Project: Restoration of Bronzeshield Fortress, the Region Upgrade: Bronzeshield Fortress, and the Project: Restoration of the Road of Shields. Head south back towards the village. Loot the enemies and grab some gold and gems from some nearby dead bodies. Otherwise, he will simply disappear. Defeat the trolls, troll hounds and kobolds, and loot the Old Dwarven Chest Key and Token of the Dryad. Turn your attention to the Owlbear which is still all but impossible to target from this side. Tartuk doesn't have many HP but he has an extremely high AC. The text can be seen by highlighting the greyed-out text. Stand just outside their perception range and drop a Web on top of them and follow it up with Grease. After dealing with it, look in the corner of the courtyard for a hidden cache with a Rune-covered Ancient Leather Scrap (1/16). If you fail on either, your only option is to give up Karag (whom you met at the entrance). There are also traps, including on the supposedly safe path to Bartholomew's house. From the junction, head northeast to cross over into Varnhold and continue northeast to cross the Crooked River. Head further up the slope and you will meet a (sort-of) friendly Troll named Jazon. troll lair rune door : r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker - Reddit You can visit the location if you like, although the walkthrough will bring you here later so I would recommend that you skip it for the time being. You companions will have a view as to his deserved fate. If Ekun is going to be your Mobility guy, he'll want Boots of Elvenkind as well. Speak to the chieftan (King Vesket) who will at first prove unwilling to part with the child. The check itself is DC17. To unlock a later region upgrade for South Narlmarches, you must select "I'll help you fight the monster". You will also get the opportunity to ask him about their new kingdom Trobold. however. If you head down to the courtyard, you will find a locked chest (DC21) near the gate containing a scroll of Haste and some gold. You will have random encounters with cultists as you travel. Your first task is to appoint advisors. Troll (Humanoid 6), Kobold Sniper x2 (Rogue 5). There is a doorway blocked by an energy field. Head a short distance up the slope and Jubilost will announce that this is the place he was searching for, giving you 1800G. Afterwards, Harrim will approach. You may want to rest here if you used up valuable abilities in the Monster Den. Hug the left side of the path and climb up the hill to the left. All that lies between you and escape are a pair of 2nd-level Ferocious Wolves. Going up will position you in the NW corner of the fort. Alternatively, you can take the Lawful Evil option if you want a fight; otherwise take the Neutral Good option. When they're dead, search the top left corner for a locked chest (DC15) containing a Dwarven Helm Shard (3/10) and a couple of scrolls. Continue up to the wall where you will find another Torag's Pendant in a hidden cache. Once you've cleared the map, a random encounter nearby should trigger on the world map whereupon a man named Dalton will tell you about a mage named Bartholomew that can help you with the trolls. Head north to find a Dizzyhead and a Token of the Dryad along with two Giant Slugs. He needs to examine its corpse for more information. After it's dead, Amiri's companion quest will complete. Afterwards, continue up the path and you will find a Torn Damp Page on the ground. Continue further east where you will be attacked by six Giant Poisonous Frogs. You will come across a group of five seriously outclassed bandits (all 3rd level). In the top-left corner are a pair of stealthed Venomhodags. Remember to disengage Defensive Fighting - Valerie will need 20s to hit otherwise. Then her sister, Kanerah, will take her place. You'll have a number of choices to proceed. Inspire Competence is useful too. Pathfinder kingmaker troll lair sun Continue From Pathfinder: Kingmaker Wiki This is the ruins of an ancient dwarf fortress built near a similarly ancient trade route. When you're ready for a fight, go into the back cave. Wall Switch (Perception DC 20). After having spoken to the witch, return to Jenna in your capital's tavern where she'll confess she told him to go drown in Candelmere Lake. Web Trap (Perception DC 22, Trickery DC 22 - 67 exp): If triggered it casts Web (2) in the area (Reflex DC 15). If you ask him 6. This is another illustrated book episode. When you've killed it, look for a nearby stash containing a Token of the Dryad and some gems. The author of this thread has indicated that this post answers the original topic. He will hint that he can make something truly amazing if only he could get his hands all three volumes of 'Of Transmutations and Bodily Poisons', initiating his artisan's quest. Hargulka Fight : r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker - Reddit Tell them to think for themselves. If you have upgraded Tuskdale to a town, you can construct a Printing House for free. It is a percentage change if you get attacked. Don't refuse. Head south and deal with a bear to your right. Ask about Trobold and you can question him about Tartuk and Hargulka. The last one, is described in the part 2 of the commanders journal: The moon has to face the skyforge (north) and the sun has to face the entrance of the keep (west). Be sure to buy the Bag of Holding in his stock - you should easily have enough gold. You will want to have Slow memorised. You cross Bridge over the Gudrin River. Octavia) or purchase Scrolls of Protection from Electricity, Communal. Free Dimwit if you like (to Valerie's chagrin), and be sure to buy from Bartholomew, if only for his Small Bag of Holding and Acid wand. If you are Chaotic, you can also allow him to stay in the ruins with the kobolds. The main quest will take us to this area shortly so backtrack past the Ruined Watchtower to the river. You'll appear on the, Jazon will only be here if you didn't kill him earlier. Return to the throne room and look for someone named "Storyteller" in the bottom left corner of the room. Return to the world map and make your way southeast from the Ruined Watchtower. Before you go in, grab provisions from the drying racks and some Masterwork weapons and a Trident +1 from a weapon rack. When the area is clear, loot the nearby containers (one of them locked, DC18) for a Dart +1 along with other stuff. Run down to see a large group of kobolds attacking a handful of gnomes. Kargadd will appear about a round after you deal with these two. Additionally you can ask him to trade in your capital for a time. Remove any armour from the party member with the highest Athletics ability, quick save and interact with it for a storybook segment. Give Tiger (the cat) to Ekun to boost his Lore (Nature) and have Linzi use Inspire Competence. It seems that a merchant looked after him while he was ill but took his tools as payment. Go across to the other side of the village where you'll find two Lizardfolk, Tassath and Shalur, near a vegetable patch, arguing. Or you can simply kill them, which is what you'll have to do anyway if you fail the checks. Examine the ground nearby to find a Ring of Protection +1. You will learn that he is Dragn's grudge-bearing brother. If you still have issues use summon spam for meatshields while you burn him down. P. Mimic (Aberration 10). Continue east and you'll spot the man responsible for the traps, Bartholomew Delgado. Her trollhound is her animal companion and it has AC 18, 92 hp, Fort +11/Ref +9/Will +2 saves, and regeneration 3 (fire and acid removes). If you stop off in Narlkeep (your new settlement in South Narlmarches), speak to Dragn and ask about his family relic to initiate his artisan quest, Onslaught. Continue west and you will see Mud Bowl to the south. Naturally, she's ambushing you. There are enemies visible to your right: two Trolls and two Trollhounds. Enjoy your new armor. Somebody do something! and Aimri is in the party, shell kill him, stopping the curse. With Inspire Competence and gear, Octavia can have Trickery +26 or more which is sufficient to remove the DC36 trap, earning you 1440XP. Continue east and you will find a Spectre wandering around. Getting to him won't be so easy, though: he's afraid of something and so has lined the area with traps. Examine the statue (DC20) for an XP reward. Continue further east and you will find an Amulet of Natural Armor +1 hidden in the grass. Head east to find Bartholomew at Lone House. Select "Look around carefully" for a Knowledge (Arcana) check (DC20). it is a single player RPG game where your choices and decision as the player will shape the whole environment and story. Puzzle scavenger hunt around the old town of Kettwig. And a material reward if you asked for one. A successful check gives you more options in the end game if you are working toward the secret, best ending. Don't worry about this for the time being. Troll Lair Walkthrough Hargulka's Diplomacy When you enter this area, you'll immediately be confronted by Hargulka and four subordinate trolls. I don't believe the choice matters. Return to Shaynih'a and tell her how Hassuf responded. Head back to the path and go east. The Lonely Warrior drops a Frost Greatsword +1 and a suit of full plate armour. When he's dead, retrieve the Cypress Queen's Flute (4/5). If you have Fireball, now's the time to spam it (yes, even with Troll immunity). When you enter the area, you will hear someone named Waine calling out for help. No fear, what follows will help him make his mind). Backtrack to the main road and start cautiously making your way south. He's not very tough and drops a Masterwork handaxe. If you heal him, he'll bless you with Good Hope (+2 morale bonus on all kinds of things) before passing. If you passed a diplomacy check when speaking to Ezvanki during your ennoblement ceremony, 'Ezvanki's Offer' is a no-brainer. When you were last here, you were too low-level to tackle this place but it should be manageable now. You also need Delay Poison (Communal) if you don't have it up already. They drop Masterwork longswords. Keep to the left and you should bump into a bunch of stealthed bandits. Pay attention to the +1 Economy if built next to a Longhouse or Tavern and place it accordingly. Either way, you will be able to secure the Iron Mine kingdom resource. [Perception 16] to find floor tiles with gemstones hidden underneath, then collect the Dryad token from the board. Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Location Of All Artifacts And Bonuses You will find a Falcata +1 inside. There are two groups. You will have a scripted event on the road. Loot the bodies to acquire Bound Thunder, King Vesket's Key, Hide Armor +1, and Amulet of Natural Armor +1. Return to the statues to find a chest containing 2122 G and Blessed Path (heavy armor). It costs 400BP (or equivalently 32,000G) and an additional 50BP to build a settlement. Continue west along the Little Sellen River where you will be able to claim the Scenic Locale kingdom resource. And even after the fight, the poison can do the same, even if you made it through mostly unharmed. Don't go into the ruins just yet. A body a short distance to the west has a Token of the Dryad and some minor loot. The Greater Trollhound drops an Amulet of Natural Armor +2. The DC30 Knowledge (Arcana) check gives you a clue for the puzzle in this room. Harrim will hit the anvil again and gain the item: . you can make a Knowledge (Arcana) check (DC23) for a Cthulhu reference. Head outside into the square. Conclude any business in the capital and make your way to Narlkeep. This isn't immediately forthcoming but there's stuff to do in the meantime. Troll Lair (Merged World) - Pathfinder: Kingmaker Wiki This is for later but there's something you might be able to do now. The entire horde will attack. Search the chest to the left of it to find the Soot-Blackened Tongs (4/5) and some Bracers of Armor +3. Bring rope if possible and keep Ekundayo with you at least for the time being. Advance up the path to meet a large group of kobolds head-on: a Boomsayer, Alchemist Master, two Skirmishers and two Snipers. Now to track down Ivar. Unlock the square container (DC26) for a unique greataxe, Second Execution. Thank you, Valerie. You will find Varrask the Wildfist standing near your starting location. Stinking Cloud will disable out the mass of them. Let's just say that robbing the corpse may not bring you good luck. When they're dead, remove any equipment (Ring of Protection / Amulet of Natural Armor) that you gave Kalikke and head over to the tower. Speak to the chieftain, but BEFORE asking him about the child, ask him 'questions'. You may want to claim the nearby Remnants of Dwarven Fortifications. Initially, you will be fighting six Giant Spiders. Jazon will be here if you convinced him to leave peacefully (after taking the Lawful choice). Mind the trap guarding the chest then loot it to acquire Cloak of Resistance +1, Scroll of Fireball x2, Bracers of Archery, and other minor items. When they're dead, Jaethal will come up with a jolly wheeze: raise one of the elves as an undead pal. Buff up heavily. Otherwise, destroy them and be done with it. If you fail, curse and reload the save before the battle. Ask how you can help her and she will direct you to a location called the Mud Bowl to find 10 black rattleheads. (CN moral choice). STR: 10, DEX: 18, CON: 16, INT: 16, WIS: 12, CHA: 10. After the fight, loot the area to acquire Dwarven Helm Shard. After the battle ends, one of the group's leaders, Rashor, will point you to his village. but tells you that others are now trying to open the box and that they can be found in the cave in the northwest of the village. One contains a suit of Chainmail +2 while the other contains minor loot. These are fairly powerful creatures with 102HP and a nasty acid spit attack. If you have good AC, you should be OK. Head inside where you will find a Tremendous Centipede, four Giant Centipedes and a Spitting Giant Centipede. Valve Corporation. When they're dead, grab a Token of the Dryad from the undergrowth. If you let Jazon take you to the troll king, you will directly meet Hargulka in dawrven ruins. To the northwest you'll find a group of bandits and their leader. And if it's blinded with Glitterdust, it's not too much of a threat anyway. Troll Trouble is a Quest in Pathfinder: Kingmaker . The Secret Sanctum will be added to your world map. Do not cross yet. This encounter will give you the name of the troll leader, Hargulka. Continue west to the next junction and then turn south towards the house of the mage that Dalton mentioned. When they're no longer a problem, you can grab some minor loot from a hidden compartment in wall of the corridor. You'll probably want to take a little time to level up your advisors at this point since there is nothing else pressing. Continue east and you'll be able to cross the Shrike River to the north. At the crossroads, head east again and cross over into the Kamelands where you will arrive at the Secluded Lodge. If you have Nazrielle's Cursed Sword, pay a quick visit to your settlement to give it to her. However, if you are protected, they won't really be able to hurt you so you simply need to wait until your attacks connect. He will buff Hargulka and then pelt you with Magic Missiles (note that he is immune to these). At some point (and the fact that it's "at some point" and not "always" is annoying), you will have a scripted encounter. Which is OK but hardly worth all that. But alignment damage - especially alignment other than Good - is not really something that every party composition is going to keep on hand at all times. Unfortunately there are Redcaps and a Giant Flytrap blocking the different exits. Defeat the Ancient Will-o-Wisp and his lesser bretheren in the northeast to acquire, Slightly east of the wisps you'll find even more. Sun And Moon Puzzle - Troll Lair Depths | Pathfinder Kingmaker PC Gameplay Blind Playthrough ModusDeo 91 subscribers Subscribe 2 184 views 8 months ago More trolls to fight in the depths. Do not take the Neutral Good choice - it will cost you your rope! Now that Troll Trouble has begun, this place has become a lot more interesting. House at the Edge of Time walkthrough - Pathfinder: Kingmaker Be aware that the chapter is drawing to a close. A popular method is to cast Grease at the location where the fight will take place and give Valerie Freedom of Movement. Head across to the other side of the path. Fairly shortly, you will have a scripted encounter. He'll ask you to kill another troll. Firstly, he provides redundancy in the Grand Diplomat post. Both want the Scythe Tree gone, so tell them the good news (though not before asking for a reward). If you search the various containers you will find minor loot and a new recipe, Fish-on-a-Stick. He seems very excited about the formula he's discovered. Outside the chief's hut is a sack filled with minor loot. Go up the path to meet Sinnet. If you allowed him to keep experimenting on poor Dimwit, you can recruit him as an advisor. Devourer of Metal is in the Troll Lair in the top left corner of the first floor of the dungeon just left of the stairs under a hidden tile. You can't explore the rest of the level from here. Categories Community content is available under CC BY-NC-SA unless otherwise noted. Leave them to it but kill the Trollhound with acid yourself because it regenerates. The check itself is DC17. You start off in the north of the area. You are looking for the "[Lore (Religion) check passed]" option which is required for the best outcome for Harrim's personal quest. Head to the throne room and show the Spear Fragment to Storyteller who will recount the story associated with it. Continue tanking and wearing down the trolls with Acid and Acid Arrow until they fall. Back down the steps is the entrance to the keep. When you're ready, from Tuskdale, remove all other members of your party, then travel west to Verdant Chambers. Annexing the Kamelands is also required to unlock Tristian's companion quest. You will then have a bunch of possibilities to resolve the problem. He's not really worth killing, however - he gives 0 XP and meagre loot. The main quest will take you through South Narlmarches shortly, Harrim's personal quest requires the main quest to progress as well and you want to be higher level before heading to the Verdant Chambers. Search a nearby body for some minor loot and a Greatclub +2. Speak to Oleg and browse to the bottom of his stock and buy the Onslaught Cuirass which is the second armour piece for Dragn. It's tough and you start unbuffed but your whole party should be able to hack it to death easily enough. Guess what comes through. When they're dead, you'll have a tricky series of speech checks (DC30). If you want some pointless combat, head east up the slope where you will face a pair of Hodag-like Treants. You can ask about the child to learn how he's being treated. You take some unstated amount of damage on failure (~2d6). Claim the Abandoned Laboratory near Lone House on your way. Run back to Tiressia and tell her that Elga Verniex is back in the village and she will give you a letter to give her. N. Tartuk or Hargulka will be at this location if you allowed either of them to stay. Don't rush into the eastern corridor because there are two traps just past the doorway. A couple of days after the letter arrives for Valerie, Jaethal will demand to see you in the throne room. Take extra care too to ensure the main tank is at the very front as he'll decimate anyone else with one or two hits. Question him and then follow him around the place. She will suggest that you ask the boy's mother instead. Return to the path and continue south. The one in the corner is trapped (DC22) and locked (DC23). Alternately (or additionally), you can tell the "boy" his mother loves him and misses him, which will weaken the creature enough to save the boy. You can get your fish back afterwards if you like. There's another hidden chest here with a Heavy Shield +1. Go inside and head down to the basement. Return to the bandit room. Branded Troll (Humanoid 6, Barbarian 3), Trollhound x3 (Magical Beast 4). a) Peridot, 48 gold; b) Scroll of Cure Serious Wounds (Trickery DC 16). ; b) Chest (Perception DC 20): Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds x2, Exquisite Pearl. To the side is a trapped (DC22) and locked (DC25) chest containing a unique heavy pick, Demolisher. You starting point is approximately halfway down the eastern edge. The trolls and kobolds are arguing over spoils and one of the kobolds produces the whip that Bartholomew was after. This leads to a number of other options. Return to the village and look for a man named Aysel who seems very upbeat about the Silver Dragon. I strongly recommend going for Loyalty 3 first because annexing Kamelands makes Silverstep available for annexing as well. After you take them down (watch your more fragile characters, but otherwise, it's an easy enough fight), search the area to acquire, To the southeast you'll find two hunters that need helping getting down from a ledge. Start making your way back west across the area, disarming all the traps on your way. Lightning Bolt Trap (Perception DC 20, Trickery DC 20 - 45 exp): 5d6 electricity damage, Reflex DC 16 for half.

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pathfinder: kingmaker troll lair floor puzzle