The people might approach God personally and through the ministry of a mediating priesthood, their representatives before Him; He would direct the nation through the ministry of prophets, His appointed representatives to them. Changes will take effect once you reload the page. The Christian church is a spiritual nation scattered all over the world, and such details obviously could not apply to it in a literal sense. Instead of becoming light bearers to the world they absorbed its darkness and reflected that darkness instead. In view of the light they had received from God, they were even worse than the heathen, to whom they felt so much superior. This count was 48 male and 7 female Prophets.. Of course, there is much debate about who is included in the list. Indeed, this secondary application is for us today the more significant. From generation to generation these holy men of God (2 Peter 1:21) called Israel to repentance and righteousness and kept alive the Messianic hope. Thus it was with Daniel, a bright example of what man may become, even in this life, if he will make God his strength and wisely improve the opportunities and privileges within his reach (see Daniel 1:8-20). This page and its content is copyright 2012. The church in this generation has been endowed by God with great privileges and blessings, and He expects corresponding returns. Large Map of the Roman Empire in the Early First Century - Click around on the Places. In spite of the bold and zealous efforts of such prophets as Elijah, Elisha, Amos, and Hosea, the northern kingdom rapidly deteriorated and was eventually carried into Assyrian captivity. Maps are essential for any serious Bible study. 4:3 with Amos 8:8; Hosea 4:15 with Amos 5:5; and Hosea 8:14 with Amos 2:5). All that had been promised might yet come to pass if they would only love and serve Him (Zechariah 6:15; cf. Blog / Chart of Israel's and Judah's Kings and Prophets August 11, 2014 Chart of Israel's and Judah's Kings and Prophets Jonathan Petersen Blogger Grid member Craig T. Owens ( @craigtowens) has created the helpful chart below delineating the Old Testament prophets and kings of Israel and Judah: [ See the updated version of this chart] Owens says: This is a timeline of the development of prophecy among the Jews in Judaism. The student of the Bible who hopes to secure from it the greatest help will first proceed to reconstruct the historical context of each passage. The table down shows where in time the . 1 0 obj All nations of earth were to share in the blessings so generously bestowed upon Israel. But, said the angel, Messiah would be rejected and cut off, because of the abominations of Israel, and Jerusalem and the Temple would once more life waste (verses 26, 27). Encouraging Hezekiah and the people through his own trust in God, he was instrumental in saving Jerusalem. Nation after nation would come over (Isaiah 45:14), that is, be joined with and cleave to the house of Jacob (chapter 14:1). Similarly, the ways in which God dealt with men in crises of the past are often cited as examples of the manner in which He will deal with all the world in the last day (see on Deuteronomy 18:15). Thus it was with Moses, of whom, to the very day of his death, it could be said that his eye was not dim, nor his natural force abated (Deuteronomy 34:7). Even the heathen would recognize the superiority of those who served and worshiped the living God. Jotham (750 -735) inactive in rule after Hosea Amos Zechariah The promises God made to Abraham endured through his descendants and the prophets, and they continue to stand true alongside the church's existence today. Revelation 17:13, 14, 17). Matthew 19:16, 17; 22:36-40). Click on the different category headings to find out more. But when the Jews rejected Christ there was no such assurance of reinstatement. This call came to him in the 13th year of King Josiah (chapters 1:2; 25:3), about 627. Remember that the record of Gods dealings with His people in ages past has been recorded for the benefit of all later generations to the end of time. Nahum is called the Elkoshite (chapter 1:1), but Elkosh is unknown as a place name, although commentators have tried to identify it with Elkesi in northern Galilee, Alkush near Mosul, and a town near Eleutheropolis in Judah. Accordingly, Abraham became in a special sense the Friend of God (James 2:23) and the father of all them that believe (Romans 4:11). Contributors: Alice Mathews Adopted by the Theology of Work Project Board December 9, 2010. The day, before, He had called it my house (chapter 21:13), but henceforth He no longer owned it as His. The older generation place him in the 9th century B.C., whereas most commentators are now inclined to assign him either to the time of King Josiah or to the postexilic period. 2 Kings 20:1-5; and of promised blessing, see Exodus 6:2-8; cf. 4:14; Colossians 2:2-4, 8; 2 Peter 1:16; Revelation 22:18). This leaves Ezekiel with a ministry of at least 22 years, from 593/92 to 571/70. If you do not want that we track your visit to our site you can disable tracking in your browser here: We also use different external services like Google Webfonts, Google Maps, and external Video providers. Here Paul affirms that the rejection of the Jews did not mean that the promises of God had taken none effect (Romans 9:6), and explains immediately that they are to become effective through spiritual Israel. We use cookies to let us know when you visit our websites, how you interact with us, to enrich your user experience, and to customize your relationship with our website. All dates are given according to the Common Era, not the Hebrew calendar. Since Jothams sole reign began after the death of his father Uzziah in 740/39, the initial date for Micahs prophetic ministry should probably be placed after that date. Our study of messages originally proclaimed by holy men of old to the people of their day is not to become an end in itself, but a means of discovering the will of God for all who would render Him truehearted service now, at the climax of the ages. x=kU0g\ET,? Those nations that rejected the worship and service of the true God, were to be dispossessed, and Israel would inherit the Gentiles chapter (54:3). or during the early years of his reign. Promises not already fulfilled to literal Israel either would never be fulfilled at all or would be fulfilled to the Christian church as spiritual Israel. Having declined, thus, to surrender themselves to God as His agents for the salvation of the human race, the Jews, as a nation, became agents of Satan for the destruction of the race. His work is characterized by skill in the use of language, a well-balanced syntax, and a lively and impressive poetry. Furthermore, the rise of the Chaldeans and their invasion of the West is predicted, but this seemed at that time completely incredible (chapter 1:5-7). He should not be confused with Micaiah, the son of Imlah, a prophet of Israel in Ahabs time (9th century B.C.). The remaining messages and prophecies, found in chapters 9-14, are not dated, a fact that prevents us from fixing the duration of the prophets activity. The modernist school of interpretation bases its position on the a priori assumption that any knowledge of the future is impossible, and ignores all evidence to the contrary. He would have come, He would have died, and would have risen again. The short book of Obadiah, consisting of only 21 verses, is not dated and its chronological setting is uncertain. Timeline: Prophets in the Reigns of Kings of Judah and Israel Timeline: Prophets in the Reigns of Kings of Judah and Israel This tables shows the reigns of each of the Kings of Judah and Israel, together with the dates and lengths of the reigns, and the prophets who were active at that time. However, there is no valid reason why Malachi should not be considered a proper name. Log in, Chart of Old Testament Prophets and Kings, timeline of Old Testament prophets and kings, David, great goodness and great sins, yet always a man after Gods own heart, Samuel and Saul, the importance of listening to God & how to do it, Judges & Ruth, My Way or Gods Way, how to live the best way, How to Correctly Understand & Apply Bible Stories & Biblical Narratives, The Book of Joshua, 9 Lessons on how to fight and win in the battles of life, Chart of Old Testament Prophets and Kingswhere they fit in history, NEW for 2023 Reading Schedules through the Bible in Chronological Historical order, plus free journaling pages, Intro & Overview of Old Testament Prophets, little understood, incredibly important, Joshua: How to fight and win in the battles of life, Deuteronomy: Gods love and how we should live in response. God may reject one nation or group of people in favor of another if those first summoned persistently refuse to cooperate with Him (see Jeremiah 18:6-10; cf. Superior intellect. The fundamental principle by which we can tell unerringly when any particular promise or prediction of the Old Testament made originally to literal Israel is to meet its fulfillment with respect to spiritual Israel iswhen a later inspired writer makes such an application of it. Jonah **Uzziah is alive until 740, King of Israel Jeroboam II (793-753) Important Dates 760 750 740 (767-740**) but 750. If the nation had been faithful to its trust and had appreciated the high destiny reserved for it by God, the whole earth would have awaited the coming of the Messiah with eager expectancy. For a graphic picture of how one nation would have responded to the irresistible appeal radiating from an Israel faithful to God, see Isaiah 19:18-22; cf. It is certain, however, that he lived and labored in the southern kingdom, and that his main prophecy dealt with Assyria in general and Nineveh in particular. Furthermore, Old Testament prophecy must first be examined in terms of its historical application to literal Israel before the validity of a derived application to spiritual Israel may be undertaken. The following cookies are also needed - You can choose if you want to allow them: You can read about our cookies and privacy settings in detail on our Privacy Policy Page. THE EXILE c.585-c.457 BC With the call of Abraham, God set in operation a definite plan for bringing the Messiah into the world and for presenting the gospel invitation to all men (Genesis 12:1-3). Isaiah 3:12; 9:16) meant the permanent, irrevocable cancellation of their special standing before God as a nation (cf. In preparation for this time please read 2 Kings 23:29-25:30, & 2 Chronicles 36. Among them about 30,000 are specified (Ezra 2 and Neh 7) as belonging to the tribes of Judah, Benjamin, and Levi. A portion of the nation of Israel returned to Jerusalem under Zerubbabel in 535 B.C., and then with Ezra in 458 B.C., and Nehemiah in 444 B.C. After the murder of Gedaliah, the new governor of Judea, the Jews of Mizpah, fearing the revenge of Nebuchadnezzar, went to Egypt and took with them Jeremiah as well as his secretary Baruch (chapter 43:6). The covenant with literal Israel proved faulty, not because God failed to carry out His part of the covenant, but rather because Israels fair promises proved evanescent as the morning dew (Hosea 6:4; 13:3; Hebrews 8:6, 7). This division, though tragic, served to insulate, for a time, the southern kingdom, Judah, from the tide of idolatry that soon engulfed the northern kingdom, Israel (see Hosea 4:17). Not only is Malachi last in the sequential order of the prophets; it is also the last prophetic book produced in pre-Christian times. After the great final call to the world to acknowledge the true God, those who persisted in refusing allegiance to Him would unite together with the evil thought of laying siege to the city of Jerusalem and taking it by force of arms, in order to appropriate to themselves the material advantages with which God had blessed His people (Ezekiel 38:8-12; Jeremiah 25:32; Joel 3:1, 12; Zechariah 12:2-9; 14:2; cf. Holiness of character (Levites 19:2; see on Matthew 5:48). Story of Esther, (535 BC: First portion of Ezra; 515 BC: Second portion of Ezra and Haggai and Zecharia; Joel possibly some time later; 474 BC: Esther; 450 BC: Remainder of Ezra, Nehemiah, and Malachi. together with the dates and lengths of the reigns, and the prophets They rejected the Light of the world, and henceforth their lives were surrounded with darkness as the darkness of midnight. We fully respect if you want to refuse cookies but to avoid asking you again and again kindly allow us to store a cookie for that. The Talmud (Megillah 14a) says that there had been twice as many prophets as the number of people who left Egypt (2,600,000), but only those whose messages were for future generations were recorded. Since the hostile acts of the heathen peoples committed against Judah (chapter 3:4 ff.) Gods word is sure (Isaiah 40:8; 55:11; Romans 11:29), and His plan for the salvation of man will ultimately prevail (Isaiah 46:10). ;vx(>_w$ [U-hFzy\v?>}_|z|wxuzv/jO]vNNrz'_=}2 @/^? See also Jewish history which includes links to individual country histories. DIVIDED KINGDOM c.930-c.586 BC From the internal strife that divided the nation of Israel to the prophets who warned of the coming exile. When the Jews rejected Christ as the Messiah, God in turn rejected them and commissioned the Christian church as His chosen instrument for the salvation of the world (Matthew 28:19, 20; 2 Corinthians 5:18-20; 1 Peter 2:9, 10; etc.). Hosea. Image by True and whole-hearted worship ushers in peace and blessing from the land. We hope what you find here will add to your understanding of and appreciation for the Bible. In trying to keep all of these people and messages clear in my mind, I have put together a list of all the kings and prophets during the period of the divided kingdom (roughly 931-586 BC). Isaiah 54:7; Ezekiel 36:11; 43:10, 11; Micah 6:8; Zechariah 10:6). See Deuteronomy 7:13; 28:2-8; Malachi 3:8-11. Gods call to the nations would have been, Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth (Isaiah 45:22). It was last of all that God sent unto them his son, according to Christs own words (Matthew 21:37), but they caught him and slew him (verse 39). All this leads to the conclusion that Micah prophesied from about 740 to about 700 B.C. Ninevehs destruction, which came in 612, is referred to as a future event, indicating that Zephaniahs work preceded this date. Spiritual Israel includes both Jews and Gentiles (verse 24). Yet the book contains no clear indication of the time in which the prophet lived. As the people cooperated with the directions God gave them in regard to the culture of the soil, the land would gradually be restored to Edenic fertility and beauty (Isaiah 51:3). Under Nebuchadnezzars successors Daniels service seems not to have been desired. Due to security reasons we are not able to show or modify cookies from other domains. Israel was confronted with the choice of blessings or curses. 2nd return of exiles (458) Malachi (c. 460) 440. Ultimately Israel was conquered by Assyria and went into captivity in 721 BC, never to return as an independent nation. First Century Israel Map - The sons of the stranger [or Gentile, 1 Kings 8:41; see on Exodus 12:19, 43] would join themselves to the Lord, to serve him, and to love the name of the Lord (Isaiah 56:6; Zechariah 2:11). [1][2]The last Jewish prophet is believed to have been Malachi. The ministry of Amos may therefore have fallen in the years 767-753 B.C. The close of his ministry is tentatively set by some scholars at 510. They brought forth wild grapes rather than the mature fruit of a Godlike character (Isaiah 5:1-7; cf. Some believe that the prophet refers to the conquest of Jerusalem at the time of King Jehoram (2 Kings 8:20-22; 2 Chronicles 21:8-10, 16, 17) in the 9th century; others believe that the prophet is speaking of Jerusalems destruction by Nebuchadnezzar in 586 B.C. Hence, 640 B.C., about midway between the two limits, marked by the destruction of Thebes and the fall of Nineveh, would seem to be a reasonable conjectural date for Nahums prophetic ministry. Large Map of Israel in the First Century - Click around on the Cities. The kings of Assyria, Babylonia, and Persia, whose dates for this period are well established, are shown in a separate column. Prophecies of the former classification cannot now be fulfilled because they were strictly conditional in nature and limited in scope, by their very nature, to literal Israel. Because these cookies are strictly necessary to deliver the website, refusing them will have impact how our site functions. Pride obscured their vision [see Luke 19:42]. But because of apostasy it was the predictions of national honor and glory that could not be fulfilled. But the Scriptures record the fact that they disobeyed God and proved disloyal to Him instead. Updated: Chart of Israels and Judahs Kings and Prophets, Sign up to receive in your inbox a free daily reading of the Old & New Testament from Bible Gateway, Chart of Israels and Judahs Kings and Prophets, Reading and Understanding the Bible: An Interview with Ben Witherington III, The Cities That Built the Bible: Guest Post by Robert Cargill, The Bible in Graphic Novel Form: An Interview with Art Ayris. In Judea: prophecy of Zephaniah, Jeremiah, Obadiah, and Habakkuk In the introduction to his book he declares that he worked under the kings Uzziah of Judah and Jeroboam II of Israel. All Israel consists of both Jews and Gentiles, thus all Israel shall be saved (Romans 11:25, 26). He has a controversy with them because they have rebelled against His authority (Jeremiah 25:31-33), and He will judge (Joel 3:9-17) and destroy them there (Isaiah 34:1-8; 63:1-6; 66:15-18). Joshua and Judges spoke of the history just after the time of Moses. All rights reserved.

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timeline of the prophets of israel