Has Started Doing On Its Own, Cracked, February 24, 2019, accessed June 13, 2019, http://www.cracked.com/ blog/5-creepy-things-a.i.-has-started-doing-its-own. One study found that Argentinians have the smallest personal space (about 2.5 feet from a stranger), while Romanians have the largest (strangers should stay back 358 CHAPTER 13|GLOBAL more than 4 feet).34 Someone who doesnt understand these nuances can be mistakenly perceived as rude on the first impression. Kurt Lewin, Field Theory in Social Science (New York: Harper & Row, 1951), 169. 11. And then, just six weeks after the storm hit, the facilities were again running at full capacity.16, 17 How was this even possible? Slander refers to spoken communication, while libel refers to written or recorded communication that can be reproduced and shared repeatedly. In public relations, publics are groups of people with shared interests related to organizations. Whos James Delgado? Public Disclosure of Private Facts Even with the best intentions, obtain consent before publicizing anyone on social media. A former public relations writer for the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, public relations specialist for the American Camping Association and former photography and publicity assistant for Common Wealth Development, Dr. Russell is also interested in social media, globalization and corporate social responsibility initiatives. Kathleen Maclay, Low-Wage Fast-Food Jobs Leave Hefty Tax Bill, Report Says, UC Berkeley News Center, accessed June 13, 2019, http://newscenter.berkeley. Name an organization that you have worked for or had direct experience with that does some form of public relations. NOTES 417 48. Notice that in none of these cases has the organization set out to engage the general public. 29. Ethics: Safeguarding ConfidencesWho Owns Your Social Networks? Economic convergence at the corporate level requires extra attention to public relations role in society at large. 422 GLOSSARY Corporate advertising Paid media designed to promote an organization as a whole rather than sell a particular service, product or product category (also sometimes called institutional advertising). came to a stop when another Instagram user contacted the internationally popular technology news website Memeburn to The key to report suspicions that Grove had plagiarized many of her images, including avoiding some that she sold.16 Memeburn investigated and found evidence of several plagiarism is suspected instances of plagiarism. Its someone Cultural intelligence Ability to adapt, communicate and interact effectively across cultures by learning and applying cognitive, emotional and behavioral skills. 3. and more sophisticated statistics such as correlations, and tests of the significance of interactions between variables. Even though 63 percent of millennials agree to allow push notifications from an app, 71 percent say they get annoyed when they get too many notifications.8 Its up to you and your organization to find the right balance to maintain that relationship and build trust over time. (Benchmarking can also be used to make performance comparisons with other organizations or industry standards.) Were you a social media creator, a social media follower or a social media inactive in the case? This is all part of media relations, which will be discussed more in Chapter 4. In a way, ridiculing a work actually makes it more likely to be c onsidered fair use. Statistically significant differences in results between the effects of an A version of a message and a B version could begin to show up with as few as 30 to 40 readers (1520 people seeing each version), if the effects are strong. Take almost any bulletin board in any college hallway, classroom or lecture hall. 68 CHAPTER 3|CONVERGENCE AND INTEGR ATED COMMUNICATION editorial, feature article, interview or any other news format in broadcast, print or online media. As well see in later chapters, trust is one important dimension of relationships, and news media are just one type of public with whom public relations people must maintain relationships. Stephen Breyer, The Court and the World: American Law and the New Global Realities (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2015), 4. The standard rate for a 1/7-page (18 column inches) black-and-white ad was $39,600, while a fullpage (126 column inches) color ad cost $327,103. (London: Kogan Page Publishers, 2005). According to Hon and Grunig, communal relationships are equally important, if not more important, to public relations people in the long run. Ethics: Privacy and Safeguarding Confidences 283 End-user license agreements (EULA) Legal agreement between a software provider and the person using the software. Suppose you are planning a community park cleanup. In a student organization, you might pay close attention to meeting attendance numbers or data on new applications to identify issues with membership. Trust. Genevieve McBride wrote in the Journal of Mass Media Ethics in 1989 that public relations struggle toward professionalism would benefit from a view of history that embraces Bernays disassociation from the journalistic perspective rather than Lees dysfunctional standard of objectivity.66 Whether you practice public information with a journalistic set of values or advocacy with a penchant for persuasion, the principle of transparency is critical. Sports and entertainment jobs also include issues and crisis management, marketing and branding, and community relations. In public relations, our messages are often more complex than a Facebook photo, a hallway flier announcing an event, or a streaming radio ad for tacos. The first sentences job in a story like this is to make the reader want to read the second sentence. Robert Wynne, principal of a public relations firm in Manhattan Beach, California, and regular Forbes contributor on public relations topics, explained the importance of words and text in multimedia: How can you improve in other areas? 25. 9. https://www.holmesreport.com/ranking-and-data/ global-pr-agency-rankings/2018-pr-agency-rankings/ holding-groups-networks. Twentieth-century public relations also owes its development to figures like Doris Fleischman, Arthur Page and Earl Newsom. As you move into management and become more responsible for others in your organization, your ethical responsibility will expand. Artifactual All brands need artifacts. Myers offers advice that makes sense from both a legal and ethical standpoint: Make sure to clarify expectations. 28. https://myaccount.google.com/privacycheckup/. MICROBLOGS AND SHORTER FORM Microblogging, according to Oxford Dictionaries, is simply a social media site to which a user makes short, frequent posts. Under that definition, you can count Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, and Chinas Weibo, which had reached nearly 500 million users by the end of 201826, as microblogging platforms. 3 (2015): 258281. 2. There was no ducking this disconnect. Ive got wifi on my flight. For example, if you hire an influencer to use Instagram to promote your product at a music festival, that could be considered either a personnel expense or a media expense. Others include tactics like digital and social media, identifying local spokespeople and influencers, and hosting special events.56 Visas Everywhere Initiative is an example of a program that has supported startups and entrepreneurs across 75 countries in North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia, the Middle East and Africa. News releases are often referred to as press releases because historically they were written for distribution to members of the press. Relationship management function Public relations consultant Arik Hanson went out on a limb to suggest 10 Skills the PR Pro of 2022 Must Have. 23 He originally wrote the post in 2012, then he took to his blog to revise the list in 2016.24 What follows is a condensed list (from 10 items down to five) of what Hanson identified as key skills for the future. Ridden in an Uber or Lyft recently or used TaskRabbit? Writing for Intermediaries 239 page. By and large the crowdsourced, social-media-era definition matches the classics that have been used in the teaching and practice of public relations for decades. Some organizations, however, exist for the very purpose of addressing social or environmental issues. More recently, DTC also has come to describe brands like BarkBox, Dollar Shave Club and Blue Apron that market and deliver products directly to consumers. NEW PERSPECTIVES Scores of reviewers have taken time to offer feedback on countless drafts of both the first and second edition of Public Relations, and all of what you will read in the chapters that follow. (Some publications like student newspapers are free and depend almost entirely on advertising for their budgets.) Social and Visual Listening How do you use mobile media when youre waiting in line or commuting to school? How do you conduct a social listening search? This means you have to work to understand not just the interests of your own organization, but also the interests of your publics. 23. Act! Theres a taboo against such smoking, I said. Uncertainty avoidance Cultural dimension describing the difference between cultures that are uncomfortable with 428 GLOSSARY ambiguity (high uncertainty avoidance) and those that are at ease with ambiguity. Topping their mission statement is To contribute to human welfare by application of biomedical engineering in the research, design, manufacture, and sale of instruments or appliances that alleviate pain, restore health, and extend life. The mission also includes a commitment to product quality, fair profits, good corporate citizenship, and the recognition of the personal worth of employees.14 That mission was challenged on September 20, 2017, as Hurricane Maria made landfall in Puerto Rico, where about 5,000 Medtronic employees live and work. Just practice good judgment. CONSUMER Consumer wants and needs should replace product. You cant sell whatever you can make any more. What were the limitations? Pure accommodation Stance in issues management in which a public relations practitioner fully concedes to a publics demands. Most of these organizations 386 CHAPTER 14|CAREERS Effective health communication requires excellent public relations skills and strategy. They simply must be applied in new contexts and platforms. But ironically, writing conservatively can also be a risky strategy. government operations. Logos on stationery, color schemes on signage, and even sound logos such as ESPNs SportsCenter theme that chimes when a new score or 378 CHAPTER 14|CAREERS update is announced on my phone all also are artifacts that signal brands. Loyalty A sense of obligation or support for someone or something, including both organizations and publics. KEY LEARNING OUTCOMES 9.1 List five key purposes of 9.3 Discuss the role of 9.4 Compare and contrast good writing in public relations. Healthy long-term relationships can save organizations money by reducing costs of strikes, boycotts, lawsuits and lost revenues from dissatisfied customers who take their business elsewhere. If investigators determine that an act of terrorism took place, the airline would likely be considered a victim. How might this sort of relationship have influenced their work? Explain your preference. Helping our clients tell their stories in ways that set them apart from their competitors. Doh! I take my bag off the scale, pull a jacket and a book out, and heave it back on the scale. They did not return the product to market until months later after developing now-standard tamper-resistant packaging.38 The combination of quick, ethical action and communication earned the Tylenol case a place in history as an example of how a major business ought to handle a disaster.39 Rumors are another category of victim crises. Rebuild strategies involve accepting responsibility and working to rebuild relationships with publics. Ethics: Safeguarding Confidences Who Owns Your Social Networks? 140 CHAPTER 5|RESEARCH Two hours later, I unload my familys luggage from the car to the curb at the airport. Program planners want to see behavior change. Do any of them list public relations or related jobs? But regardless of the size or mission of your organization, the ethical, harmonious and simultaneous management of all those relationships may be one of the toughest jobs there is. Identify a case from the news in which an activist group has challenged a company. Medtronics work with employees in Puerto Rico following Hurricane Maria must have cost the company millions. Home security systems that can be activated remotely and that report activity are on the IoT. How much does each party value the relationship relative to competing relationships? to use more low-context communication than those from Asia. Is this high-context or low-context communication? Joseph Lelyveld, Racial image challenges big business: Business views its racial image pervaded by fervor best for company supervision recommended policies assesses, The New York Times, December 19, 1963, p. 59, https://www.nytimes.com/1963/12/19/archives/racial-image-challenges-big-business-business-views-itsracial.html. Recognizes interconnectedness among various stakeholders. For example, researchers working with the Swiss Red Cross and the Zurich Blood Donation Service sent three different invitations out to people who were registered in the blood donation services database. Although we hope that our elected officials will focus more on getting their new job done than on getting reelected, there is quite a bit of truth here for campaign strategists. But if you read the codes of ethics or discuss them with anyone who knows them, you will come away with a much better idea of what members of these organizations do and what values they embrace. The customer, Natalie GrantHerms, ranted heartily on Twitter and Facebook when not allowed to board a flight at the same time as her young children: Nashville. Personnel Even in programs with no budget, people invest time and depend on others to do so as well to achieve public relations goals. Perhaps even more important, Social Media and Crises 343 organizations have an opportunity to use social media to listen to audiences and publics in a time of crisis, which may help an organization determine what steps and messages will resolve the matter with the least damage to the organizations reputation. ), salutations (Hi Tom, or Dear Dr. Oxford University Press. Copyright 2023 DOKUMEN.PUB. According to a report in The New York Times, Berman and Co. bills the nonprofit Employment Policies Institute for services of its employees, and the arrangement effectively means the nonprofit is a moneymaking venture for Richard Berman and his associates who actively represent and advocate for the restaurant industry. Voices from the Field Barry Finkelstein BARRY FINKELSTEIN is senior vice president and associate director of public relations for Luquire George Andrews, a leading advertising, PR and digital marketing firm based in Charlotte, North Carolina. Choosing not to respond to a comment sends a message, albeit a negative one, too. The six pillars of the APR exam are: 1. Working with the press and communicating on behalf of an organization requires understanding your role in the marketplace for ideas that the First Amendment serves to protect. 31. Geolocation Function of communication devices that identifies the specific geographic location of the device. Hes a popular blogger, tweeter, and podcaster (his Jewish-themed podcasts were downloaded more than 20,000 times last year. If someone says that a campaign generated 100 million media impressions or that they achieved a 30 percent lift in brand interest, they should be open about how they calculated those figures. Diversity is an issue regardless of technology when it comes to public relations, advertising and media. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide. Many political operatives, for example, used TVEyes to search Fox News for clips they found to be disparaging and then replayed or reposted these videos. Uncontrolled media Channels of communication that are outside of the control of public relations practitioners. Edward Twitchell Hall, Beyond Culture (New York: Anchor, 1989), 91. There are exceptions to this general rule such as institutional advertising, which is paid advertising space that promotes an organization more than any of its specific products or services. According to a Cone Communications study of millennial employees (people born between the 1980s Proactive Issues Management 331 Patagonia monitors its global business practices and promotes its corporate social responsibility by reporting details on an extensive website, including the The Footprint Chronicles, which reveals the companys supply chain.

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