That is now followed by a statement from Stacy, contradicting every other statement or testimony she has ever made or given, now claiming that Willingham confessed. It is marked P. Kuykendall, died at 75 years old, Sept. 15, 1912. What motive would Stacy have to lie about something like this after all this time. You linked to something that links to a case. Warren Jeffs. The local authorities work for the wealthy interests in their jurisdiction, and those interests have the right to administer any brand of justice they wish. That's her right.I think it would be best to concentrate on the fact that flawed science and poor defense led to an execution where reasonable doubt was not proved. And there isn't one of us who knows how we would act under the same set of circumstances. Did he receive an adequate defense? If you cannot be civil, you might at least try being logical.Here is a third question that you have evaded. By his own words he intentionally left Amber to die. If you wish to have a legal system that works with gossip, assumptions and the prejudices of the local yahoos, congratulations. No, just stating facts in response to attacks on himself. Why didn't he? Stacy could have a million motives for lying about the confession. Maybe you can write you story based on the facts you have and put it out in the media. Sept. 15, 1991 at 10:19 pm at Lee Memorial Hospital in Fort Myers, Lee County, Florida.We took the loss of Hambone real hard, and as I said, we have never gotten over it and we all still have problems dealing with it after all these years.What was the hardest, was KNOWING that he was murdered, but the law enforcement and judicial system deliberately and intentionally covered up his murder and others and called it an accidental death; although the coroner who did the autopsy said no way was it an accidental death, it was murder and nothing else but murder. And again, if an atty is being accused of IAC they have the right to defend themselves. We're better than that. Sounds to me like a mother of three murdered girls who is just trying to set the record straight. What a different story this would be if four had died instead of three. Correction again: I said in my 1:46 pm post: "I used to be against the cold-blooded murder of unborn babies up to the 3rd monthuntil I found out they do it up to 9 months, even minutes before birth for ANY reason. Even Judge Jackson concedes that Stacy has said different things at different times. By repeatedly citing his carpet pseudo-experiment, Mr. Martin showed that he still does not understand that floor patterns cannot be interpreted by eyeball. It is interesting to see the speculation here about Goodhair's motivations to "cover up". It is difficult to reconcile these two positions. And what gives them the right to refuse to call it murder and persecute people who in good conscience oppose it.I used to be against the cold-blooded murder of unborn babies up to the 3rd monthuntil I found out they do it up to 9 months, even minutes before birth for ANY reason. Katy Hall, the murderer of my brother James on Sept. 15, 1991 in Hendry County, Floridahad stabbed one guy but he survived. There may well be a case somewhere in this country where an innocent was executed. We are sad to announce that on October 16, 2022, at the age of 78, Gary Lynn Kuykendall in Charleston, Arkansas passed away. Just because you claim to not know how you would act doesn't mean that others of us don't.You don't, unless you've been in a fire -- and I mean a real fire, not an exploding barbecue or a smoldering sofa you put out with the fire extinguisher. Peggy Kuykendall Obituary (2007) - Mobile, AL - KUYKENDALL, JR. Mr. Frederick Thurman Kuykendall, Jr. - a native of Geiger, AL and a resident of Mobile, AL since 1952 died Thursday, August 22, 2009 in a local hospital. Then I became AGAINST murderbefore birth and after birth. You expect Willingham to react in a professional manner and it didn't happen. Frederick Kuykendall Obituary (2009) - Mobile, AL - The dead giveaway in his case was that he did not kill the kids in the house to eliminate all possible witnesses when he knew they were there. Also, he changed his story on the fire, I understand, about 27 times. Oklahoma Obituaries Archives Online | Obits Archive Woodward. Let's look at the views of 10 families whose loved ones were taken.Many of the victims families expected closure after last nights execution of John Allen Muhammad, the DC Sniper who killed 10 people over a three week period in 2002. When intelligent people presented with the same basic evidence can't arrive at a consensus you have reasonable doubt. He was born on May 30, 1964, in Sikeston, Missouri, to the late Carmen and Ethel Cates Kuykendall. Can you provide a link that shows that Mr. Willingham waived this privilege? Our brother was their "amigo". It's obvious that what Ms. Kuykendall means is that she left Todd and went down the hall (or to the room next door, or whatever) to be with her oldest daughter's body. I viewed this video again, and Mr. Cooper never said any such thing. I fact, I thought you were adamant that Willingham could have saved his older child.Willingham may have been guilty as sin but the source of the fire has proved questionable. Stacy N. (Sevier) Kuykendall was born c. 1981. When you awake from a deep sleep and your home is blazing the first thing I wondered is if I were still asleep and if running from the fire is part of a nightmare. Stacy Kuykendall Willinghamgirlslivesmattered is on Facebook. Perhaps you have a reason to worry he might be innocent you sure act it . The cognitive dissonance would drive anyone crazy.The final death-row conversation is truly ambiguous. I said: "Also, one day when we were visiting our sister, 6 weeks before the murder, I saw my beloved brother look back at his soon-to-be murder with a look of such fear and terror on his face as I had never seen before on my brother's face and he was not known to be afraid of anyone. You have some desperate need for Willingham to be guilty do you have something to hide? There were over 200 people at his funeral. A big pool of blood on it. Tuesday, November 29, 2022 CHARLESTON, Mo. Click to read and leave tributes This must be the basis of KB's smear campaign against RP. The ONLY question should be is IF the killer did it or not.Then the next question should be, WHEN to execute the murdererand that's all.Anyone who opposes the death penalty, opposes justice for the victim, and is uncivilized, and extremely barbaric. However, if Mr. Willingham set the fire deliberately, why would he make up the story that Amber woke him up when such a story raises the question of why he did not save her? 2:28Awesome summation.It's pretty damned pathetic you can find better legal representation on a minor blog than the whole state of Texas provides its indigent defendants. She never mentioned that she intended to divorce Willingham, whom she had married three months earlier. They've got plenty of those on Polunsky:). Apparently those who think he is doing so don't understand the Texas conservative political ideology which drives his constituency. Tags Amber Kuykendall. Stacy Kuykendall Grim. Your defense of Martin and his actions is no more than a feeble grasping at straws to defend a fast sinking ship. Yes you can be brought to court by the estate or surviving relatives of the deceased if it harms their reputation or causes financial loss . "I meant to say "I see the same pattern in his case as I see in her caselack of remorse, continuously changing their stories, continuously lying and telling fantastic stories that are clearly NOT true.". I only wanted you to stay. Willingham's Family Seeks "Posthumous Pardon" | The Texas Tribune That is simply offensive and out of line . Human rights and justice isn't real high on the list of values!It sure does take a special kind of place. But (and this is addressed not only to the commenter but to Grits and David Grann)-- can't we argue our points without attacking Stacy Kuykendall and calling her a liar and worse?Try to imagine what she went through. And the odd thing is that I've not broken any laws that I'm aware of, there's no real reason for any of this. Its a bunch of hype, in my opinion. Would you be comfortable with an indigent friend or relative being defended by Mr. Martin?If you started answering my questions, it might make a positive contribution in this discussion, something that you have largely avoided until now.Chris, Anonymous at 4:31,"When Willingham asserted IAC in his first writ of h.c., he waived privilege. We're not supposed to execute people for being what we don't want them to be.We do charge, convict and execute people who deliberately and willfully murder others. stacy kuykendall obituary. Haven't we covered this subject already? She kept it just in case that corrupt so-called "justice system" decided to prosecute the serial killer who murdered my brother but they never did.You CAN commit murder in Florida and get away with it. Something is just not adding up Cyber bully .Maybe you got some explaining to do ? Join Facebook to connect with Stacy Kuykendall and others you may know. Then we have a statement from Stacy's brother saying that she told him that Willingham confessed. Stacy Kuykendall - Facebook Didn't someone, somewhere point out that she could have set the fire before she left the house? His behavior was pretty incriminating and his statements tooall this apart from the physical evidence. She told reporters that Willingham set the fire that killed the girls "and watched while their. The State of Texas buggered it up big time on this one and we all know it. In Texas I carry cash and my passport around like a security blanket, am always aware of my proximity to the state line or border and for as much as I love my friends and family there, it's so much nicer when we meet on neutral ground. They, of all people, should get it. Whatever it is you are selling, I am not buying.Chris, As this back-and-forth comments conversation illustrates, the issues in the Willingham case are extremely complex. Admitting we were wrong is the hardest thing for most of us to do. Then I became AGAINST murderbefore birth and after birth. As more people gathered and the police and FD arrived, then he was the grieving father. They called it an accidental death, but we know better. His statements to the Corsicana paper ridicule the work of innocence projects. Goodhair and company sure are acting that way By defending this unethical attorney Willingham is guilty ? Susan Kuykendall Obituary (2023) - Coal City, IL - Morris Herald-News And do it again and again and again and keep your story straightall the while realizing that any father who doesn't give his life for the sake of his babies is worthless in the eyes of the rest of the human race, and is probably better off dead too.Yea, there is no reason for his inconsistent statements but that he set the fire, and those taken together with the rock artist posters in the laundry room are proof that he was a devil worshiper and deserved to die.I guess it's just that the whole world is against Texas because they are so independent minded after winning the war with Mexico andblah blah blah. They put me in mind of Adolph Hitlerthe only people who deserve rights is the ones he thought should deserve rights.These are the same people who would murder a baby at nine months of pregnancy and call it a woman's right. If not, let be, as the evidence has proven guilt. I don't trust laws they make. As for the emtonial argumnets well that is just plain specuation and one down right offsive . I don't know if she had any other children than the three who died that day but it doesn't matter. It's clearly not simply "depraved indifference", because the standard for depraved indifference is firing guns into crowds of people, or driving a car through a crowded pedestrian area running people over, something that, while not specifically intending to kill any specific person, shows a callous disregard for human life. Mr. Martin ought to be ashamed of himself for violating professional norms.Although you found time to utter the falsehoods I have debunked above, you did not challenge my main points. The guilty sometimes get away with murder. On a side note to Anon 11:15, that particular bit of nonsense isn't going to cut it. Muhammad said nothing before his death when given a chance to make a final statement and he was pronounced dead at 9:11 pm. of these family members expressed feeling of horror as he watched the life being purposely drained from this mans body. There is a big difference in saying "this was definitely an accidental fire" and saying that you "wouldn't make an affirmative finding of arson based on the evidence I reviewed." No lawyer with integrity would so slander a dead client to save face. Or do you not get it ? Tulsa Obituaries | Local Obits for Tulsa, OK - He had a way with women and treated them real nice. Beyler was paid to write a report about arson investigations, not to weigh in on Mr. Willingham's guilt or lack thereof, and certainly not for his (unknown) views on the death penalty. "Also, I could have posted as "Anonymous" but chose to use my actual name. One story said he was more interested in saving his car, though one could speculate that perhaps he moved the car because it was something he could do to aid in the firefighters effort to rescue his children.

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stacy kuykendall obituary