In 2003, they got their opportunity when a young fin whale beached on Sunset Beach in Orange County, California. There's a reason people compare garbled voicemails to listening to someone talk underwaterour ears just aren't built for a watery world. Bowhead Whales: Songbirds Of The Arctic Sea, Forbes (link). About 3 months ago she broke her neck vertebrae C2. The hairballs which showed back up after I slowed down on the Covid supplements and other supplements have once again come to naught. (A and D) In situ cochlea through a translucent rendering of the petrosal bone presented in ventral view. PCA of Nine Parameters of the Cochlea within Artiodactyla This dataset was compiled based [+] on the PCA of Churchill et al. Mr. Mourlam and Dr. Orliac used Micro x-ray Computed Tomography (micro-CT) to examine the internal structures of the two fossil petrosal bones. I ordered some comfrey leaf plantain leaf tea from someone on etsy and comfrey leaf tablets and took them three times a day and drank a pot of tea daily. Note: Content may be edited for style and length. We now know that some species of whales have a 12-octave hearing range, compared to eight in humans. To learn more about our cookies, how we use them and their benefits, please read our Privacy Policy, Posted by Heidi (Narvon, Pa) on 09/15/2014, Posted by JoCarol (United States) on 04/10/2019, Posted by HisJewel (New York) on 10/04/2021, Posted by J (Jefferson, Texas) on 01/25/2018, Posted by Julie (Melbourne, Australia) on 08/26/2014, Posted by Romona (Olivet, Michigan) on 03/16/2009, Posted by Howard (Shawnee Mission, Kansas 66201) on 12/21/2008, Posted by Ann (Union County, NJ) on 03/03/2007, Posted by Carol (OKC, U. S. Cotylocara was one of the earliest whales to use echolocation, Colombian officials halt research, seize animals at NIH-supported facility after alleged monkey mistreatment, Scientists in India protest move to drop Darwinian evolution from textbooks. If too firm, add a little more olive oil. Unique Biochemical and Mineral Composition of Whale Ear Bones (Oil should be -1 inch above the leaves.) official website and that any information you provide is encrypted These human-made noises come primarily from three sources: commercial shipping, energy exploration, and military exercises. I used a tincture of comfrey acquired from the local healthfood store. Currently, there are two competing hypotheses regarding which end of the hearing frequency spectrum evolved first: did the early whales (Protocetidae) first begin hearing low-frequency sounds (i. e; ref) or high-frequency sounds (ref)? National Library of Medicine Epub 2014 Mar 17. But obviously she has an injury. It can cause the outer layers of tissue to form before the deeper layers, increasing the risk of infection. Topography of vibration frequency responses on the bony tympano-periotic complex of the pilot whale Globicephala macrorhynchus. Yes I have Honours in Biochemistry, and I research until I get to the truth. This unique feature is absent in modern terrestrial artiodactyls and is suggested to be important in underwater hearing. Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies (DF) Protocetidae indet. San Diego State University. Baleen whales hear through their bones Using a computer simulation of a fin whale head, scientists discovered the animal's skull amplifies and conducts low Last year, my Comfrey salve completely healed my stage 1 bedsore in one week! ZWJhZGE4MDIxODg3NWNiYmIyZmM0MTEzNzk3NTFhOGRhNzdhYzRiMWExYjMw It's not difficult to do the research on this one but I can see why people get confused! In these species the jaw joint is also called the temporomandibular joint, or TMJ. Physical Characteristics:Whale Middle Ear Bones, fossilized. ZTQ4OTEyYjk1ZjgwYTVmZTM4YWFmY2ZkYWRjNmJiNzU1MjUzYzczZDA0MjNj PLoS One. Others think that the ear channel is closed off, and both the channel and Y2UwMmI1NzI3NDUyOTZhMGZjZTgzM2RmMTRlMzcwNmY3NGQyMzY0Mzk1MTc2 Enjoy! Just over a week ago, a young friend had a fall off his motor bike and broke his collar bone. M2JhMGMyNDcwMDE0ZmZjNmVkZjU5NjAyYzZiZWU4NWM4ZThlNjk4MmY1MTQ3 HOWEVER, Asa Hershoff N.D.and Andrea Rotelli N.D. in their more recent publication, "Herbal Remedies"(Avery: 2001), caution that prolonged use is contraindicated. One way is for the sound's pressure waves to travel through the whale's soft tissue to their TPC, but this becomes ineffective once sound waves are longer than the whale's body, Cranford said. I had an individual sprain his ankle really bad, it had a huge knot on the side of the ankle and was swelled up the side of the leg. NjJhMDc5ODE4NzU3Zjg1Mjg3OTYxZjFkMjBiNDNmMDRkY2M0MmY4MGJiMGJm Squares represent Oligocene (cyan), Miocene (light blue), and more recent (black) mysticetes. Ancient Whales' Hearing Was Like Their Land-based Relatives, Fossils Show | @GrrlScientist, This is a BETA experience. Based on their studies, Mr. Mourlam and Dr. Orliac conclude that the extreme hearing abilities of modern whales is derived from a mid-frequency ancestral ear. Living whales have specialized ear bones that let them hear the high-frequency sounds bouncing off their prey. We propose that this (hypothetical) joint, together with the adjacent structures, forms a lever producing an amplification of the vibration velocity at the level of the oval window. Generated by Wordfence at Mon, 1 May 2023 12:45:16 GMT.Your computer's time: document.write(new Date().toUTCString());. UM-KPG-M164. Doctors said I would need an implant. This will speed the healing of the fracture dramatically. We spent days reconstructing the internal structures of the skull fragment based on scans.. By accessing or using this website, you agree to abide by our Medical Disclaimer, Terms of Service, and Privacy Policy agreements. Have you tried comfrey for healing? We also studied the amino acid composition of the cetacean involucrum relative to that of other skeletal bone. There are other cautions they mention - one really ought to do one's OWN research before diving into the deep end on this one! ZTg3N2M4ZTAxZDFhODIxNDJjMGNiYWVjYTU4M2VkOWUwZjMwMGRjNzJmZjUy Raspberry tea healed my indigestion after I was forced to eat "junk food" for 3 days whilst staying with my husband's cousin. MeSH I suppose it's worth a try, it surely can't hurt. It can be all olive oil or almond oil. 2 hours of sleep? Use every night. We hypothesize that the mineralogical and amino acid composition of cetacean bullae differs from that of other bone because of (1) functional modifications for underwater sound reception and (2) structural adaptations related to rapid ossification. You can get around the comfrey problem for internal use as comfrey's active ingredient is allantoin. Cloe knows a thing or two about healing a bone fracture. (B, C, E, and F) Detail of the cochlea in medial (B and E), ventral (C), and antero-ventral (F) views. Of course I had to mentioned about the comfrey ointment and relayed the above testimony. A natural practitioner will be able to help you understand any specific concerns about comfrey use for your own situation. These acids cause leaching of calcium (alkaline) out of the bones as the body frantically tries to neutralize the increased acidity in the blood. Infrasonic and Ultrasonic Hearing Evolved after the Emergence of Modern Whales, Current Biology, published online on 8 June 2017 before print | doi:10.1016/j.cub.2017.04.061, Sirpa Nummela, JGM Thewissen, Sunil Bajpai, S Taseer Hussain & Kishor Kumar (2004). It depends who you ask, A new test can pick out Parkinsons disease patients before their symptoms begin, Inflammation could drive lung cancer risk linked to air pollution, Biological syringes could change how drugs are delivered, The Moons glass beads hold a watery bounty. These infused oils last a good while and I like the simplicity. "Baleen whales hear through their bones." Have any problems using the site? I will continue rubbing on castor oil. Paleobiologist Mickal Mourlam, a graduate student at the Universit de Montpellier in France, and his dissertation advisor, paleobiologist Maeva Orliac, a researcher at the the French National Center for Scientific Research, unearthed the fossilized ear bones of early whales from deposits that had accumulated between 4643 million years ago. Mr. Mourlam and Dr. Orliac compared nine parameters of the cochlea of terrestrial and semi-aquatic even-toed animals (orange area, Figure 2) to those of the early whales (red area, Figure 2) and to modern whales (Mysticeti: blue area; Odontoceti: pink area, Figure 2): Figure 2. Comfrey is an herb that brings soothing comfort to a variety of conditions through its anti-inflammatory action. M2UzMDc4YWExN2IwOWZmODhmMjliN2U2YjY2ZjMzNzgxM2JiOGYyYmU2MTYx Whale Evolution Content on this website is for information only. These powerful micro-CTs can examine three dimensional structures within a fossil specimen without having to destroy it by cutting it up into a series of thin slices. WebUnique Composition of Whale Ear Bones 577 Figure 1. I put a crushed, fresh comfrey leaf on.. and in seconds she calmed down and was relaxed!!! FACW_GEOL_2014_15375293_Kim_Thewissen_Churchill_Suydam_Ketten_Clementz, Faculty Publication - Geology & Geophysics. The only time she doesn't have the neck brace on is when she's showering . The x-ray revealed that my bone was fractured in two places. Whales rely on their keen sense of hearing to navigate, to communicate and to forage. Comfrey salve is another alternative for topical use. Please note:The prices, weights, and pictures will all change according to the option chosen, the measurements will not. The whole flock of them spend the day running around after bugs. From South Carolina. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0011927. Heat the oil in a double boiler. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Who buys lion bones? Fossil Whale Offers Clues to Origins of 'Seeing With Sound'. Soon read about Silica and Horsetail to help in mending the bone. The reason why it smells garlic is because your body is hungry for oxygen. We just put about a cup in a large kettle and make a tea and he soaked his foot in it. In all studied variables, bioapatites of the cetacean involucrum were intermediate in composition and structure between those of tooth enamel on the one hand and those of dentine, cementum, and skeletal bone on the other. Here, we investigate the mineralogical and biochemical properties of the involucrum, as these may hold clues to the aquatic adaptations of cetaceans. M2VhZDE0NmVlZTczMTVjZWU0ZmFiOTAwOTZjNDgyNDUwNTM1Y2M0MDI4NzQz YjQ2ZjNjZDBlZmQyM2IxZTRiYTZmNjliNzEzY2QyNTc4ZGYxMTczNmY5MzFk I do need to be more consistent. Epub 2019 Oct 2. For other issues, teas, salves and smoothies tend to be superior ways to benefit from comfrey. In fin whale material properties of tympanic bulla have been characterized by very low bending strength and impact resistance, however by high modulus (1431 GNm 2) and high density (2.06 10 3 2.47 10 3 kg/m 3) [ 19 ]. I have studied herbs and particularly Comfrey for over 55 years. The defining characteristic of cetaceans is a thick and dense lip (pachyosteosclerotic involucrum) of an ear bone (the tympanic). I usually test before pouring by putting a bit in the freezer for a couple of minutes. Please advise your readers --- don't take Comfrey internally. NWExMmY3YTcxYjkwOTg0ZjAxNmMwNWMyOGNjMGI5NmVmMWVmMDk0YjAzNmZl May be it is the synonym of Asphaltum, (Shilajit in an Indian Sanskrit). Unique Biochemical and Mineral Composition of Whale Ear Bones Fresh or dried comfrey can be used. I usually use dried comfrey leaf from Mountain Rose Herbs. -----END REPORT-----. Whatever made me happy. MjY3N2UzZmQ5NDQxZjIzMDc3OTNiN2IzMmRjMTNlZDZmZjg4NGZhNzJhZmQw Our findings show that infrasonic and ultrasonic hearing evolved in Neoceti, after the emergence of fully aquatic whales, write the authors in their paper. Not recommended for internal use as there is some controversy about carcinogenic effects. Turned all black & blue. In fact, animals THRIVE on it. I went back to the doc for my followup visit two weeks and two days after the injury, the doc kept asking, three times, "When did this injury had occur?" AAAS is a partner of HINARI, AGORA, OARE, CHORUS, CLOCKSS, CrossRef and COUNTER. Living whales have specialized ear bones that let them hear the high-frequency sounds bouncing off their prey. Additionally, comfrey in a nutritious herb that Crosses represent Oligocene (pink), Miocene (magenta), and more recent (purple) odontocetes. I have used fresh comfrey in smoothies and even sauteed and made and used comfrey salve. And there is hardly any pain except if I over use my hand. WebUnique Composition of Whale Ear Bones 577 Figure 1. Abbreviations: IF, infrasonic frequencies; MF, midfrequencies; UF, ultrasonic frequencies. Please DO some REAL research and find out the truth and stop being a mindless repeating station for bunkum that that Big Pharma want you to keep repeating and scare people off. Copyright 1999 - WebHearing in toothed whales, they suggest, occurs either by the bones of the skull transmitting sound to the inner ear--"bone conduction," or through "tissue conduction," where sound is conducted to the inner ear by deposits of fat that run up from the lower jaw. (2) The round head of the malleus, in combination with a fitting round depression on the periotic side, seems to form a joint. We compared the dimensions of the tympanic bulla, a conch-shaped ear bone unique to cetaceans, with bizygomatic width-a proxy for cetacean body size. WebPhysical Characteristics: Whale Middle Ear Bones, fossilized. Mama to Many you asked me to report back and post how well the bottled comfrey extract helped and here it is. Now its almost filled in and I am shocked. Vitamin E is able to slow down the aging process, improve the appearance of the skin. Not only do breaks, sprains, and strains respond well to comfrey, more chronic issues like arthritis, sciatica, and osteoporosis benefit from comfrey use. And all ulcer symptoms did resolve in short order. Yzg0MDQxMzdjMzlhYWY1NjNlYmYxOTgwY2U4MGNhMGZhZmYyZGFlZWFkM2Ix Thank God for healing herbs :) :). Table/Altar "Sculptures", Large Figurines, Quartz (Clear, Red, Rose, Lavender, etc. So after the cast was removed she continued to give her the capsules and applied the salve on the arm around the broken area. This process was long and difficult because this cavity was filled with sediments and partly recrystallized and because the petrosal bone in cetaceans is particularly thick and dense, which lowers the quality of the images and sometimes impedes analyzing them, said the study's co-author, Dr. Orliac. Because water is five times more dense than air, there is a "acoustic impedance mismatch" between the two media, so an air-filled human ear is nearly useless underwater. To accomodate for this mismatch, baleen whales have a wax plug filling their external ears. This plug is thought to transmit sound to the inner ear from the water. In addition, whale meat in the diet can reduce. No more hairballs! It's got to be the help of Silica. It's a bit like dividing the whale's head into a series of LEGO bricks, Cranford explained, where the properties of the bone, muscle, and other materials determine how strong the connections are between the bricks. I rubbed the wrist and hand with comfrey several times of day to hasten the healing my wrist which was complicated by my senior plus pre-diabetic physical conditions. So it may surprise you to learn that the two major groups of modern whales, the baleen whales (Mysticetes) and the toothed whales (Odontocetes), hear best at opposite ends of the sound spectrum: baleen whales, such as humpback whales, hear infrasonic frequencies that are too low for humans to hear, whereas toothed whales, such as sperm whales, tune in to ultrasonic frequencies that are too high for humans to hear. Hear Res. Few seem to be inclined to completely ban internal use (except for the root, which is generally considered to be used only externally.). MzhlMzhjMzIwNmU0NWI4ZGM3MjYxNjdhOWJhODQwNzNjOTU5ZTRiMDhmNjMy WebHeal in as little as 3 sessions with Dr. Carson's Natural Healing Center based in California. Please, please, for your safety and your readers, remove the comfrey tea! The central involucrum had low glycine and hydroxyproline concentrations but high concentrations of nonessential amino acids, unlike most bone samples but similar to the tympanic of hippos and the (pachyosteosclerotic) ribs of manatees. What is really sweet is that my rooster is very protective of her and my son found him snuggled up with her under the chicken coop last evening! After that nothing helped to move the pain, however I continued to use the comfrey a while longer. ScienceDaily. This ancient marvel rivaled Romes intricate network of roads, For some long COVID patients, exercise is bad medicine, Radioactive dogs? One picture below shows a chicken enjoying a comfrey leaf; the other is two of my sons holding the lame chicken after I checked out her foot. I harvest the leaves before I cut the flowers off and this also serves to help stop it spreading, which it would otherwise have a strong tendency to do. Extreme hearing abilities in whales derive from a mid-frequency ancestral ear Based on their studies, Mr. Mourlam and Dr. Orliac conclude that the extreme hearing Use the sticky paste to make a compress and attach it with an elastic bandage. YmI2YTlkOTE3MjNmNjEzZDkzNTk5ZmM4YTM5MGIwNjRjNjgyNGFkMTcwMzI4 Heres how paradise fought back. Crosses represent Oligocene (pink), Miocene (magenta), and more recent (purple) odontocetes. J Comp Physiol A Neuroethol Sens Neural Behav Physiol. Cotylocara lies along that evolutionary stem, as do other Oligocene fossil whales that have already been found. WebWhale Ear Bones have been used in healing rituals by shamans and Native American medicine men. Whale symbolism and meaning encourages you to ride the waves or delve deeper into the subconscious and embrace healing and nurturing. ear bone Who is Monica Bertagnolli, Bidens pick to lead NIH? Of mice, moles and guinea pigs: functional morphology of the middle ear in living mammals. Whale's biological sonar is thought to have evolved only once along the ancestral line leading to today's toothed whales, Geisler notes. Recently I used fresh comfrey leaves internally when I had a suspected ulcer (from a prescription I was taking.) Wash and chop the leaves and steam them or saute them in some coconut oil. WebWhales are mammals which means that, like humans and other land mammals, they have three inner ear bones and hair, they breathe air, and the females produce milk through mammary glands and suckle their young. But when did whales evolve this sonarlike ability, known as echolocation? (Credit: L. [+] Hautier 2016 / doi:10.1016/j.cub.2017.04.061). "This is, in my opinion, a grand discovery.". However, the risk of genetic damage from these PAs appears to be lowTo minimize potential risk, lengthy internal use is to be discouraged." How marine mammal ears are different from ours Careers. Comfrey is a perennial plant that grows profusely with little care. I truly appreciate it. We show that the most delicate parts of these extra-ossicular connections consist of thin and folded bony sheets which apparently allow compliance in the tympano-periotic bone contacts and enable plate vibration in relation to the periotic bone. The only known skull of Cotylocara doesn't have well-preserved ear bones, and, therefore, knowing whether the whale could have actually used echolocation for hunting is unclear. "But it's one that needs lots and lots of computational power. It depends. Males of this species are famous for their songs. Outside of the virus prevention supplements, I was also taking some other things like the Lecithin and Bamboo. nervous excitability, provide antioxidant, wound healing, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effects. Fossilized Whale Middle Ear Bones - Celestial Rainbow I sometimes I put the comfrey extract on at night if I have over use pain. When I broke my lower leg I simply applied the powder to the skin above the break, but the location isn't critical. Europe PMC is an archive of life sciences journal literature. Ancient whales were able to hear like their terrestrial ancestors, according to a new study based on analyses of the structures of ancient whale ear bone fossils. It will NOT kill you. Help News from Science publish trustworthy, high-impact stories about research and the people who shape it. Your access to this site was blocked by Wordfence, a security provider, who protects sites from malicious activity. Would you happen to know if your comfrey extract was from comfrey leaf or root? The little-known history of the Florida panther. Pour olive oil over the leaves to cover and a little more. Anatomical evidence for low frequency sensitivity in an archaeocete whale: comparison of the inner ear of Zygorhiza kochii with that of crown Mysticeti, Journal of Anatomy, 226(1):22-39 | doi:10.1111/joa.12253. Perhaps one of the easiest ways to use comfrey is in a tea. GrrlScientist (2018). Or you can melt in beeswax to make a salve. MmUxMDUxMWIwYmY3Yjk0MDg1YmQ1NDM2OTY4ZTJmMjk3Y2FhYjJiMGUyZTUz Alcohol-free bars, no-booze cruises, and other tools can help you enjoy travel without the hangover. OTlhOGViYmMzNmY2ZWFiOTFiNWIzOGYwM2FiYmU3NzQ1OTEzMTg2YTcxYTYw The large symbols correspond to the centroid of the three main morphospaces. ). "At that point, computationally, it's just a simple physics problem," Cranford explained. 1999 Jul;133(1-2):71-81. doi: 10.1016/s0378-5955(99)00054-4. It would be approximately 2.5 to 5 million years old. NzljNjdkZGE2NTcwNzY0MTEifQ== All of these whales are considered endangered, with the exception of the gray whale, which recently was removed from the endangered species list, Cranford said. He was pretty excited and the next day, his fiance bought a jar from the chemist and he started to apply it to the area. You should do your own research and use wisdom and common sense about the use of any herbs. NDc1YTZjMzI4MzIyYWQ4ZTBjODVhNDViYTM4OWIzNmJhNzljNDJhYjI4MDQ2 Unique Biochemical and Mineral Composition of Whale Ear Bones What Whale Ears Have That Ours Don None that I could find offered small qunatities of allantoin, If anyone knows of a source for allantoin USP (allantoin that meets the United States Pharmacopoeia standards) please post the information. A newly named, 28-million-year-old whale may hold the answer. (No more than 1/3 of it should be castor. Abbreviations: IF, infrasonic frequencies; MF, midfrequencies; UF, ultrasonic frequencies. The fact that the bone can grow up to 7 meters-large raises questions Once you have comfrey salve in your house, you will wonder how you lived without it. Go to marine mammal acoustic article. Because low frequency sounds travel so far in the ocean, groups of whales that appear to be extremely far apart might indeed be within "hollerin' distance," as Cranford puts it. NDAzZGFjYjExNGQzNjJmM2IzMzQ5MGQ0NTM2MGM5YTM3NWNlMWUxOTkyZjU1 (accessed May 1, 2023). It can swamp most computers.". San Diego State University. Fossil Whale Ear Bone - Miocene Writes Cloe, "The feeling of that compress was heavenly. I fractured my right fifth metacarpal the beginning of this month. Please understand that use of DMSO will result in you getting garlic odor.

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whale ear bone metaphysical properties