Send Letter 5883C, (select from drop-down Continued Participation after Sanction Response) to the individual and 5883C, (select from drop-down Firm Acceptance after Response) to the firm, if applicable. Click "Case Action" and select "Close" from the drop-down to close the case. Access CC MFTRA "U" to obtain the country of birth and ensure it matches the one noted on the Treasury SDN list. The correspondence must address all suitability issues including any new issues identified through IDRS research. If the LDC recommends continuing with suspension or expulsion and review by the OOA is requested, the LDC must provide documentary proof to Andover e-help Desk for forwarding to the OOA. IRS Disclosure Offices respond to written FOIA requests for agency records not available in the IRS reading room. If the application is new and has been pending documents for 45 days, the application status will move to "Deleted" on the following day. If suitability is passed, the system will move provider status from "Applied" to "Accepted" , issue an EFIN and ETIN (if applicable), move the application status to "Complete" and generate an acceptance letter. Take no further action until a response from IDT Research Group is received. The assistor must update the provider status to "Dropped" allowing the RUP user to reapply. This report provides detailed information about TINs that have more than five applications. Are you currently incarcerated or have you been incarcerated in a federal or state prison during the last two years? When working Initial appeals and the decision is to pass the appeal, move suitability to "Pass" , provider option(s) to "accepted" , assign EFIN and manually subscribe individual(s) to Rap back. (18) IRM - changed time frame for freeze code referrals from one year to six months to agree with current procedures. See IRM, Immediate Suspension or Expulsion, for other situations that warrant an immediate suspension. The individual or firm suitability is "In Process" and a case may have already been generated, if fingerprint results returned data that has not been adjudicated or the professional credentials has not been validated. Assistor will evaluate the information received and manually assign the EFIN for a true Online Provider. Responses are merely replies to the identified issue(s) and a request for resolution on the information. If the firm is replacing the individual, fingerprinting may be needed. Failure on the part of an authorized IRS e-file Provider to cooperate with the Service's efforts to monitor filing abuse. Photocopies of the proof of citizenship and/or residence are acceptable forms of documentation. It is important that these cases be worked within 30 days of being initiated. Pending Criminal Investigation issues where documentation is provided by the Special Agent. The applicant can choose all options available to them. Send Letter 5899C, (select from drop-down Revocation Individual or Revocation Firm). If there are any reasons why you would not be suitable including criminal history or past failure to adhere to e-filing standards do your best to correct them before applying, or outsource these services to an accredited firm. Providers use electronic filing publications, such as Publication 3112, IRS e-file Application and Participation, which are available at, as their primary source of guidance. Currently, these application types are Circular 230 and Low-Income Tax Clinic (LITC). and the issues are not resolved, letter 5883C/5877C, proposed or recommended sanction, and 5876C, proposed or recommended sanction to firm, if applicable. Yes, there is an appeal process that we can guide you through if your EFIN application is denied. Initial suitability is conducted on all TINs listed on the application for the firms, Principals and Responsible Officials. felon trying to get an efin number - E-File - ATX Community Research EFIN status, IDRS and IAT, etc., to see if there are any e-file rules they are not abiding by. All reports are generated from the Business Objects Enterprise (BOE). Research the account to confirm the following: Action code (AC) 501 - taxpayer identified identity theft. The Scheme Development Center will indicate the level of Infraction and sanction imposed. (5) IRM - updated business rules to remove ones for fingerprint cards that are no longer needed due to a change in the fingerprint process and added one about the document upload tool due to a new application being used. Please reference IRM, Unauthorized Access and Disclosures of Returns or Return Information, for unauthorized disclosure procedures. Depending on the letter, you may need to select person or firm from the drop-down because many letters can be used for either. Enter your information in the application . The SBSE examination LDC will complete and provide an e-file sanction request with a copy of the court order via fax to Andover e-help Desk to identify the individuals and/or provider to be sanctioned. Send the Letter 5899C, (select from drop-down Prisoner Suspend Individual) to the Principal and/or Responsible Official who matched with the prisoner list (as described above). IDT Indicator TC 971 with AC 501, AC 506, AC 522 or AC 524. If there are unresolved modules in status 02, 03 or 04, the assistor may choose to contact the provider by phone to attempt to resolve the issue. Proc. There are three parts in determining whether an applicant should be accepted in the e-file program: The crime(s) were minor, moderate, or major. If the address has not been updated, follow IRM, Undeliverable Suitability Letters and move Case Action to "Suspend" and input 55 days in "Number of Days to Suspend" . All links to validate credentials can be found on the EPSS portal Quick Links. Circular 230 applications are "For Profit" and: Must choose "Sole-Proprietorship" as the "Business Type" . An Intermediate Service Provider receives tax returns from EROs (or from a taxpayer or tax-exempt organization that files electronically using a personal computer, modem or the Internet and commercial tax preparation software). This form is forwarded to the business unit records coordinator and area records manager. They can also be found by using the "Search" function on the ESAM landing screen and selecting specific search criteria such as "Letter ID" from the drop-down. (10) IRM - added AERA and AMNT roles as they were not included in the prior version. You must protect your EFIN from unauthorized use. This includes issuance of appropriate suitability sanctioning letters. Late filing or late payment history is not part of the criteria however, it may be considered when other ASAP criteria are present. An individual whose fingerprints are "Unprocessable" cant be subscribed to Rap Back. A Straw Person has no real interest or participation in the e-file process but is merely a passive stand-in for the real participant who secretly controls activities. If a certificate is not normally issued, a letter indicating good standing from the bar or regulatory agency will be sufficient. When an application is submitted, the application status will default to "submitted pending documents" except for "Not for Profit" applications. If all outstanding balances are in any valid IA (current or suspended), "Pass" . Applicants select the provider options that apply to the service or role they will perform. IRS is currently deactivating ITINs at the end of each year, as required by Internal Revenue Code Section 6109. The assistor must notify the lead of a PDT. Having an EFIN is critical if you want to grow your tax preparation business. Refer to IRM, Reapply Applications for more information on reapplying. Contact Silver Tax Group today for help or to speak with an expert about any EFIN questions you might have. If the firm advises in their appeal it wants to remove the individual on the prisoner list from the application, the assistor shall remove the person, update provider option(s) to "Accepted" and issue EFIN and ETIN(s) if applicable. If the Provider Option Service Type is "Not for Profit" , submit the application and close the case, as these types of applications do not go through suitability and no letter is needed. They receive and process these requests within time frames set by law. Therefore, no case was generated, and the application either has an individual on it that may require professional status information/FPCs, the Terms of Agreement (TOA) signed and/or a Provider Option that the system doesnt recognize (e.g., added Transmitter but no ETIN was issued). The VITA business activity is systematically validated through SPECTRM. Provider Statuses are listed below with a description: Revoked applicants cant appeal or reapply. Quote. Do not provide the link unless necessary - refer them to their letter for the link. After the provider completes the application and passes a suitability check, we send an acceptance letter, which includes the EFIN, to the Provider. Each year in May, analysis is conducted to identify all EROs and Transmitters that havent e-filed or transmitted tax returns for the current or preceding two filing seasons. Do not delete the application until a reply is received. How to Apply for an EFIN & What to Do If You're Denied Responsible Official: An individual with authority over the providers IRS e-file operation at a location, is the first point of contact with the IRS and has the authority to sign revised IRS e-file applications. EPRRB will review the correspondence to determine if the individual/firm expulsion decision will be overturned and allowed to reapply to the e-file Program. Input TC 599 with the applicable closing code on each tax period to indicate the return(s) were secured. The denial/suspension date for initial/continuous suitability cases is the date the action is being entered on the application. If not send 5886C, (select from drop-down No Response Recommended Sanction for EIN/SSN) and Letter 5886C, (select from drop-down No Resp/Recommend Sanction firm/Officer/Partner), if applicable. If the provider has not removed the deceased individual within 30 days, inactivate applicable EFIN(s) and related ETIN(s). If a new EFIN is issued upon submission (application goes to "Complete" ), inactivate the newly issued EFIN and add comment. The revocation of participation in IRS e-file is not subject to the administrative review process as the revocation is based on federal court order and cannot be appealed. When RICS, CI, RAAS, or other appropriate areas recommend expulsion of the Provider based on a stolen identity used to obtain an EFIN or submit a return using that EFIN, take the following action: Update all associated TIN(s) Suitability Status to Expelled. If denied, you must file a completed Form 8948 for every paper tax return you file. EFIN XXXXXX inactivated. If a "Pass" decision is determined after initial research: Change suitability status to "Pass" for all applicable TINs. Apply normal first level appeal processes and send Letter 5880C, e-File Application Acceptance Letter and Letter 5883C, (select from drop-down Information Provided - Accepted for Participation or Continued Participation after Sanction Response). Transmitters in accepted status are analyzed. If EFIN is not displayed after assigning, check EFIN history before assigning another EFIN. The "Application Summary" is a one-page overview of the application based on the data input and the status of the application data fields. Letter Generation Validation triggered when a systematic letter cant be generated by the system. If correspondence or a phone call is received, and the application comments indicate the EFIN has been inactivated because of undeliverable mail: Update the application with the current information the provider has given (e.g., new address). See Document 6209, IRS Processing Codes and Information, for valid installment agreements. Understanding the benefits goes a long way toward making the complex process of applying for an EFIN seem worthwhile for companies of all sizes. This report provides applications in a submitted state for more than 30 days. If the TIN is compliant: edit business rule of "Not Confirmed" to "No Hit", update personal/firm suitability status to "Pass" and add "Notes". When mailing correspondence concerning the suitability of one or more Principals or Responsible Officials of the firm, send one letter that does not include details of the individual's suitability issue to the firm. Organizations should refer potential EFIN or ETIN misuse to EPSS through the W&I EFIN Referrals mailbox at *W&I EFIN Referrals. My IRS EFIN was assigned. E-help assistors can only verify those providers who chose to be listed on the "Authorized IRS e-file provider locator" . If it is unable to assign one due to unavailability within the given ULC, a case will be generated in the "E-file Application Review" workgroup, with the business rule "Unavailable EFIN" . Individuals who have committed certain financial and other egregious crimes (e.g., refund fraud, identity theft) are expelled from the e-file program and may exercise their appeal rights for reinstatement. If the EIN is not found, the reporting agent provider option cant be selected, and the following error message will appear. New participants who are fingerprinted, accept the new terms of agreement and pass suitability are enrolled in Rap Back Services once the application goes to complete and an EFIN is issued. The SBSE examination Lead Development Center (LDC) will complete the e-file revocation request and provide it via fax to the Andover e-help Desk to identify the individuals and/or firms that must be revoked from participating in IRS e-file if the enjoined individuals or firms are on an application. If a Responsible Official fails because of initial or continuous suitability review, the suitability status for the SSN is updated to "Fail" . Provide the caller with the public liaison telephone number and the disclosure office address. The list of related resources can be found in IRM, IRS e-file Publications. The e-help assistor will include the explanation for the action that is provided in the IRS e-file application comments. To apply for an EFIN, you will need: Your name and Social Security number Your bank account information Your tax filing status A copy of your last tax return Information about any loans you currently hold Make sure you have this on hand before you begin the application to streamline the process. The ERO will be unable to participate in IRS e-file until a decision is rendered by OOA. Complete appeal cover sheet with either "Pass" or "Fail" . Mark the case "Worked" and then "Closed" and delete the application. The e-file application process requires specific info a little similar to the ptin application as well as a submission of fingerprinting. The Application status can be manually updated from "Deleted" to "Save" allowing resubmission once the documents are received. If fingerprints are unprocessable, the vendor will contact the individual for a rescan appointment. Information about any loans you currently hold, Work With Real Tax Attorneys Who Have 15+ Years Experience With The IRS, How to Claim the Capital Gains Exemption When You Sell Your Primary Residence, Tax-Related Identity Theft and 2022 AUR Changes, What is the Employee Retention Tax Credit. (19) IRM - removed statement about payments being made as it doesnt apply. If documentation is received and additional suitability research is required, a case is generated for review. Sole Proprietorships are not transferable. New applications are started by the author who can complete most information on the application. 2007-40 for additional suitability information. You indicated you are a U.S. Citizen on your IRS e-file application. When undeliverable mail involves a national account, an interaction is sent to the designated assistor and/or lead. Update the EFIN and any associated ETIN(s) to "Active" . EPSS conducts biannual matching (May and December) of Social Security Administration records against e-file Providers records to determine if any e-file Providers are deceased. This report is a listing of canceled Rap Back Subscriptions. Software Developer defaults to "For Profit" . Repeat suspend process shown in paragraph 3 above until all letters have been issued. 221. r/Accounting. (24) IRM - procedural change made for sending appeals to IRS Office of Appeals via e-mail to uploading to a SharePoint site due to a change in their procedures. The assistor must add comments indicating the suitability issue(s) and the action(s) taken in "Application Comments" and "Notes" . It often means immediate checks on your tax forms. This will ensure that the other offices that the Principal is associated with will be allowed to participate while the Principal responds or appeals the sanction decision. If the liabilities have been addressed or resolved on all modules and no other literal/hit or issue is present, "Pass" . If an individual appeals and states that he is no longer in prison or is not the same person on the prisoner list (never incarcerated) and has provided supporting documentation, forward to adjudication for determination. When "Not for Profit" is selected, the system provides another field for "Type of Business Activity" . If the firm or individual provides a court order that indicates the firm or the individual may no longer be enjoined from filing returns, Andover e-help Desk will use the Form 14631, e-file Revocation Request to request a recommendation from the LDC, prior to changing the eligibility date, to allow the individual and/or firm to reapply. The credentials for attorney, CPA and EA can be destroyed after they have been entered into the application. Applying for an EFIN can be a complex process, but its also well worth it for entities that intend to work as tax preparers. This disclosure can occur if a RUP user accesses the system and views application information that they are not authorized to access. The suitability status changes to "Pass" for TINs with no compliance issues, all supporting documents received, and passed validation or adjudication. If a provider challenges the IRS in court over suitability issues or other rulings, the comments in the application may be admissible in court and therefore, must be accurate and complete. verification of professional status credentials. If adjudication recommends "Pass" , but there are suitability issues, follow suitability procedures and send to management review. Individuals must answer the question, "Have you previously participated in IRS e-file?" Some applications are submitted only to gain access to TDS. Level three infractions include violations that would: Have a significant adverse impact on the quality of electronically filed returns, Have a significant adverse impact on the integrity of IRS e-file, Having an e-file business related association with known criminals (disreputable conduct), Deliberate or intentional misrepresentation on an application, Incarceration. In addition, send Letter 5880C, E-file Application Acceptance Letter and Letter 5883C, (select from drop-down ERO Acceptance or Decision Reversed-Accepted for Participation). For example, an ERO can simultaneously be a transmitter, a software developer or an intermediate service provider depending on the function it performs. Mailing is the other option for providing requested documentation, whether U.S. mail, Fedex, etc. Efile Worklist Aging (cases by manager/lead SEID). ORG_SUIT_QUESTIONS_CHANGE triggered if the entity changes the answers to the firm suitability questions. When the business structure cant be updated or created for a new application under the same EIN, see IRM, Updating the E-File Application for Previously Accepted Applicants. If application is denied, no EFIN or ETIN is assigned. This report provides a count of applications in a dropped, reject or non-compliant provider option status by reason code. For example: Undeliverable (UD) mail comment may state, "Letter of Inquiry (LOI) returned UD. Take a look at this guide to learn more about what they are, how to apply for one, and what to do if your EFIN application is denied. Electronic fingerprints images are retained by the IRS authorized vendor for 30 days. A designated assistor will submit an e-mail to the ISE&S (Industry Stakeholder Engagement & Strategy) group. L2 REG DECEASED triggered if the PTIN Status Indicator is equal to "Deceased" and individual is registered for e-Services. The selected letter will display. The assistor will verify the correct ZIP code in the USPS website, EUP users have 24 hours to edit their comments and they are not visible to the RUP user. This report provides a list of individuals whose fingerprints were processed, have passed suitability and are not subscribed to Rap Back. Proc. To begin the application process, create an IRS service account; Fill out your e-File application online. If Disagree with explanation, continue with the continuous suitability appeal process. Each individual who is a Principal or Responsible Official must be a United States citizen or a resident alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence as described in 8 U.S.C. (33) IZRM - added TRIDOC describing mailing documentation to include all methods of providing documentation together. Refer to your Lead for final approval or denial. Schedule a consultation to find out if you qualify for an IRS hardship program it only takes a few minutes! "Submitted Pending Docs" , "Submitted New" , "Submitted Reapply" or "Submitted Revised" ), and no other primary issue/business rule exist, mark as worked and close case. Two major menu areas are displayed after login: Applications section which allows the user to access various applications. Completed research on IDRS and sent LOI to possible new address 123 State Street, Cleveland, OH 24444.". See IRM, Providing Requested/Required Documentation. Select "Add New Location" from the dropdown menu. There are two firm suitability questions that the user must answer. Comments are made in the Notes section of the Personal Suitability Status screen indicating if the Accurint report contained data or no data. If no suitability issues exist, and an EFIN is either active or inactive, enter on the application comments suspended or disbarred by OPR indefinitely, include the date and close incident if applicable. The EFIN shall remain inactive until the individual/firm reapplies and pass all suitability checks. Level two infractions include violations that would: Have an adverse impact upon the quality of electronically filed returns or on IRS e-file, Have a negative impact on taxpayers' voluntary compliance, Be a non-compliant issue that was not self-corrected prior to IRS intervention. The website will walk you through the process. When a case is generated for an issue and the taxpayer has not received an IRS notice, or the issue is in status 21, do not send the LOI. See IRM, Personal Credentials Screen for Principals and Responsible Officials. Research EFIN comments to see if the issue is already being worked. This action will cross-reference the account where the return is posted. TINs which are in "Pass" do not need to be reviewed with the exception of a spouse. See IRM, Automated Suitability Analysis Program Results and IRM, Automated Suitability Analysis Program Results With Not Confirmed Business Rule. Prepare a written response only if a firm/individual was previously contacted. Many need to enter an electronic filing identification number (EFIN) to file digitally, for example, and doing so online makes the overall process much easier: Do you have an EFIN? Untuk E-filing dapat diakses di laman Direktorat Jenderal Pajak.. Namun, untuk melakukan pelaporan secara mandiri di sistem online, Wajib Pajak (WP) harus sudah memiliki nomor Electronic Filing Identification Number atau EFIN. When the assistor determines the 45-day processing time for applications will not be met, the assistor will send Letter 5882C (select from drop-down Interim letter), acknowledging the IRS received their application and to allow an additional 30 days for processing. Be sure to include all literals/hits that appear on the "Business Rule" screen which are valid and any other pertinent information. Once a letter is chosen, you will need to select the return address - options are Andover and Austin. The original EFIN adjudication cover sheet and any information submitted by the applicant. Review the explanation provided to the felony conviction and/or incarceration question on the "Person Suitability Answers and TOA Signature" screen. This will direct any subsequent assistor to the EFIN account when the TIN is associated to multiple EFINs. Rejected e-file application failure to file 1120s in 2013 If research indicates the individual is still incarcerated, the e-help assistor will take the following actions to "suspend" participation in IRS e-file to ensure individuals and firms cannot participate: Update personal suitability for the matched individual to "Expelled" , select denial reason of "Other" and enter comment "Prison Suspend" . If professional status cant be confirmed or documentation is needed, send Letter 5882C, (select from drop-down Unable to Verify CPA/Attorney Banking Official or OPOC). The information/cases have been analyzed and EPPM is now recommending these cases be addressed as a rule violation per Publication 3112. See IRM, Paperless e-file Case Process (EPSS). We assign an EFIN to identify firms that have completed the IRS e-file Application to become an Authorized IRS e-file Provider. This report provides a listing of all EFINs dropped within a specified date range. This report is a listing of all Online Providers that have answered the self-certification questions in the current fiscal year. If a joint return has not been filed with the cross-reference SSN, see IRM, No Return Literal. contain LITC in the Doing Business As (DBA) name - usually at the end. LDC will also provide a copy of the federal court order. You may also check the ERO locator on If the return was received by mail, send the return for processing. The system verifies the receipt of the fingerprint results or professional status information validation. EPSS retains and purges the obsolete paper Form 8633, Application to Participate in IRS e-file Program and any related documentation three years after the EFIN has been dropped per Document 12990, Records and Information Management Records Control Schedules; Tax Administration Wage and Investment see page 434 schedule 55.

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efin application denied