In 1877 Craighouse estate was purchased by the Royal Edinburgh Asylum and adapted for the accommodation of higher class patients. The first and second floor windows are set in panels which rise to blindpointed arches. On the coast of Cruden Bay lies the remains of Slain's Castle. It was purchased by Edinburgh Corporation in c.1920 and used temporarily as a convalescent home for children. A double-digit victory for Labour in the local elections on Thursday could indicate that Sir Keir Starmer is on course to be the next prime minister, a pollster has said. The hospital closed in 2001, and the following year planning permission was granted for conversion into flats. There is a fine steading on the estate and in 1935 a butterflyplan male hospital block was built, designed by George Bennett Mitchell. Hartwood Hill came under the wider jurisdiction of Hartwood Hospital itself. my Dad Dr MacGregor was the GP for Hartwood in the 1940s/50s -we lived in Shotts 197 station road-I worked there for a few weeks during univ holidays (Greenshields was the boss there)quite an experience-overall the nurses were fine but a few bad ones-witnessed a lobotomy-not pleasant-patients were fine (heavily drugged) and in general accepted their surroundings and circumstances-did feel sorry for them but what was the alternative in those days-pictures do not give the whole story, Heading there this week, can anyone recommend any particular but that we could gain access to the building at please? Expanding patient numbers led to the purchase of a new site in Hillside and the current hospital buildings opened in 1857. . There were also bedrooms for the matron and domestic staff. They were named after the pioneers in psychiatry Pinel and Tuke. Hospitals and Asylums - Urban Exploring Locations We have also added a further list for additional asylums/hospitals that we do not believe come under the 'County Asylum' list but are noteworthy inclusions to the website. When first built it was described as having an imposing character,commanding agreeable prospects. Images captured by a former psychiatric nurse shows the empty corridors of the near intact Strathmore Hospital, which is located just outside of Kirkcaldy in Fife. My cousin Eleanor worked in Severalls for many years as admin. The aim was to build what for Scotland would be a new kind of mental hospital based on the "Continental Colony" system. STRATHEDEN HOSPITAL, SPRINGFIELD Stratheden Hospital was opened as Fife & Kinross District Asylum without ceremony on 4 July 1866 for 200 hundred pauper lunatics, the Fife Herald noted that the first patient to be admitted was a woman who stared considerably at the sight of the palatial display and who had ultimately to be forcibly introduced to a home in everything but name. However, the accommodation for lunatics generally provided in poorhouses was unsuitable and insufficient. During the Second World War the Hospital was taken over by the Naval Authorities and after the War when it was returned to Aberdeen Corporation it remained empty for some years due to the difficulty of providing sufficient staff. Very grim. On the Assembly hall this comprises a grand arch rising the fullheight of the building and framing the porch, and on the dininghall blocks the door is set into an arch, which in turn is in a tall gabled centrepiece. A new Nurses home was constructed in 1955. Historically this is an important hospital but its architectural appearance has been greatly marred by insensitive additions. In 1888 two mansions, the old and new houses of Glack at Daviot, were acquired as an annexe to the hospital (see under House of Daviot in. It is a dignified threestorey, fivebay harled house. Built relatively recently in around 1895, again in that Scots Baronial style, it has sat abandoned since around 1960 and the departure of the Bell-Irving family. The recreation hall, also designed by Blanc, contained a hall measuring 93 feet by 54 feet, with a stage at the north end. A third storey was added to the wings in about the 1880s. Separate airing grounds were provided for the lower and upper classes to the rear of each wing. Formerly called the Baldovan Institution it was founded by Sir John and Lady Jane Ogilvie in 1852 and constituted the first serious attempt to do something for imbecile children in Scotland. Despite a number of additions and alterations which do not always take account of the character of the individual blocks the overall effect of this complex was very good. Patients had single rooms (9 or 10ft square) off a 7 ft-wide corridor used as a day room or for exercise, and with sitting rooms on the second floor. Moffatts new building cost 27,513 7s 5d. BANGOUR VILLAGE HOSPITAL, UPHALL, WEST LOTHIANBuilt as the Edinburgh District Asylum from 1898 to 1906, to designs by the well-known Edinburgh architectHippolyte J. Blanc,Bangour was planned on the continental colony system as exemplified by the asylum at Alt Scherbitz near Leipzig, which had been built in the 1870s. . Navigation Menu Navigation Menu Africa Antarctica Asia Europe North America Oceania South America With the removal there of 100 patients the Asylum managers turned their attention to the original site and the buildings were upgraded in 1892, and a new hospital for sick and acute cases built to the north in 1896. Of the separate buildings added to the site the first of importance was the hospital block designed bySydney Mitchell & Wilsonin 1888. The scale was very impressive, particularly of the vast recreation hall. Additional cells were soon provided, and improvements made in the segregation of male and female patients in 1809. The old asylum found a new life as the new premises for Glasgows Towns Hospital (see separate entry, under Glasgow). However, the accommodation for lunatics generally provided in poorhouses was unsuitable and insufficient. It was still functioning as a psychiatric hospital in 2013 when it celebrated its 150th birthday. The scheme was long in the forming, in the Annual Report for 1885 Clouston comments that he has been devoting his attention to the principles of construction of hospitals for the better classes of the insane in the last years. ROYAL CORNHILL HOSPITAL, ABERDEEN In 1797 lands at Clerkseat were purchased and a small asylum was opened there in November 1800. They also looked onto the gardens and made access out of doors easier. The East House was designed for lower class patients and the West House for high class patients. In 1931 the nurses home, with its two ogee-roofed octagonal central turrets, was extended byE. J. MacRaewith a large new wing, blending sympathetically with the original block. ROSSLYNLEE HOSPITAL, ROSSLYNBuilt as the District Asylum for Midlothian and Peebles byWilliam Lambie Moffatt, Rosslynlee Hospital opened in 1874. It was one of the few Scottish asylums to approach an chelon plan, common in England at this time. Abandoned buildings that you can actually buy - lovePROPERTY They were completed in 1902. The 1930s male patients villa was renamed Craigshannoch Mansion. To get there, you had to turn left from the main entrance to the hospital and walk for just under a mile, and it was up there on the right. The hospital was transferred to the National Health Service in 1948 and continued to function as a large mental hospital, latterly administered by Lanarkshire Health Board. It was the Abendberg which was the inspiration for Baldovan, and his approval of the plans was sought and given before work began. Strathmartine Hospital, founded in 1852, was the first of its kind and once . A new childrens unit was added in 1970. The site falls into two halves with the largest section to the northeast dominated by the imposing administration block with its splendid towers, a landmark visible from miles around. Originally built in 1781 the now derelict Sunnyside Lunatic Asylum is located in the town of Montrose, Scotland. The foundation stone was laid on 8 November 1892. [Sources:Hamilton Advertiser,18 May 1895;Evening Citizen, 14 May 1895;Scotsman,15 May 1895; Lanarkshire Health Board, Hartwood Hospital, Minutes from 1883; Beckford St, Annual Reports Mental Hospitals Board, 1930s.]. It was completed in 1939 as Angus House. These include abandoned asylums, haunted prisons, pubs, castles, mansions, halls and so much more. The Industrial and Colony section comprised four villas for male and female patients and Workshops for the men. Instead a further revised scheme was drawn up to provide for those requiring total nursing. It served the counties of Stirling, Dumbarton, Linlithgow and Clackmannan. A maternity unit was established at the site in 1941 which remained until 1964. In 1948 the hospital was transferred to the National Health Service and in 1965 the Andrew Duncan Clinic was opened, designed byJohn Holt. The foundation stone of the new Gogarburn Hospital was laid in 1929 by the Duchess of York. There was a considerable public outcry at the large sum expended of ratepayers money. Hello, I was at hartwood today and I was just wondering how exactly you got in and into the building as well as everything I saw on the building seemed to be sealed up all the bottom windows etc. [Sources:Greater Glasgow Health Board Archives, Annual Reports;The Builder, 16 Nov. 1889, p.356; 17 Sept. 1898, p.255;Building News, 15 Nov. 1889, p.682.]. However, much of the castle was destroyed following a massive explosion of ammunition in 1920. In WWII a military unit abandoned the castle on barefoot as they were stalked by the spirit. #Abandoned #AbandonedPlaces #AbandonedPlacesUk Today we venture to Scotland to explore this massive abandoned asylum the location was built in 1866 and is one of the best abandoned. Suicidal asylum seekers 'feel abandoned' by the Home Office Boarded up and beginning to look a bit shabby and neglected, Glasgow's appalling record of allowing buildings to become dangerously abandoned and decayed until a mysterious fire requires their demolition must make the future of this building very uncertain. There were then sixteen houses in use, half of which were purchased properties. History [ edit] In January 1889 the City of Glasgow acquired the Gartloch Estate for the purpose of building a hospital. The asylum opened in May 1872, replacing a private asylum at Milholme, near Musselburgh, which had been licensed for pauper lunatics on a temporary basis until the new District Asylum was built. The present main block represents the original building, with many later alterations and extensions. In 1888 the estate of Glack, in Daviot parish, was purchased with 283 acres of land and two mansion houses and a country branch of the asylum was set up. A competition had been held for the design and the opinions sought of H. Saxon Snell & Son, the Londonbased architectural practice best known in the field of hospital design at that time. In 1875 the decision to erect a new asylum was finally taken. The new building was built by the local man, MGowan, and opened in the following year. Following the Mental Deficiency (Scotland) Act of 1913 further expansion occurred with the construction of a recreation hall, and more accommodation for children and staff. [Sources: Argyll Herald, 15 Sept. 1883:British Journal of Psychology,May 2015; Volume 206, Issue 5]. Its first medical superintendent was Dr J. Sibbald, who was later appointed as a Commissioner in Lunacy and was eventually knighted. It was designed byCoe and Goodwinand resembled an English Tudor style domestic house, built of rubble stone with Caen stone dressings, the roof covered in red and black tiles. The first patients were admitted in December 1896 although the official opening took place six months later. [Sources:Glasgow Corporation,The Book of Lennox Castle, Glasgow, c.1936. The site of Hawkhead was purchased in c.1889 and eight local architects requested to submit plans for a 400bed asylum, with an administrative section suitable for an extended asylum of 600 hundred beds. A large EMS hutted hospital was addedc.1939 to the south-west of the site. [Sources:Pevsner Architectural Guide,Lanarkshire and Renfrewshire,2016. View report. Redevelopment as a large housing scheme took place under the name Ladysbridge Village. There was a large central block of four storeys from which two, twostorey wings projected. The hospital was transferred to the National Health Service in 1948 and continued to expand. Required fields are marked *. The asylum was designed in two distinct parts connected by an imposing chapel and offices. Between these was the chapel, a distinctive building on the site, the lower walls were constructed of whinstone rubble with red sandstone above. The Haunted San Antonio Abandoned Asylum Where the former patients still haunt those who seek them. [Sources:Lothian Health Board Archives, Annual Reports of Royal Edinburgh Hospital: RCAHMS, National Monuments Record of Scotland, drawings collection:The Builder, 7 Jan. 1888, p.16; 15 June 1889, p.442; 10 March, 1894, p.203.]. Advertisement. I am glad that it has gone. The original design was byWilliam Stirling III, but he died before work was completed, so the plans were seen through byJames Brown. Some of these buildings were demolished to make way for a new building in about 2012. These additions were completed in 1857. Want to Visit? Im from Colchester and we had a similar establishment there called Severalls Hospital. Exploring the forgotten, abandoned and rarely seen places in Scotland.. These had a robustness quite different from the twin towers of Gartloch or Woodilee. It opened in March 1879 and had cost 122,904, to provide accommodation for 750 inmates. Two wings were added in 1898 byR. Rowand Anderson. [Sources: The Architect,18 Feb 1871, p.95:Glasgow Herald,9 Feb 1871, p.4]. Abandoned buildings that you can actually buy 1 of 49 Hometown Realty Amazing empty properties for sale with plenty of potential If you're willing to put in a little time (and a whole lot of elbow grease), then snapping up an abandoned building could be a fantastic way of getting your foot on the property ladder. In 1809 he had purchased Friars Carse and married in the following year Elizabeth Grierson. The hospital was designed to accommodate four hundred and twenty patients but the total capacity was raised to six hundred by 1847. It was the first time that the radial plan was introduced into hospital design, derived from Jeremy Benthams panopticon. Burns plan comprised a double Greek cross with wings radiating from two octagonal stair towers. In 1898 enlargements were carried out after the City and Barony Parishes of Glasgow were amalgamated. It is a substantial but plain house given individuality by a corner drum tower with a decorative ironwork circlet. The original block was designed on an Eplan of two storeys. From 1910 work began on four more villas, two more closed villas for paupers, Maxwell House and Kirkcudbright House (the latter now known as Kindar, Merrick and Fleet) and two open villas for paupers, Galloway House and Wigtown House (the latter now Mochrum and Monreith). These more recent additions have been less than sympathetic to the West House which has now lost most of its original impact. GroomesGazetteerdescribed the asylum as of mixed Scottish Baronial style and Italian with two long verandas and two towers 90 high at the back of these wingsall the cooking is done by gas and hot pipes were laid for the warming of the air during cold weather.. Will look into it. & W. Black, who also rebuilt the original building and went on to design a large nurses home, built in 1907, and a reception hospital in 1914. Many of the descriptive terms are now outmoded and most of them offensive, particularly some of the more recent terms, but are used here for historical accuracy. 69.00 Per Person. An item of clothing on the ground on the approach to Hartwood Hospital. It was converted into a mental deficiency institution by Govan Board of Control, opening in 1929. Other extensions and additions included the farm buildings and a nurses home which was later extended in 1939. Abandoned Mental Asylum (1800's) - "Gartloch Hospital" - Glasgow, Scotland Situated on the eastern edge of Glasgow, Gartloch Hospital opened in 1896 as an asylum for poor people who were mentally ill (not that the put it that way at the time - the patients were referred to as 'pauper lunatics.') The Administration Section comprised the Kitchen, Stores, Laundry, Stewards House, Hall and Medical Superintendents House. Due to the position of the Southern Counties Asylum there was insufficient space to build to Burns plan, and the Moffatt wing was truncated at the south end, where a new principal entrance was made with a recreation hall above. Cairndhu House, County Antrim - as seen in a Ridley Scott sci-fi thriller Credit: @benjancewicz / Twitter Further extensions were carried out including a 50 bed sanatorium which opened in December 1902 (now demolished) and in 1904 a farm workers block was completed (also now demolished), with a fine farm-steading now lying in derelict condition. It was Browne who had recommended that the infirmary patients should be catered for in a separate building By the middle of the nineteenth century the buildings had become desperately overcrowded, despite various additions and alterations to the building. The hospital was built as the District Asylum for Lanark, designed byJ. L. Murrayof Biggar, work began in 1890 and initially provided accommodation for 500 patients. Immigration and asylum Stricken dinghy was not rescued after it entered UK waters, maritime logs reveal Boat with 38 people onboard got into difficulty in Channel and left to drift back towards . It was a major landmark on the Glasgow to Edinburgh railway line. 4,500 was raised but this was not sufficient to build and endow such a hospital. I think the cemetary was close to the dairy farm, not near the nurses home. The list comprises of 119 'County Asylums' in both England and Wales. Venture to the northeast coast to find one of Scotland's most chilling ruins. The patients were given various stimuli, frequent baths and massage and encouraged to taken exercise in the open air. People trek into the wilderness, climb mountains, climb trees. The abandoned asylum, soaked in tragically crazy ghosts, is a staple of the horror genre. Haunted Happenings guests keep returning as we take them on this unique and terrifying experience. The plans were drawn up in 1899 and the villas opened in 1904. South Scotland reporter, BBC Scotland news website. By. The accommodation combined security with the appearance of freedom, and was varied to provide some suites of apartments. CRAIG DUNAIN HOSPITAL, INVERNESSThe hospital opened as the Inverness District Asylum in 1864. Two villas were constructed in the grounds of the asylum in 1899, Alton and Albany House. It finally closed in 1997 and was allowed to go to rack and ruin, spawning lots of photographs similar to yours of Hartwood (YouTube has numerous videos for anyone interested). The achievement was phenomenal, and on such a vast scale that it remains unrivalled in hospital architecture in Scotland. It was a lavish building and was soon adapted for other purposes. An operating chair inside an abandoned hospital in Italy. This was a feature which persisted through at least the first half of the nineteenth century until gradually the quality of the staff available to work in the asylums as keepers and the conditions in which they worked improved. Mrs Crichton recommended Dr W. A. F. Browne, who had been Medical Superintendent of Montrose Royal Asylum since 1834. This innovative feature allowed for the treatment of patients from the asylum section whilst suffering from additional sickness and provided small isolation wards for infectious diseases. 26 eerie photos of abandoned hospitals that will give you the chills. Far more beautiful both in backstory and design than some of the other featured homes here, Casa Sperimentale is an abandoned brutalist treehouse in Fergene, Italy, a coastal town outside of. In 1868 the hospital became the Argyll and Bute District Asylum, Bute having initially resisted providing for its pauper lunatics at the Argyll Asylum. Could you tell me how you guys went in ? A separate villa for male patients was designed by W. & J. Smith and Kelly and opened in 1903. Lennox Castle itself was adapted into a nurses home. In the face of this opposition the necessary site was acquired of forty acres and William Burn was requested to submit plans, specifications and estimates in December 1834. The foundation stone was laid in September 1901 and the Aberdeen Daily Journal noted that: The Parish Council of Aberdeen, after much consideration and inquiry, resolved to adopt a system, tried chiefly on the continent, by which fatuous and insane persons, instead of being crowded into one large building, are attended to in separate colonies under adequate oversightThe buildings are dotted in picturesque fashion over the area which is intersected by walks, margined by shrubs and broken up by trees.. At the auction of the MacKirdy household effects many items were purchased by the Council and mostly remain in the house today {1991}. Scotland's largest hospital for 'mentally deficient' people closed 20 years ago amid claims of torture and neglect. No redevelopment took place and the buildings were placed on the Buildings at Risk register around 2009. The patients were transferred to Merchiston Hospital when the new complex was opened and Caldwell House was sold. Men bring court claim against Home Office over Glasgow hotel stabbings . Its combination of the Hplan and Tudorstyle, gabled front elevation tend to give it the air of the contemporary poorhouses. Inside abandoned 100-year-old asylum which housed patients from around Scotland and served as psychiatric hospital for WWI veterans (and yes, it's apparently haunted) Bangour Village. It's a peaceful place today, one of many abandoned wartime airfields across Scotland, where weed-strewn runways and dispersals stand as lonely monuments to those turbulent years from 1939 to. In that year the management Committee of the Royal Northern Infirmary recommended a separate establishment for the mentally ill, recognising the unsuitability of housing such patients in the infirmary. The foundation stone of the new buildings at Smithston was laid in September 1876 by the Earl of Mar and Kellie. (An aerated water works in Cardean Street was built on this site after the Second World War). A threestorey nurses home was added to the southwest which opened on 1 June 1900 providing sixty beds. Updated. In 1937, on 21 June, the new nurses home byNorman Dickwas opened to accommodate one hundred nurses. The plan itself had an octagonal tower at its hub within which were the apartments of the superintendent and other ancillary offices. Another important aspect of the colony system was the replacement of the large common dining halls with smaller dining-rooms within the villas. This new system had been developed at Alt-Scherbitz, near Leipzig, which members of the Lunacy Board had visited in 1897. The majority of the men - who say . It was built to designs byJohn Honeyman. (Image: Mavisbank Trust) The sad secrets of Glasgow's abandoned mental hospital Hidden away in a secluded rural spot north of Glasgow, Lennox Castle Hospital is an abandoned building with a very interesting history. Further extensions were made to the main building of which the principals were a new lavish Dininghall bySydney Mitchell & Wilsonin 1903, and a new wing with boardroom by J. Flett, the clerk of works, in 1923. It remained in use as the city poorhouse until it was finally demolished at the turn of the twentieth century. It was planned to accommodate 570. hi janis, im doing a bit of research of this hospital and would love to hear from you, my research is about how mental health patients where treated by then and how things have changed, if you coudl email me that would be great to ask you some questions on it to add in, WELL I KNEW SOMEONE WHO WAS IN HARTWOOD HOSPITAL WITH THE NAME OF BILLY MCALLUM HAD A KILT RUCK SACK VERY MUCH INTO WALKING AND WAVING TO CARS PASSING BY WELL HE WAS FROM SHOTTS VERY DECENT BUT QUIET GENTLEMEN USE TO BEABLE TO DO VERY NICE ART WORK OF THE TWIN TOWERS AND EVERY AREA IN HARTWOOD HOSPITAL HE ALSO SHOWN HE A WORK OF ART OF THE TV MAST OVER IN SALSBURGH AREA HE WAS A VERY GOOD ARTIST AND VERY FIT WALKER SMOKING I SUPPOSE DIDNT HELP THE MATTER BUT NO HE WAS MAYBE THIN BUT WAS AS FIT AS A FIDDLE DIDNT KNOW MUCH ABOUT HIS YOUNG DAYS WHETHER HE WAS A BIG DRINKER WASNT SURE IF HE WAS YOU HEAR STORIES BUT YOU DONT KNOW WHICH ONE WAS CORRECT OR IF ANY BUT I KNEW HE WOULD HAVE A WHISKY NOW N AGAIN ONCE IN A BLUE MOON BUT YEAH I KNEW PEOPLE WHO WORKED IN THE LAUNDRY A MARGRET STORRIE AND A MARGRET FRIEL AND I ALSO KNOW JOHN AND MICHEAL AKA MICKY KELLY FAE SHOTTS THEY WERE NURSES AND I ALSO KNEW GILLIAN K MULVEY A NURSE AS WELL N SOME OF THE MCSEVENEYS AND MCAULEYS WORKED THERE TOO THEY TOO WERE ALL FROM SHOTTS WHICH IS WHERE I WAS BORN AND BREAD BUT YEA I KNEW SOME OF THE NURSES AND PATIENTS IN THIS PLACE.

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abandoned asylum scotland