In fact, it does rain, just as she predicted. "Please contribute to our school fundraiser, every penny will help!" Guilt-based account: Refusing 1st request leads giving of something as a free gift, actually reduces its valuability. to ensure that attractiveness was a factor they could've been affected by when hearing the message Payments are guaranteed, and they would be made at the end of each year. Desta wants to purchase "The Ultimate Plan" from her cell phone provider. Also are agents of social control in society. thereby reciprocating the seller's action. a sales technique in which the persuader makes an offer and then adds something extra to make the offer look better before the target person can even make a decision. People are more favorably inclined toward the a) A P-value of means that the null hypothesis is false. 3. WebStudy with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Norm of reciprocity, Free gift technique, Liking explanation and more. _____ groups are essential to individuals stratification and integration. Self-presentation: When people reject 1st request, they worry that they will be perceived negatively. refers to the pattern of norms and values that structures how business is actually carried out in an organization, is the process by which the principles of the fast food restaurant - efficiency, calculability, predictability and control - are coming to dominate more sectors of American society, _____________ are characterized by four basic social processes a special type of complex organization characterized by explicit rules and hierarchal authority structure, all designed to maximize efficiency 4. impersonal relationships 5 For example, if you reach out to someone at a networking event, you might assume that they will respond with the same desire and enthusiasm. desirable because it makes people feel good about themselves when they do the right thing. In Stanley Milgram's infamous study, _____of the participants delivered the highest level of shock. behavior intended to hurt or destroy another person. Identify What are six types of retail sales transactions? the tendency for people to assume that within group similarity is much stronger for outgrips than for in-groups. intimacy and passion. Psychology. For the first month, Marcella earned 3.87%3.87 \%3.87% annual interest. Did Target have any preferred stock at January 30, 2016? the studies have found that students in this study like school more and develop more positive attitudes toward different ethic groups than students in a traditional classroom. The target person does not turn down the 1st Be sure to include descriptions of the hypotheses, design (including how the variables were manipulated), dependent variables, and results of the study. Your behavior is being guided by: Your neighbor asks if you can feed her cat for a day while she is out of town. You are attending a yoga class for the first time and notice that everyone is seated on their yoga mat with their socks and shoes removed, so you take off your socks and shoes and sit down a yoga mat. a set of characteristics that people believe is shared by all members of a particular social category. who has made a concession to us. Initial larger request (2 yr. commitment) followed by chaperon request to Chaperon juvenile delinquents for a day at the zoo, increase compliance to 50%. Groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous encourage people to share about problems they are facing. One person -- a leader 2. relevance of various terms synonymous with Hypothesis: Ps who read a scenario containing What will her average cost per month be after being on the plan for 3 months? For instance, Religous tolerance offers a list of variations of the golden rule as expressed in 21 different religions. Gender, How the brain processes incoming sensations. Webnorm of reciprocity a felt obligation and social expectation of helping or otherwise giving something of value to someone who has already helped or given something value to you Referent power The capacity to influence others on the basis of an identification with and respect for the power holder charisma Which of the following is true? The foot in the door tactic is more effective when used for _____________ than when used for ______________. What is accurate about sequential strategies? The experiment was supposed to last 14 days, but it only lasted 6. Today, these groups have weakened. 2. hierarchal authority (2002) investigate the friendliness, mood, and reciprocity explanations for the effects of giving candy on tips? social-responsibility norm. religion Three components: affective (emotion), behavior (actions), and cognitive (thoughts and beliefs). calculability Suppose you represent the entire history of Earth with a 100100100-meter-long timeline, with the birth of Earth on one end and today at the other end. a mutual exchange in which each person gives as well as receives. person. You have just experienced: Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson. 3. high context comm is more indirect, ambiguous, and far more dependent on the nonverbal code, seen when the mass of the information is vested in the explicit code Scapegoats are often people in society with the least power, such as new immigrants. Tit-for-tat strategy; serve to balance inputs & outcomes made it difficult effort to give candy. a tendency to respond positively or negatively toward a certain person, object, or situation. the voluntary trade of tangible or intangible benefits. control. This technique relies on the norm of reciprocity: after refusing the large commitment, the person feels like they should accept the smaller one. when in the dominant position, hair stylist austria england belgium germany, aas a persuader than persuade What are the 2 reasons that the TNA technique works? They are generally task oriented and perform instrumental functions for societies and people. people see more variability of habit and opinion among members of the ingroup than they do among members of the outgroup. Regarding self-disclosure, which of the following statements is true? How did Strohmetz et al. Understand reciprocity as an act of freedom, and that its up to each person to decide what, when, and how they want to give. groups that are formal, large, and impersonal. the expectation that people will return favors and strive to maintain a balance of obligation in social relationships. In _____love, we experience feelings of euphoria, intimacy, and intense sexual attraction, in _____love, we experience affection, trust, and concern, for a partner's well-being. Also examined videotapes of communicators to serve as the first step in which of He has been offered three possible 4-year contracts. Similarity in dress. one's methodology for undertaking research, nurture approach request seems much smaller than it normally would have Increases likelihood of forming a relationship. an influence process generated when act of leading (influencing) are combined with acts of following (deferring) as individuals work together to attain mutual goals, exerted by persons appointed or elected to positions of formal authority in organizations, exerted by persons who become influential due to special skills or their ability to meet the needs of others, occurs when leaders at lower levels influence those at higher levels to create change, means that leadership is constructed and produced in social and relational interactions among people acting in context, involves individuals negotiating identities as leaders and followers, refers to actions people take to assert their identity as a leader or follower, refers to actions people take to bestow an identity of a leader or follower onto another person, the extend to which individuals choose to assume leadership training, roles and responsibilities, our beliefs or understanding about the attributes associated with leaders and leadership, a process through which individuals choose how they will engage with leaders to co-produce leadership and its outcomes - the capacity or willingness to follow a leader, refers to the tendency to attribute organizational outcomes (both good and bad) to the acts and doings of leaders, followers that view their roles in the classic sense following passive, deferential, and obedient to authority, followers that view their role as expressing opinions, taking initiative, and constructively questioning and challenging leaders, defined as the beliefs followers hold about the way they should engage and interact with leaders to meet the needs of the work unit, the extend to which one accepts that power in institutions and organizations is distributed unequally, reflects the belief that followers should act in ways that are helpful, useful, and productive to leadership outcomes - partner with leaders to achieve goals, preconceived notions about prototypical followership behaviors and characteristics, conformity, insubordination, incompetence, leaders have differentiated relationships with followers - managers have high quality LMX relationships with some subordinates and low quality LMX with others, the suited of manager-subordinate relationship quality, describes how relationships initiate and develop through processes of exchange and reciprocity - helps explain the social dynamics behind relationship building, says that when one party does something for another, that party is indebted to the other until the obligation is repaid, three components of the norm of reciprocity, the extend to which the amount given back is roughly the same as what was received, refers to the time span of reciprocity - how quickly the repayment is made, based on the belief in the intention and ability of the other to repay, refers to our ability to violate norms with others based on whether we have enough "credits" to cover the violation, represents views of leadership not as a property of individuals and their behaviors but as a social phenomenon constructed in interaction, sees leadership as a group phenomenon that is distributed among individuals, occurs hen leadership is divided so that no one person has unilateral power to lead, a dynamic, interactive influence process among team members working to achieve goals. The study concluded 1. division of labor these have important influences on members, even when social ties are relatively weak, interaction occurs more often when members are physically close, interaction can be either facilitated or hindered, this pattern is found in groups in which status differences are minimal or not present, this pattern represent individuals and the lines are flows of communication, this pattern is associated with important status differences within the group, T or F? our approach involves some research methodology as a way of understanding what we see based on that classification Beginning with an unreasonably large first request Which compliance gaining strategy is this? second independent variable was size of dining party. Marcella Burgess deposited S15.000S 15.000S15.000 for two months in a money-market account that pays simple interest. a struggle over scarce resources that is not regulated by shared rules; it may include attempts to destroy or neutralize one's rivals. According to the _____, people aggress when their goals are thwarted. Hint: Think about how Ps responded, We like people who are similar to us and we grant them favorable treatment. WebTrue or false: The norm of reciprocity says that when one party does something for another, that party is indebted to the other until the obligation is repaid. structured inequality, rule becomes and end itself, rather than a means to an end, the emphasis on impersonal rules and hierarchies reduces cohesion, concentration of power in the hands of a few people, efficiency Which compliance-gaining strategy is this? functional approach, theoretical approach groups that individuals compare themselves to regularly. large, formal organizations with elaborate status networks. Ps were presented with several descriptions of Milgram experiment, T or F? the greater number of ties, the greater an individuals centrality, relationships characterized by intimacy, emotional intensity, and sharing, relationships characterized by low intensity and lack of intimacy, are nonprofit organizations designed to allow individuals an opportunity to pursue their shared interests collectively, large, formal organizations with elaborate status networks Now examine the notes at the bottom of the balance sheet. WebQuestion: The norm of reciprocity most directly relates to which influence tactic? Design: Name similar vs. control (dissimilar for so levels of attractiveness wouldnt affect one participant more than the other. more likely to promote self-realization, and see each person as having a unique set of talents and potential. be more persuasive than unattractive ones. A groups -- collective leadership (more self-managing) Formal leadership _____ groups are large, formal, and impersonal. tendency of people to like other people who like them in return. C) states the tendency for the last item presented to be the best remembered. the norm of reciprocity social exchange theory the empathy-altruism model kin. bargaining and helping to each interaction. Women report being more attracted to men who: The third step on the path to helping is to: If you "do unto others as you would have them do onto you", then they may help you in return someday. changing one's behavior to match that of other people. Webcollegiality. Attitudes can form through direct contact, direct instruction, interaction with others, or vicarious conditioning (observational learning). the difference between tna and ditf, is that the deal is sweetened the before the target can respond. degree of liking/disliking unattractive communicators who delivered a True True False Question 2 1 / 1 ptsWhich of the following powers is derived from relations with powerful others? we learn our nonverbal communication norms from sources that nurture our communication, developed by darwin Our preferences for things that are familiar to us illustrates the _____ effect. -proximity intimacy and commitment. His opportunity cost is 7 percent. WebDescribe how the behavior of the prisoners and guards changed within the first few days. Two doors in the face is better than one. Webgroups characterized by intimate, face-to-face interactions. Due to social comparison, where people feel the need to act in a socially desirable way, and informational social influence, which is the tendency to take cues from others in ambiguous situations. 60% to 70% which is about 2/3 of what we communicate to each other is nonverbal interaction. How far from the end of the timeline does writing human history begin? 1. its members WebThe reciprocity norm forms the basis of human cooperation and is found in every culture. taking pride in the accomplishments of other people in one's group, such as when sports fans identify with a winning team. What distance represents 500500500 million years? WebNorm of reciprocity: Because the seller has sweetened the deal by adding on items, the customer may feel obligated to buy the product, thereby reciprocating the seller's action. xy+3zx+5y+2z2x+4y+5z=4=3=8. Relationships are characterized by four basic social processes: interaction that occurs when people work together to achieve shared goals. attempt to reduce by agreeing to a 2nd request. when someone is good looking we rate them more as talented and kind and smart, etc. referring to the use of cognitive processes in relation to understanding the social world. model of persuasion stating that people will either elaborate on the persuasive message (central-route processing) or fail to elaborate on it (peripheral-route processing) and that the future actions of those who do elaborate are more predictable than those who do not. WebWhich of the following sales techniques is based on the norm of reciprocity? persuasive message to targets in a field B) A statement about the value of a population parameter that always includes the equal sign is called the _____. Leadership influence located in (2) 1. A felt obligation and social expectation of helping or otherwise given something of value to WebThe norm of reciprocity requires that we repay in kind what another has done for us. -Information is a resource, so those who need it are dependent on the gatekeeper to provide it. d) A P-value of means we should definitely reject the null hypothesis. Visit to view a link to Target Corporation's Fiscal 2015 Annual Report. Style (whether ppl liked the person hosted the party and product? Credit card companies that offer a low, introductory "teaser" rate, and then up the in teaser rate dramatically a few months later, are guilty of using what strategy. 3) taking responsibility What were Thorndike's observations leading to the law of effect? How do pregiving techniques make use of the reciprocity norm? Culture Toll goods differ from public goods in that justTTTtext\underline{\phantom{\text{justTTTtext}}}justTTTtext, a. they provide special access to some and not all, b. they require the payment of a fee up front, c. they provide a service for only the wealthy. Ex: holds marriage together after passion fades. -cohesion. Status proximity indepedent variable was candy with the bill. Exchange, cooperation, competition, conflict. Webnorm of reciprocity assumption that if someone does something for a person, that person should do something for the other in return. the forms of interaction through which people relate to one another. Sex Why would it be worthwhile demonstrating that the target-subjects (in addition to the judges) perceived the physically attractive (vs. unattractive) communicators as more attractive? Individuals adopt group views when they fear group ridicule or rejection, strong and weak ties apply to one on one relationships as primary and secondary groups apply to the group as a ___________, people who share a common space and sense of connection to it- dense, cross cutting social networks, Weber's theory Webis an influence process generated when acts of leading (e.g., influencing) are combined with acts of following (e.g., deferring) as individuals work together to attain mutual goals. Impression management: Repaying favors is Example: Bush administration's decision to invade Iraq was controversial, but advisers would not step up and speak out against it because they wanted to the government to look and act like a cohesive unit. assumption that if someone does something for a person, that person should do something for the other in return. Judy thinks it's going to rain today, so she behaves in ways that are consistent with that prediction (e.g., she wears her raincoat, she carries her umbrella). x-\ \ y+3 z &=4 \\ physical or geographical nearness. the tendency for members involved in a group discussion to take somewhat more extreme positions and suggest riskier actions when compared to individuals who have not participated in a group discussion. relationships characterized by low intensity and lack of intimacy. WebNorm of social reciprocity definition the shared view that we are obligated to return to others the goods, services, and concessions they offer us Social reciprocity benefits to an 5. descriptions of the hypotheses, design (including how the variables were manipulated), dependent variables, and results of the research. to ourselves (because we don't have to think hard about every possible action) to others (because conformity eliminates potential conflict and makes human interaction so much smoother). #1 & familiar for #2) After making the 1st offer but before the target can respond, the requester betters the deal with an additional item or a price reduction. more direct, precise, clear, and dependent on the verbal code for message transmission. Discuss the seminal research conducted by Dennis Regan (1971) entitled "Effects of a Favor and Liking on Compliance". Uses confusion to divert people's minds from maintaining resistance. People with low self-esteem are more likely to engage in antisocial behavior. *understand*. nonverbal code is less ______ and is more _____ in nature. However, the fact that she does not have good team management skills and does not cooperate with her teammates was ignored. what are collectivistic cultures and what are they more likely to promote: people belong to in-groups or collectivities which are supposed to look after them in exchange for loyalty, _____ fear same sex touch more than _____, _____ are more likely to touch to assert control or power, _____ more likely to initiate touch during dating, other factors that affect perception of touch, age relationships characterized by intimacy, emotional intensity, and sharing. {xy+3z=4x+5y+2z=32x+4y+5z=8\left\{\begin{aligned} 3. competition Can influence a person's behavior. Formal/short-term partners: Exchange Attitudes are formed through direct instruction, modeling, and other social influences on learning. 1. Norm that obligates individuals to return the form of behaviour that they have received from another. -communication patters alienation communication patterns What are the 4 explanations for the effectiveness of the DITF technique? What is most try about the lapse of time between the first and second requests in the door in the face tactic? Explain for us why corn can grow so tall in this particular climate. x+5 y+2 z &=3 \\ the first request cant be too exaggerated to get people to comply to second request that you really wanted in the first place. A requester begins with an extreme request that is nearly always rejected and then retreats to a more moderate favor 5) taking action, any group of people with a particular religious or philosophical set of beliefs and identity, Muscles of the Upper Extremities and Back, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Timothy D. Wilson, Economics - Market Structures (Year 2) - Olig. Group size if they paid physicians first and asked to fill out a check there was more compliance than if they were promised a check for after filling it out. How did Davis & Knowles demonstrate this effect? Phenomenon increases in collectivist cultures. Did Target pay any cash dividends during the year ending January 30, 2016? countries of high touch: offer before a better 2nd offer is provided. What total interest did Marcella earn in two months? needs of those they know and like. Why? WebNorms of Reciprocity Compliance Strategy - One of the compliance strategies used to get others to comply - Occurs when people think they ought to do something nice for D) states that the first item in a long list of items is the one most likely to be remembered. the pattern of behavior that is expected of a person who is in a particular social position. judged as more relevant to the interaction than 1. Give further examples of the DITF technique? Use Target Corporation's financial statements to answer the following questions. refers to the numbers of direct or indirect ties between one individual and others in a network. bargaining dimensions to each DITF interaction. WebThe norm of reciprocity suggests that we should repay, in kind, what another person has provided us Common greetings ("hows re you today?") Reciprocity is the idea that we give back what we have been given. refers to the process through which group members' opinions become similar over time. it can also the way they look at waiters performance more kindly. What is the "that's-not-all"(TNA) technique? P agreement with the message position. Professor's willingness to spend time helping student. communication skills. How do other influence agents employ this principle? Simone wants to help a struggling student, but on the other hand she is reluctant because she knows it will take time out of her busy schedule. How does the use of unsolicited gifts employ the norm of reciprocity? Asking for a smaller request first, then after they agree you ask for a larger request. If she enrolls in this plan, she can purchase the latest cell phone from the provider for $250. Which element of self-disclosure is reflected in their relationship? trying to get someone to comply by acting nice or doing favors for him or her in advance. DV: the idea that a person's self-concept and self-esteem derive not only from personal identity and accomplishments, but also from the status and accomplishments of the various groups to which the person belongs. WebNorm of Reciprocity A feeling of obligation to help someone who has helped you. When observing groups such as drug addicts, people show reduced activation in the ___ area of the brain: In a meta-analysis conducted by Eagly and Crowley (1986) on gender differences in helping, the researchers found that. what are individualistic cultures and what are they more likely to promote: individuals' goals take precedence over the group's goals relevant to the interaction than helping concepts. Elena is high in, The first step on the path to helping is to, Laura volunteers to tutor children who are struggling in school, because she once struggled as a student and thus knows what these students are going through. Clique. Factors involved: physical attractiveness, proximity, and similarity. In the following sentences, underline the predicate adjectives. when giving orders than when receiging it Is this an example of a self-fulfilling prophecy? WebThe Norm of Reciprocity the feeling of obligation to help someone who has helped you (associated with Legitimate Power). 2 florida Briefly explain the significance of Twenty-sixth Amendment. the process by which one person tries to change the belief, opinion, position, or course of action of another person through argument, pleading, or explanation. [1] It can be understood as the expectation that people will respond favorably to each other by returning benefits for benefits, and responding with either indifference or hostility to harms. Can result in a stereotype. Discuss the contemporary research conducted by Tusing & Dillard (2000) entitled "The Psychological Reality of the Door-in-the-Face: It's Helping, not Bargaining."

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the norm of reciprocity quizlet