When you hang out with Tae, though, the two of you end up sitting in silence. Jimin wanted to give you space because he knew youd be that courteous to him if he were in that position. anon: Hey there! Y/n, he was so into you, and I cant help but get jealous when other boys want my girl! Six members danced in formation while Hoseok and the choreographer stood at the front watching. Hi, Kim Seokjin, Y/ns boyfriend for the last year and a half, nice to meet ya! Jin smiles but his eyes send a warning as he wraps his arm around your shoulders pulling you against his side. And you are? He smiles, but his eyes are dark and bitter. The leaves are finally at peak cronch in my area and theyre starting to fall off the trees, which means Im in the festive mood. V: You two had been out, and a number of your guy friends had run into you. dont ever put yourself down, seokjin. you said sternly. seokjin couldnt help to press his ear to the door to hear you better as you sang epiphany with everything you had. Spurned by your ex-fiance, you seek the one person who can help. There are times where he does fall asleep, particularly when youre reading, and you cant help but smile. So, having you read aloud the book hes currently working through helps him relax. BTS Reactions | Masterlist Masterlist REACTIONS - You Being Too Short To Kiss Them You Being Scared Of The Dark You Being The Granddaughter Of The Queen Of England Their GF Has Been Attacked Thinking About You All The Time. Thanks! Jins lips purse into a tight line. (TaehyungxReader, SMUT), -Third WheelingHis Ex (!!) (fluff), The Roommate: After years of living apart, Yoongi is finally reunited with his favorite roommate. (fluff), Cold: Its cold out, and youre freezing. Master list Reactions- BTS: To kissing you for the first time To you being pregnant To their crush being mistaken as their girlfriend To you getting hit on (Jealousy) To you being a messy eater To you crying To you crying bc they're leaving for tour So I guess send in your requests? Hope thats okay?. He didnt want to overreact, so he stayed quiet, but felt his anger and jealousy boiling up all day. Our turn to order. you walked into the bedroom. They Call You Clingy (Hyung Line Pt. He started being morepossessive as more said hello, keeping a hand on you or around you at all times. But most of the time, it just energizes him to do better. you smiled, your eyes glassy with emotional tears, and for the first time, you allowed seokjin to hold you for as long as he wanted, and you didnt feel so bad about it. (I used to think I wrote headcanons fairly well, but idk now Im not so sure. I mean, hes always tired, but performances manage to create a special kind of tired. he had been in the bedroom all day. your singing is the most beautiful thing. He always promises that he can get you tickets to the guys next show, but you both know that theres no way you could feasibly attend every concert. He doesnt hear the door latch, though, and the soft footsteps behind him alert him to the fact that hes being followed. Then, you see him, and you shoot him a tired grin, your eyes lighting up. And hes excited to introduce him to his new favorite roommate. You. Yoongi rolled his eyes and grabbed you, pulling you up next to him.Shes my girlfriend, yeah? He glares at Jungkook who raises his arms innocently. as the member that is most associated with food, kim seokjin would take it upon himself to make you less of a picky eater. Sometimes, though, youre sitting on the couch, legs outstretched, his feet on the cushion beside your hip, yours tucked between his body and the back of the sofa. But you can always tell when hes feeling down after a concert. you sighed and sunk in your chair. You nod breathlessly, heart pounding. He likes to wrap his arms around your waist, whether it's from in front of you, from behind or even when you cuddle. He knows thats just your personalityyoure friendly and affectionate with your close friendsits part of the reason he fell for you. Youll have to speak up, He growls, unzipping your pants and pulling you out of them quickly, his hand sliding under your panties and into your core. seokjin, they arent going to see if you are south koreas best gourmet chef? Thank you, Jungkook x Reader, V LIGHT smut/, mostly fluff, one-shot scenario, BTS Masterlist, feel free to send in anything, from smut, to angst, to fluff, reactions, and fanfics/short stories, thanks xx. he had a mental list and knew most of the things you didnt like. but you were more surprised to find all the support, and how many compliments not only your baby, but you were getting. It can be fluff and a little smut or how you like it , Can I request a reaction to bts seeing their crush after having a smut dream about them that night? You yelp in surprise and he smirks, holding you tight to the door with one arm while fingering you quickly with the other. They're Feeling Down But You Cheer Them Up. You dont have to be jealous of Yoongi, you mumble into his chest. Namjoon hears your shoulder pop, and you rub it, a scowl on your face. He grabs your hand and pulls you back into his chest. You lay there and watch the movie as much as you can, running your fingers through his hair and enjoying just being around him, even if he isnt awake to enjoy it with you. When you first started dating he thought it would be nice to go on secret dates since you both can't be seen together but as years passed by you two just don't care anymore and decided to go public. You can make it as SFW or NSFW as youd like, or a mix of both, I dont mind. just try it, please. jin told you sternly, sitting down next to you. he made his best recipes. Requests Are Open! Me talking with Namjoon? Yoongi hums in response, but he can feel his face heating up, having been caught. Unfortunately, it doesnt go to plan. Premium BTS Trash MASTERLIST - Tumblr you knew you didnt exactly look presentable but you still wanted to continue with your live. Jin always texts you when he and the other members are on the way back to their shared apartment. Luckily, you're there to take care of him and make . Where do they come from? Masterlist - love maze Hes already in his pajamas, laying in bed, scrolling through his phone. Hey, Jagi, wanna dance? Hed come up shyly and smile, when you say yes hed send the backup dancer a smug look as he pulls you off. primrosemendes liked this . ), and I only write x reader, no pairings. You tend to notice when Tae is feeling jealous. Hi, Park Jimin, Y/ns longtime boyfriend. (pokemon trainer au, fluff, angst), Exiled: After a year of being on the run and the worlds shittiest luck, Yoongi comes across a familiar face. It was good. he cooed at her, just as an idea popped into his head. Jackson! He loves that youre there in those moments to pick him up and to take care of him. seokjin was laying next to you, your baby daughter almost sandwiched between you and seokjins bodies. You Attempt Suicide After An . monsta x reactions yoo kihyun chae hyungwon lee jooheon im changkyun. (although both you and jin were dressed in black hoodies and clothing with hoods up and masks on. Lets go back to the boys, He leans down to press a light kiss to your neck, and nips at the tender skin making you gasp and blush as he walks you back. lets just leave.. BTS 'Dynamite' at 2020 Billboard Music Awards - LIVE COUPLES REACTION they jumped and looked at you. thank you guys so much for supporting through everything and enjoying reading what I post just as much as I love writing it. Namjoon is charismatic, and youre friends, and Yoongi wants nothing more than to see you happy. Sad that you hadnt even noticed him walk through the door. (fluff), Increased by One: Jungkook shows up at your apartment with a surprise. I smiled the whole time I wrote Jimins because its the most romantic adorable thing I could ever possibly imagine jshgsdjgsjhsd, First of all, thank you!!! Someday, Ill make some fancy banners for these. Tae never talks about his jealousy, and you dont want to push him, so you dont bring it up. Delicious. He shoveled more into his mouth. J-Hope: The two of you are at his dance studio, him dancing and you waiting and watching. But as it turns out, the price of revenge may be a little more than you bargained for. Hoseok still looks at you like hes absolutely jazzed that you agreed to date him. Jin was just showing me how to make this and I think youd love it.. your mother smiled at him, a very kind smile, and began to talk to him. your singing, music to his ears. You yelp in surprise and he smirks, holding you tight to the door with one arm while fingering you quickly with the other. Id like to be able to hear it, Yoongi jokes, pushing your shoulder lightly and giving you a wide smile. you were just wrapped in a towel, as you hadnt expected anyone to be home. I better get back to the boys. Your whats your problem? is venomous, and Jungkook cant help but feel like a child being scolded. BTS SCENARIOS/REACTIONS NEW Masterlist BTS Reacts: You Having A Cute Moan (!!) His arm is wrapped around you, holding you tightly to his side. You gasp and moan a little, trying to stay quiet, but that only encourages Taehyung who smirks on your skin. He cant help but see you hanging out with Yoongi as a challenge for him to be a better boyfriend. You arrive at the apartment quicker than you promiseyou always overestimate your ETA just in case traffic is terribleand one of the other members, usually Hoseok, lets you in. you sighed, trying to hurry. Y/n! So here is my masterlist to the best of my ability that I can get it together for now. Hes still pretty hyped up, and watching a movie helps him relax. He smiles and kisses your cheek,Darling, the paparazzi are here, we should go. you tensed up, the feeling of his arms around your waist made you feelodd. Oh my gosh ahhhhhhhh thanks!! he looked up at you,thanks, jagi.. MoonChild - Masterlist try all the other things. he told you, using his chopsticks to point to the other foods. Hi, Kim Seokjin, Y/ns boyfriend for the last year and a half, nice to meet ya! Jin smiles but his eyes send a warning as he wraps his arm around your shoulders pulling you against his side. Yoongi rolled his eyes and grabbed you, pulling you up next to him.Shes my girlfriend, yeah? He glares at Jungkook who raises his arms innocently. he would never leave her alone. He tells you about the interesting parts of their performance, and you tell him about your boring evening at home. He lets you pick. You get as comfortable as you can without disturbing him, shifting so that his head is more solidly resting on your chest, and play with his hair until you fall asleep, too. (fluff), Keep Me Around: Its your birthday, and despite having a meeting at BitHit, Yoongi does his best to make it special. (fluff), Ace of Hearts: When things start to get hot and heavy, how will Yoongi react if you want to slow things down? Hope you enjoy!! I hope you enjoy it!! (fluff), Grass:Platonic Yoongi x Seokjin. this is literally a once in a lifetime thing. my dancing isnt good enough., you immediately rushed to his side. you finally revealed to your boyfriend that you were insecure about your body, whether it was because you were curvy, or skinny, or just however your body came to be. okay Ill shut up with the sappy bullshit and tag a few people that I would never ever think of unfollowing. (fluff), Soft: Spending time with Yoongi on his birthday leads to softness. He would fall asleep like that if hed let himself, and often, he catches himself drifting in that ethereal space between sleeping and awake. Namjoon watches from a distance, noting how Jacksons eyes roam your figure as you wear your breathtaking evening gown. One Shots. she made an adorable sound, and seokjins heart erupted. ive been thinking. (series) (hurt/comfort, angst, fluff, slowburn, Hybrid AU), Home: After helping Yoongi get away from his abusive former owner, youre left to focus on your relationship and how it progresses. Good girl. He gets a lot of comfort out of having you so close, and he gets particularly clingy when the performance didnt go as well as hed planned. Jiminie and I were going to hang out tonight. He hums in response. Jiminie were you jealous? You laugh and he smiles and rolls his eyes pulling you into his chest and kissing your head. You all finally got back to the dorm, and Jungkook grabbed your hand and pulled you to the couch and into his side. But then he sees the odd angle that your head is resting at, and he takes pity on you. As he dances, he occasionally casts you a smile, getting a warm bubbly sense of joy to see you staring, but the next time he looks over you arent looking at him, youre talking to one of the backup dancers. 2) (angst) (Admin Cas). The elevator comes then, and hes glad that pressing the button gives him an excuse to turn away from you so you cant see the blush or the shit-eating grin thats plastered on his face. but you had an idea. you held a few packs and cups of ramen in your hands and turned your back to the girls, about to leave the aisle. BTS Reactions | Masterlist - Tumblr He prides himself on how he captivates you with his moves, your eyes wide with awe and never leaving his form. So he always ends up sitting silently at the restaurant or in the living room as one of his closest friends monopolizes his girlfriend. Jungkook: You two were out with the boys, and for some reason you and Jimin had been attached at the hip all day, laughing and sharing secrets and telling stories. What did you say? got7 + skz + bts + ateez reactions MASTERLIST bts reaction | you . Sometimes, hell throw a match just to see you pout. (f), Rest: Yoongi is sick. so like any other night, naturally he cooks dinner. He loves having you there to cheer him on when he makes a big play. Y/n? The deep voice laughed incredulously and both you and Jin look up to see your ex standing there with open arms and a big smile. you smiled,hey, jin. He cant help ithes just so happy to hear you choose him. And your personalities match in ways that Namjoon had never thought possible. Pairing: Hybrid!BTS x F!Reader. (series) (vampire au, fluff, hurt/comfort, angst), Drunk in Love: Jimin begs you to hang out with his friends, including one Min Yoongi. You reach out and pull him closer so your legs are touching as you sit on the couch. You and the Bangtan leader always end up talking poetry, or books, or film, or music in such an intellectual way that Yoongi ends up not being able to follow. When you got closer, he raised an eyebrow, finally noticing the bags in your hands. you were loosely holding onto his arm while jin maneuvered through the aisles, tossing things into the cart here and there. Yoongi isnt happy about it.Genre: Fluff, Slice of Life, Hybrid AUWord Count: 516Rating: EWarnings: none. he jumped slightly and flashed a shy smile. H/n! I gotta step in sometimes jagi. ! your thoughtful messages, likes and reblogs have lightened up my darkest days and I cant explain how much that means to me. Summary: Hobi knows what he wants his future to look like. he wanted to bring her everywhere he went. He knows Hobi too well to know the joke was only in good fun, and he knows you too well to know that you would never laugh if it was mean-spirited. Thanks so much!! He leans over and brushes your hair back, whispering in your ear,I didnt like how you acted today, ignoring me, so were gonna spend some quality time together when we get back to the dorm, yeah? His voice is gravelly and low, and sends shivers down your spine and you nod, seeing the hot, dark look in his eyes. And he does know. Jackson leans in to hug you, and as he pulls away, he keeps one hand on your lower back, as if temporarily claiming you. He just feels sad. He cant help but watch how your ex keeps touching your forearm and leaning in, his handsaccidentally bumping yours. Lets go back to the boys, He leans down to press a light kiss to your neck, and nips at the tender skin making you gasp and blush as he walks you back. he decided on a dish that had some things you liked and some things you have never thought of trying just because of how it looked. - Seeing Their Crush After Having A Smut Dream Ab Them (Please tell me if any links don't work, I'll gladly fix them, and please leave constructive criticism if you have any :)). please, for me?, seokjin pursed his lips while he tried to avoid your eyes, but he found you cute when you pouted. I think I need to remind you who you belong to, yeah? He growls and attaches his lips to your neck, pressing himself against you. Jungkook has his head in your lap, and one of your hands is in his hair, the other resting between his shoulder blades. You love seeing him smile as widely as he does after a concert. so naturally, one day while sitting on the couch, jin wrapped his arms around you. You convince him to take a nap.Genre: Fluff, Slice of Life, Hybrid AUWord Count: 483Rating: EWarnings: none, Summary: You make banana bread. Thank you, Jungkook x Reader, V LIGHT smut/, mostly fluff, one-shot scenario, hey, i really really love your blog! He was happy you were therehe would happily take any excuse to hang out with you. He keeps a pleasant but bored expression on his face, and puts his hands in his pockets, bunching and unbunching his hands into fists. to the cashier, you both looked like you were going to rob the place). I really respect his analyses and knowledge. Ill do reactions and headcanons for all of them. He knows that however close your friendship with Jungkook becomes, you would never leave him. He notices that you spend a lot of time with Yoongi, especially when the days are long and hard and when Jungkook cant spend much time with you. Oh my gosh ahhhhhhhh thanks!! (fluff), Warm: A snowstorm knocks out the power in your apartment. you can only think with positivity., seokjin smiled at your words. you shook your head, and put your and jins hands on top of the table. you heard all that?, you had only met seokjin recently and were already really close. You and Jimin could talk at length about anything. (JungkookxReader, fluff/angst), -Gradually (YoongixReader, angst/fluff/smut), -Media Finding Out Youre Pregnant (JiminxReader, fluff), -One More Night (J-Hope x Reader, fluff/light smut), anon// hey bb, can i Request to bts and y/n doing a lot of things with sexual tension like sleep together, spoon (feeling him hard) bathing together, And stuff, but never kissed ( maybe almost sometimes).. all this bcz they cant be together for any reason .. ohhh i know its hard to ask and i dont even know if it fit better in scenarios, fic or reactions .. but if you decide to to something for just one member, i would love to be jungkook !! And if that means putting up with you not paying attention to him when Namjoon is around, then so be it. Jin doesnt know if that makes it sting more or less. you werent mad at seokjin, if anything, you had a burst of confidence. he laughed at your face when you saw the dish. Just as he leaned in to kiss you, a familiar voice called out. He growls in your ear and presses himself against you, his crotch roughly grinding onto your sensitive area. But when your ex says the telltale line,Yeah, we definitely need to go out sometime! He steps in. Updated List :) Thanks for all your support!!! Sure, Hobi is happy-go-lucky and full of sunshine most of the time, but there are days when hes off his game. he took a picture of her, a wide smile on her face as she looked at him. this blog has been such a journey for me and I wouldnt know where Id be without it. You and Jungkook both love how adorably simple yet absolutely infuriating it is. Hed looked most annoyed when Taehyung wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you against him to tickle you. I gotta step in sometimes jagi. You know what he wants. He knows he can be an ass, but he just wants you to love him. he wanted to impress your parents. Kpop reactions n' shit, Master list you hummed. Good girl. Unfortunately, his order gets swapped with a strangers when hes running late for a meeting. He knew you were over him, and itd been like two years since youd been together, but he knew that look in his eyes. Yoongi insists that he cant sleep without you on concert days. bts reaction | you being their doctor. So stay by my side, and well have our own little chat when we get home, k? He says pleasantly, but his eyes promise something else and you feel a slight blush creep up your cheeks at the thought, and he squeezes your shoulders gently, holding you against him. He hears Hobi call his name, but hes too far down the hall to care. The kind of exhaustion where you can tell all of your energy has managed to seep through your skin and out into the world, and youre unsure of if youre even going to make it into bed before you pass out and sleep for 10,000 years. and i love you for who you are.. jin loved you and wanted to return it. (fluff), Meant to be Yours: (Not) Meant to Be: Yoongi would make a great dad. So good to see you too! you felt squirmish. Jin acts surprised to see you every. Jungkooks competitive side doesnt really play well with his jealousy. Whatever it was, you were right. Why do so many guys know you and feel the need to talk to you? Jungkook does his best to help warm you up (fluff), Support: Jungkook shows up at your door after a difficult day at rehearsal. you began your search, picking up packs and putting them away. Hobi began to dig into the noodles and smiled. So good to see you! Namjoons hand tightens around your waist and Jacksons eyes harden at the small gesture. He deserves a few hours off to do whatever he wants. Check out the Fix You Masterlist for more of this universe! Could I request a BTS scenario to their gf asking them to give her a back/shoulder massage after a long day, perhaps also asking if they could be in the tub together? jin loved when you showed skinship. Rose Unit BTS Masterlist - Tumblr He sleeps with his head resting against your chest, your head leaning against his own. Lets go. He smiles pulling you outside where no paparazzi are waiting. A big thanks to @jungkookiebus for creating my banners for my masterlist and for my writings! Hm? seokjin! he just wanted a hot bath to relieve the stress of his muscles. Hoseoks second favorite place to be is on stage. their best friend asking for a hickey in order to make someone else jealous [hyung line: their s/o getting into a fight to defend them [, their s/o getting attacked by intense fans [, comforting their stressed and/or sad s/o [, someone breaking into their s/os house when theyre home alone [. theyre noticing how much talent you have. you cupped his cheeks, your thumb caressing his cheek bones. Ill do you one better, anon. Sure, he might have to deal with feeling jealous of Jungkook every once in a while, but he wouldnt give you up for the world. hey, y/n., oh, jin. you smiled and you evidently looked eager, very, very excited. Usually, you sit on Jimins bed while hes giving you the rundown, your knees touching, as youre both sitting cross-legged with a blanket draped over your laps. You know his promise of just hanging out for a little bit is a lie. Most of the time, though, you just lay in bed and cuddle. Yoongi cant help but smile when you take his hand and lace your fingers together. He considers leaving the two of you on the couch for the rest of the night. Im so glad you do, it makes me feel so good to hear that :) And yes, this is such a good idea!! but as you were picking, you managed to overhear the girls next to you. His eyes met yours, and he can see the question before you even ask. It comes to a head when Jin is walking down the hall one day at the dance studio and hears you laughing. Right after the second store attendant flirts with you, Taehyung pulls you into the dressing room and locks the door. ! You see Jimin a lot, but theres something about his post-performance happiness that you love to see. I have a full list of things I will and wont write on my about page, but to keep it short: no smut, no pregnancy, no kids (unless its platonic, like a nibling, sibling, etc. you both were falling in love with each other. but, you told him to wait a bit. Yoongi and Jin visit a cafe to work. Anonymous asked: Hello! Namjoon watches from a distance, noting how Jacksons eyes roam your figure as you wear your breathtaking evening gown. Y/n! In the apartment, Hoseok insists that hes still too hyped up to fall asleep, so you cuddle on his bed and put on a movie. Reactions-Scenarios-MTL Masterlist BTS Reactions requests are open! It doesnt take long for you to wake up, stretching when you do. But there are only so many play arguments and deep, meaningful conversations Tae can walk in on before it starts to affect him. he began to cook. He decides to take you to a museum. You guys happily chat, and youre excited to see your friend. you guys are so awesome and lovely in my eyes , meeting their s/os parents and being shy to show affection, their s/o gets flustered when they are a gentleman, their s/o staring at them in admiration/awe, their s/o becoming quiet because they think being talkative annoys everyone, seeing their s/o without their glasses for the first time, their child running up to them during an interview/vlive, their s/o having anger issues/getting irritated easily, doing the chapstick challenge with their s/o, spending christmas with their pregnant s/o, hearing their s/o sing for the first time, their s/o being a bigger fan of another kpop group, introducing their newborn baby to the world, falling in love with namjoons best friend (who doesnt speak korean), taking their s/os makeup off while theyre asleep, accidentally interrupting their s/os live with theyre in a secret relationship, getting caught staring at a photo of their s/o when they miss them, a girl tries to get into their s/os pants, their s/o is embarrassed after bts brag about how loud in bed they are, their s/ohaving a good day butthen ending up feeling bad for no particular reason, their s/o comforting them when they feel insecure, their s/o loves giving skinship but is insecure about receiving skinship, bts [hyung line] reaction - seeing their s/o getting into a fight to defend them, bts reaction - their s/o being a picky eater, bts reaction - accidentally interrupting their s/os live when theyre in a secret relationship, bts masterlist two [one shots and mini-series], bts reaction - meeting their s/os parents and being shy to show affection, bts reaction - their s/o comforting them when they are insecure, bts reaction - introducing their newborn baby to the world, bts reaction -hearing their s/o sing for the first time, bts [hyung line] reaction - their crush is fearless, bts reaction - their s/o loves giving skinship but is insecure about receiving skinship, getting jealous while only being friends [, their s/o is extremely sick and forces themselves to go to work/school [, s/o wants to get intimate and child walks in [. I guess Ill have to show you how much I know when we get home anyway, He smirks against your neck and trails kisses upwards to your lips, squeezing your hips and making you blush. You grab something out of the pot with a pair of chopsticks and offer it to him, your hand under it so it doesnt drip. bts bangtan bangtan sonyeondan kim seokjin jin min yoongi suga jung hoseok jhope kim namjoon rm park jimin jimin kim taehyung v jeon jungkook jungkook bts masterlist bts masterpost kpop masterlist bts reaction #jhope #rm #park jimin #jimin #kim taehyung Show more bts masterlist Reactions Soulmate Au 2) (Maknae Line Pt. The other members are there, then, grabbing at the bags, pulling out containers of jjajangmyeon and thanking you profusely. BTS Masterlist, feel free to send in anything, from smut, to angst, to fluff, reactions, and fanfics/short stories, thanks xx. One / Two / Three / Four / Five / Six. Even if you arent into video games, hes always willing to play a casual game with you, and he even bought a Nintendo Switch while he was abroad so you could play some of the cuter two player games together. he thought about how hard he works on choreography and making music and then thinking that its not enough for the fans. His heart is pounding in in his ears, and he can feel his face flush. Reactions (1k words or less) He prides himself on how he captivates you with his moves, your eyes wide with awe and never leaving his form. as he approached the bathroom, however, he heard something. The two of you retreat to his room, where you sit on his bed with him while he games. Things ended on good terms between you two, but you still hadnt seen him in the last two years since you broke up. How close are you to them? When you walked into the practice studio that day, the boys were still working. She is such a sweetheart and an amazing person. He gets out of the car and you can hear his giggles get progressively louder as he approaches you. Lol, I used to want to be an author more than anything (lil fun fact ) And YES ! You know I love you more than anything right? Hed smile at you.Of course I know Hobi, you know I love you more than anything? Youd smile and kiss his cheek, making his smile widen. As much as he loves you, he knows that he isnt the easiest person in the world to be in a relationship with.

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bts reaction masterlist 2020