McCaffrey, Barry, "Statement by ONDCP director regarding U.S. efforts to combat drugs along the southwest border," 12/15/97, internet. Sullivan, Brian, "Organized crime: a growing national security threat," Strategic Forum, 5/1/96, #74. Consider the following strategies: 1. As expected, Labastida easily won the PRI primary, which suggests that the rumors of the death of dedazo were perhaps somewhat exaggerated, at least as far as internal PRI-politics is concerned. 1988, the Mexican leaders of the organization, Jaime Herrera-Nevarez, Sr., and The lower house, the Chamber of Deputies, consists of 500 individuals elected to one, three-year term. synthetic drugs and marijuana across the border. A March 1997 New York Times article detailed the Fuentes connection with governors of at least two Mexican states - Morelos and Sonora (Reuters, 2/16/97). This arrangement did not last long, and a number of meetings were held between Mexican and Colombian cartel leaders in the early 1980s, shortly after the connection was made. They must have some serious underground tunnels / infrastructure below that Attorney General's office in Mexico City. It must be re-emphasized that the current model of Mexican governance is the result of nearly 120 years of socio-political evolution; the model is deeply imbedded in the Mexican political psychic and the general political landscape. Scaramella, Gene L. "Cooperative efforts between criminal organizations," Crime and Justice International, November 1997, pp. Newsweek, 3/10/97, p. 36. "What is surprising," he writes, "is the open and singularly aggressive demeanor of the Mexican soldiers [who are] on American soil." Continued movement in this direction will threaten the very foundation of Mexican democracy. Reuters, "Accused Mexican drug lord had vast empire, paper says," 9/29/96, internet. Under Fuentes, the Juarez Cartel rose to dominance in Mexico. Seeing an opportunity to carve out a literal monopoly, the Mexican military got into the marijuana transport business as the American demand for marijuana increased in the 1970s. Watson, Russell, "Coke and Mrs. Durango to Chicago. Find out more interesting facts about all the towns in the Municipality of Santiago Papasquiaro (statistics, photos, maps, restaurants) at this link. 1. Farah, Douglas, "Mexico banks charged in drug crimes," Washington Post, May 19, 1998, p. A-1. Foolishly, Abrego placed $1.3 billion into an American bank checking account, which only served to bring him to the immediate attention of American law enforcement officials. Do you have a friend in Los Herrera and want to send them a gift through the postal service? Constantine, Thomas A., Testimony before the United States Congress, 2/27/97, internet. I am ill today, so could search further so this helps, I will try and translate and post..@6:17 still looking for the vid and thank you, i did go into the DEA history archives and pulled good info about the organization, they are huge and good businessmen with longevity.I am posting it now as an add on, They once had 90% of the chicago heroin. Peniche himself has admitted to contributing $25 million to the PRI party, with $5 million specifically going specifically to Zedillo's campaign. Former Gulf Cartel king-pin Garcia-Abrego, for example, even publically noted the audacity of the Salinas administration coming after him after he arranged with Raul Salinas to have two anti-Salinas candidates killed. It will be most difficult to wean the Self Defense Force from this new-found wealth, and they paradoxically loom on the horizon as a threat to the sovereign government of Colombia from the political right. 35-37. Only crap, Buela I read the story of Jaime Herrera-Nevares back in 2000, is this guy related to them? The nation encompasses 756,000 square miles and has a population of nearly 100,000,000. This figure represented approximately one percent of the In a chilling video, aired for the first time on American national television by PBS on October 10, 2000, a squad of elite Mexican national police officers who came upon a shipment of marijuana, are gunned down by a squad of Mexican army personnel. The continued involvement of the Mexican military in the drug trade is particularly troublesome. its jus da calculations dats hard, it seems like they're starting to crack down on the sinaloa cartel alot more now than before. A far more likely scenario is that the Hank family may well have aligned themselves with The Federation, bringing a significant amount of resources and connections to an already extremely powerful entity. This group is Mexico's largest importer of ephedrine and supplies the other cartels with the finished product, methamphetamine. That amount could yield 136 tons of meth, and would be enough to supply 12.4 million users with three, 10 milligram doses a day for a year. He proposed a new plan for business with Colombia. During Introductions such as these may be quite common, the only difference with this one in particular is that Alma Leticia Reyes Guerra was in attendance. THE MEXICAN POLITICAL SCENE: AN HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE As has been noted, Mexico has been governed by one political party, the PRI (Partido Revolucionario Institucional or Institutional Revolutionary Party), for 70 years. pounds of heroin, 13 pounds of cocaine, 47 properties, and $300,000. AFP, "Top Mexican, US officials to meet amid new drug claims," 6/2/99, internet. The Juarez Cartel is now paying El Paso gangs in drugs and weapons for stolen vehicles. We are still in the process of carrying out this operation. It is suspected that he may have been using whatever political clout he had left to influence then President-elect Fox's cabinet appointments, though Fox seems to be making very independent and creative choices in that area (Associated Press, 11/24/00). Belmont, CA: West/Wadsworth, 1998. I cannot picture a Herrera "cooking" anything themselves, or do you think el chapo o whomever is planting weed himself?? 1128 whatever works. American law enforcement agents have been strictly forbidden from carrying/using firearms in Mexico. El Arqui fled to a cave nearby and hid out inside it, protected by a number of bodyguards. Circulation and sales have plummeted. Associated Press, "Mexican poll: Cops mistrusted," 9/17/96, internet. The next phase will see transnational organized crime entities emerge as the de-facto sovereign of significance in the world. Mexican politics was dominated for some 35 years by Jose de la Cruz Porfirio Diaz who served as President from 1876 until 1911 (with a four year hiatus from 1880 to 1884). He is alleged to have close links to Mexico's most-wanted drug trafficker, the. For more information on the drug certification process, see http://www.state/gov/www/global/narcotics_law/certify.html 12. No doubt that CDS and CJNG are the most powerful syndicates in the world. equipment, three drug packages weighing nearly a pound each, and 174 packages Reuters, "Mexico drug war diverts cocaine back to Florida," 2/13/98, internet. Nadelmann, E., Cops Across the Border: The Internationalization of U.S. Criminal Law Enforcement, University Park, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1993. The collapse happened almost overnight. Armando corral (head of Herrera clan and brother of poncho. Diaz's observation proved to be tragically profound. Datos curiosos, cmo puede tener un funcionario o funcionara? What the Mexican people do not like and are becoming increasingly intolerant to is the militarization of the U.S.-Mexican border. AFP, "Mexico turns down request for extradition to US of methamphetamine king," 7/20/99, internet. Hank Gonzalez is a former mayor of Mexico City and held two separate cabinet posts under former President Carlos Salinas. UPI, "Clinton, Zedillo toast US-Mexico ties," 2/15/99, internet. AFP, "Opposition alliance would win Mexican election in 2000: survey," 7/29/99, internet. It is this writer's perspective that the contemporary Mexican socio-economic political fabric suffers not just from an infiltration, but from a saturation of organized crime interests. It was thought that this would stem the flow of illegal migrants, but that has not been the case, for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is the American desire for cheap food. Centralized law enforcement data banks need to be developed and maintained on an international level. El 03 took over leading the group. 9. Among other initiatives, he has called for the creation of a Mexican Truth Commission to examine past atrocities and bring those responsible to justice. Again, the September 1999 arrests by U.S. officials of 93 Juarez cartel associates mentioned previously, along with the loss of drug supplies and millions in currency will surely serve to weaken the Juarez cartel and further strengthen the Gulf Cartel and The Federation. Gallardo has long been known for advocating cooperation between the cartels. In January 2012, SEDENA Special Forces soldiers began an operation which aimed to arrest El Arqui, one of the lesser known Cabrera brothers, in a remote area of Canatln, Durango. The Calexico area was once a relatively easy target for smugglers with only 81 agents assigned to patrol the area in 1996, and only a small handful of those 81 agents worked any given night shift. INTRODUCTION TO THE DRUG CARTELS AND THE DRUG WARS Endless and eternal is their name. The Mexican Military - While not recognized for many years in the academic community, the Mexican military has been heavily involved in the marijuana trade for decades. Drug use in Mexico has risen from an estimated 1.5 million users in 1988 to 2.5 million users in 1998, with the largest increase occurring among children (AFP, 7/4/99). [1] In 2001, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration identified the Durango Cartel as one of the six principal Drug Trafficking Organizations (DTOs) engaged in trafficking drugs into the United States.[2]. drugs, weapons and other items will be made available to the Federal Public America does in fact support roughly a $50 billion a year drug market (Larmer, 1998). Atrocities went un-reported, as did unfavorable economic news. Those arrested, To a great degree, the "Mexican mud" market is a different market than the "China white" market. While this type of corruption is not directly tied to the drug trade per se, it establishes a pattern and practice of corruption within the ranks that is easily mined by drug cartel personnel, who have vast amounts of bribery funds at their disposal. Interestingly, as 1994 dawned, two men stood in the way of Ernesto Zedillo attaining to the presidency - Luis Donald Colosio and Jose Francisco Massieu. 9/27/00, internet. How will the cartels respond to what appears to be a continuing decline in cocaine use in America? Jorge Hank Rhon, the younger of the two sons, lives in the northern border town of Tijuana and is a close associate of the Felix-Arellano brothers, the leaders of The Federation. Associated Press, "Fox draws from left-wing, conservative sides," 11/24/00, internet. A number of human rights groups have become involved, and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace recently issued a report that was critical of both governments. Of all the towns in the municipality, it occupies the number #4 in terms of number of inhabitants. He claimed he was certain the culprit was his chief bodyguard, who was arrested but later had the charges dismissed. Recent reports out of Colombia suggest a plan to re-establish control of the supply lines and to subsequently divide the supply of drugs between Mexico and Puerto Rico, thus forcing the Puerto Rican and Mexican cartels to compete with each other in a classic divide and conquer scheme, leaving the Colombians in a position of dominance. A12, A14. Once nominated in this party-state system, the PRI candidate is all but elected. El 02 was later released from prison under what some might characterize as suspicious circumstances. United States General Accounting Office, Drug Control: Counternarcotics Efforts in Mexico. Time, of course, will tell whether or not such aspirations are achieved or relegated to the garbage dump of political rhetoric. AFP, "Zapatista's demand permanent inquiry commission be established," 1/13/98, internet. In September of 1999, the Mexican Congress asked the Mexican Supreme Court to intervene and force Zedillo to reveal the exact nature of his relationship with Carlos Peniche. branches in Denver, Los Angeles, Miami, and Pittsburgh. The Steigenberger Parkhotel at Konigsallee 1a, known in short as the KO, is one of the best hotels in Dusseldorf. The Juarez Cartel - This cartel was run by a former Mexican federal police commander, Rafael Aguilar, and Amado Carrillo Fuentes. The United States, in an attempt, among other things, to salvage NAFTA, had to put together a $20 billion loan package and stabilize the Mexican economy in February of 1995, an economy that was dependant on the "coca-buck." United Nations, "The world ministerial conference on organized transnational crime," Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, November 1995, 24 pp. Illegal markets need to be made unprofitable, principally on the demand side, and particularly in the United States. Malherve is considered by the U.S. DEA to be the second most powerful drug trafficker in Mexico. UPI, "Mexican security forces corrupt/abusive," 1/30/98, internet. Possession of American currency has national security implications in Colombia - if you have lots of American cash it is surely drug money, and you may be working with our enemies - FARC and/or the ELN. THE UNANSWERED QUESTIONS Many questions remain unanswered regarding the future of the Mexican cartels, and their role in the Meso-American organized crime scene. Also voicing strong opinions against re-certification of Mexico was the Chair of the House of International Relations Committee, Republican Congressman Benjamin Gilman. When asked by Mexican officials to put a stop to this illegal arms trade, American officials have indicated that the demand for the weapons is on the Mexican end, so they, the Mexicans, should stop it - an interesting bit of international diplomatic hypocrisy that the United States can engage in, because at present it has the biggest stick. The Drug Enforcement Administration has hired 1,500 more persons to guard the border, and a number of large X-ray machines that can examine entire trucks will soon be installed (Larmer, 1997). Christian Science Monitor, "Why chic Mexican sneaks into US," 4/22/99, internet. Out of a newfound need to maintain political credibility and obtain political capital and public confidence, significant law enforcement efforts were undertaken by the seated Colombian government to respond to the cartels. AFP, "Mexico's ruling party approves primary rules," 6/14/99, internet. Robinson, Linda, "Mexican mayhem," U.S. News and World Report, July 12, 1999, p. 39. Reuters, "Alleged drug kingpin held in killing of Cardinal," 12/6/93, internet. They seem to be almost lying low. William Rodriguez, son of Miguel, was chosen to run the Cartel. Whether it be for the elections, opportunity or a shift in Mexico's government, as long as these guys continue to fall, it makes no difference. We do not publish all comments, and we do not publish comments immediately. In the end, his government friends who were on the payroll eventually left office and he did not court others quickly enough. IMPACT OF THE DRUG TRADE ON THE MEXICAN AND AMERICAN ECONOMIES The drug trade and the narco-dollars it generates is an integral aspect of virtually aspect of the Mexican economy, from the boardrooms and halls of government to the common farmers and slum dwelling "mules." Instead of cooperating, they competed with each other which left the market and the power structure quite fragmented. In August of 1996, the President of American Sanyo Video Corporation was kidnapped and released after a $2 million ransom was paid. Reuters, "Clinton, Zedillo try to ease strain," 5/7/97, internet. An important Sinaloa Cartel - Los Cabreras figure named Gerardo Soberanes Ortiz, alias "El G1", was arrested in Durango. United States officials uncovered the magnitude of the meth trade in 1994 simply by chance. AFP, "Terrorism, drug trafficking named new threats for west," 10/19/00, internet. When all the invitees had gathered at the hospital, Mayor Enrquez Herrera introduced them to his friend, Gerardo Soberanes Ortiz, alias El G1. Alexander, Herbert and Gerald E. Caiden, The Politics and Economics of Organized Crime, Lexington, Massachusetts: Lexington Books, 1985. makes a final decision and passes the matter on to Congress before March 1. Just a big name coincidence. The most complete information about the large village of Los Herrera (photos, maps, statistics, population) on a single page. established connections in South America and had diversified into cocaine. Tavia was rushed to the hospital but remained disabled for over a year after the incident. A Constitution was ratified in 1917, giving more political power to the central government, largely in an attempt to quell the violence. In response, the Colombian government has launched "Plan Colombia," a $7.5 billion effort to take out the drug traffickers and restore order to this beleaguered nation. Some success was achieved, but the Puerto Rican connection suffered a major blow however, in August of 1999 when 58 persons, including a number of American Airline personnel, local Puerto Rican law enforcement officials, a federal employee, and the son of Puerto Rico's chief law enforcement official were arrested on drug trafficking charges (AFP, 8/26/99). "Coyotes," generally operating with a small independent organization, have historically had a monopoly on people trafficking. Mayor Enrquez Herrera would go on to run for senator and win the position. been hidden in the candy bars. AFP, "Congress members slam U.S. decision to certify Mexico's anti-drug efforts," 2/26/98, internet. Dillon, Stephen, "Accuser of top generals slain in Mexico," New York Times, April 23, 1998, p. A6. in New York seized 85 pounds of cocaine that had been concealed in 4,500 pounds The overall estimate of the total illegal immigrant population in the U.S. ranges from 5 to 6 million, and is growing. The key component in any battle against organized crime is the collective political will of the people. Since 1990, the number of United States attorneys in the region has gone up 80 percent; the budget for the United States Customs Service has increased by 72 percent since 1993 (McCaffrey, 1997). Did you know that this town in Durango has 653 inhabitants? Army knows everything, these narcos aint that smart . Mexico was experiencing somewhat of an economic boom in the early and mid-1990s. In its 1998 annual report to Congress on human rights, the White House noted that "corruption is rife within the ranks of Mexico's police and members of the security forces" (UPI, 1/30/98). Though not politically popular, the data clearly indicates that law enforcement/military interdiction alone cannot solve this problem. A former head of the Federal Judicial Police force in Jalisco was arrested in June of 1993 on charges of corruption. In 1963, the much loved Mexican President Lopez Mateos instituted measures that permitted new voices to enter the Chamber of Deputies. It may also be related to the reality that drugs are part of the economic structure of our neighbor to the south, part of the recreational and economic structures of the United States, and if significant efforts were made to stem the tide, serious economic repercussion could result, for both economies.

Unit 29 State Executive Branch, Articles L

los herreras durango cartel