Phillips Science Hall (P) | Campus Map Subscribe to Phillips Hall Key Academic Dates. Also in Virginia, Hope Robinson has found life to be much more electronic these days. We have managed to catch up with Andrew Emmett, Patrick and Lauren Tingey Smith, and Justin Matthews 00 this summer and hope to get back together in the coming weeks. His older son is a senior at Cornell and his younger son just started as a freshman. During the pandemic she was Zoom-active and enjoyed phone calls from her three children (almost) daily. The pandemic taught Nancy to be thankful for having a roof over her head, food on the table, and good health. After six separate plans had been considered and discarded, a seventh design was finally adopted in early 1952, and the architectural firm of Perkins and Will was commissioned to draw up preliminary designs. Maxine Borsuk Siegel is retired from 24 amazing years at Consumer Reports, but she is keeping very busy. Occupation of Phillips Hall occurred between terms (under the old academic calendar) during the first week of February, 1955. Lee said it is wonderful to be living in NYS after more than 40 years! Online news form. My fellow class correspondents and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Professor Edwin Kan received his B.S. I would love to hear from my old friends and acquaintances.. Club class dues for one or two will be $100, to help fund our class operating account. The upper stories are framed in limestone panels. As always, let me know if you or any of your classmates have any exciting life updates youd like to share, and follow us at the Class of 2018 Instagram (@cornell_2018) for more news. Congratulations on the new grandchild! The inbox of your class correspondent is always a welcoming one. Best wishes to Caroline and all the students this year! This is not to diminish the news we have this time: thank you to our classmates who sent us updatesand please, everyone else, join our party. Leah Bissonette, MS 76, from Encinitas, CA, was glad shed packed in international travel in 2019, including to Vienna, Barcelona, Paris, and the South Pacific islands of Fiji, Vanuatu, and New Caledonia. We heard from a number of classmates who slowed down a bit during this time, although they continued to be active and enjoying life. with our Manhasset neighbors and look forward to some vacation time at the beach in late August. Hello, classmates! These forms give me your voices, and that is a gift. It was fun when friends visited and he got to play tour guide. If you didnt, please take a moment to submit an online news form or send a message or holiday letter directly to: Peggy Ramin, He finds this delivery work very flexible and fun. Hope you all can get a chance to reconnect and that, someday soon, we all as a class can get together again. Son David will be graduating U. of Southern California in December 2021, and daughter Kiana is in the pre-med honors program at a local junior college. Regarding change, you now have an online method of submitting your news items. My wife, Christobel (Lorie), and Ia Cornell 01 couplewelcomed our third child into the world in March: Charlotte Fay, a happy baby girl who gets a lot of attention from her big brothers, Will, 7, and Max, 10. I continue to run two investment advisory firms, take long walks, do regular gym workouts, and golf two or three times weekly. I hope the start of winter has been treating you well. John Alden has moved from the Berkshires, after having lived there for the past 28 years, to a condo in East Providence, RI. Also, speaking of veterans, our classmate George Johnson, whom I met when we were freshmen in the same dorm, is writing a memoir about his military experience. Life is pretty damn good! Its about ALL of us. Had the parades not been canceled, we would have had little trouble staying six feet away from each other as we sauntered, not marched, down the street. DeVon says, Im excited for this next segment in my professional journey!. Sean writes, The good news is alumni from the Hotel and Johnson schools recently hosted alumni events! When there is personal time, Sean likes to be on the water sailing and paddling outrigger canoes. Both of us published books on Amazon/Kindle recently: Wendy, In the Wild Garden (poetry); Allan, The Twilight of Ideology/The Rise of Science. He and James got together in NYC in June, when James was visiting from Chattanooga. The sculpted linear metal ceiling with acoustical backing is suspended in scalloped sections, with fabric fascias covering audio speakers at the column lines. Two mates live in Maine: Rev. We hope that the end of the year goes well for everyone, and that this year has been a happy and healthy one for all of you, as well as your family and friends! Does anyone out there remember that conversation? Ruth Downey Crone was my initial co-correspondent, followed by Marion Steinmann and Pat Carry Stewart, all the finest. I do not like being in lockdown. Ina Perlstein Loewenberg (Iowa City, IA) says ha ha to whether her life has changed recently. He is a member of the firms finance practice in New York, principally advising financial institutions and direct lenders in connection with various transactions. Her brother and sister are cancer survivors. Ellen creates gift cards, does jigsaw puzzles, and reads two to three books per week. When Franklin Hall was opened in 1883, the principal occupant was the Department of Physics. Hopefully this finds all of you happy, healthy, and celebrating in some way. So many of these relationships for me were borne of my time at Cornell. The lead-in to the video states: Gorge historian Dan McClure takes us on a short video tour of Hemlock Gorge, one of Cornells most iconic natural areas. Lastly, Michael Madon reports some business news involving several Cornellians: Roughly two years after selling my cybersecurity company to Mimecast LTD with the help of fellow Cornellians Matt Sitelman 95 and Jann Yogman 93, I have brought in Dan Spiegel 96 to help launch Pretaa. As part of marking the milestone, I decided to reach out beyond my comfort zone to two of my favorite professors to let them know how much their teaching resonated. With his passing, they decided that a fitting way to remember his humorous side would be to launch a campaign to get orbisculate into the dictionary. We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. After filling out the form, you will receive an email once training timeslots become available. In 1994 he retired as senior managing partner from Jones Day, one of the largest law firms in the US. Send news to: Alex Barna,; Gary Rubin, Online news form. Still have lengthy phone conversations with friends of long standing. He notes his appreciation of the special qualities in those I hold dear. Biggest pandemic takeaway: It reinforced the realization of the fragility of life and the importance to find the correct balance between doing good and making a difference in the world with which we interfaceand deriving a little pleasure before departing to the great beyond., Frank Sprtel (Whitefish Bay, WI) retired after 30-plus years as director of risk management at Briggs & Stratton Corp. We are looking forward to getting out of the government lockdown, doing more traveling, and being able to see our grandchildren again. Takeaway: Enjoy being with my wife and soulmate. Allan Hauer, ME 68 (Corrales, NM; reports: I continue to consult with my longtime employer Los Alamos Lab and its parent, the US Dept. Bill, five professors and a dozen graduate instructors had been added to the teaching staff, many of whom were given office space in the old Franklin Annex behind Franklin Hall. I still keep up my classical guitar repertoire, though Im playing publicly less often. Scott Behson proudly announced the launch of his latest book, The Whole Person Workplace: Building Better Workspaces Through Work-Life, Wellness, and Employee Support. My Sigma Phi fraternity brother John Gaines and his wife, Bonnie Cohen, moved back to Brooklyn in July after more than 20 years in the Bay Area. Her biggest takeaway from the pandemic: We can put up with a lot more than we thought we could. The main change for Frances Goldberg Myers involves not eating out in pleasant restaurants or with friends, no opportunities for volunteering, and few socializationsmasks and distancing prevail. When she wrote, she said her last in-person visit was her 90th birthday partya big celebration with 50-plus friends and neighbors. I served on the water board of La Canada Irrigation District and served as deacon at the La Canada Presbyterian Church. Finally, for contrast, a note submitted in July. I am still working half time representing crime victims applying for criminal injuries compensation. Just a subtle reminder that our 50th Reunion is scheduled for June 912, 2022. Were a true representation of Cornells any person, any study ethos, as well as a reminder of our alma maters affinity for an education that positively impacts communities and the world. Alan lost his wife, Libby, in 2019 after she had experienced what he describes as many years of illnesses of all kinds. To share news, please email either of us, visit our class website, like our Facebook page, join our Facebook group, and/or follow us on Twitter. Nancy Kollisch is retired and lives with husband Jeff Pressman in Rancho Santa Fe, CA, where she keeps busy with several activities, including walking. The carefully coordinated visual and acoustical environment includes panels of wood, wallboard, and fabric-wrapped acoustic panels. Serena is also a professor, chief of the spine service, and vice chair of quality, safety, and value at the orthopaedic surgery department at Stanford, which proudly stated, Dr. Our alternative text listings page presents our map data in tables. Were hoping that by now youre getting to see these reports from classmates, even though the starting date for the new online Cornell alumni hub website was set back. Ithaca, NY 14853. Both are missed by their families and friends. FCS Customer Service Center. Constantine Costis Toregas, PhD 71 ( and his wife, Chadley, live in Chevy Chase, MD. Wishing I had more news to share this round. He reports the loss of classmate Warren Terry Grinnan, his good friend and roommate. Aruna Inalsingh (class council) has been happily ensconced in downtown Manhattan for many years, after moving up and down the Eastern Seaboard. Cornell University 325 Phillips Hall Ithaca, NY 14853-5401. email: kan at ece dot cornell dot edu. Phillips Hall. She is a member of the varsity dance team and will be performing at all the home football and basketball games, so well be making lots of trips to Ithaca this year! To this end, Amy and husband Bill also bought a 110-year-old house as an investment property in downtown Ithaca to stay in during their visits, along with their other two children (ages 16 and 13), and to rent out as an Airbnb. For four summers, the family lived in London while Jeff taught a class in international entertainment law. Now retired, Rick does plenty of volunteer work, including working on transit-oriented development for the Urban Land Inst. Essential workers are feeling the strain; non-essential workers who have been out of jobs have felt the fear of losing their homes, their medical care, and more. Both are fully vaccinated and trying to keep up with the kids and friends, and he notes that waking up alive brings him great satisfaction! Perhaps he will play us a set at Reunion! My husband and I are about 30 miles from Aspen, where our daughter Christine, son-in-law, 3-year-old grandson, and 3-month-old granddaughter live. Integrated Circuits | Cornell Engineering I also talk about once a month with Mary Ellen Berger McDougal, who lost her husband, Dick 58, MS 63, in March but keeps busy collecting fabric and making beautiful quilts. The gorge lies just north of Beebe Lake and offers beauty, peacefulness, and a wealth of natural and industrial history.. For both of us, the renewed friendship was a bright spot in our lives. Participation is strictly opt-in, and only the information that you enter will be shared. Biography. It is great to be back in the Finger Lakes area. Jill Barnett Kaufman wrote to let us know that she and fellow classmate John Hastings were married in August. As was my sudden, unexpected promotion from zilch to class officer. He learned during the pandemic how selfish some people can be by not protecting themselves and their families, while others such as healthcare workers and essential workers selflessly go to work every day to serve or care for us. Almeda AC Church Riley writes of radical change in her life due to the unexpected death of my husband, John 55, on January 30. Johns first non-virtual stop: Ponte Vedra Beach, FL. In his spare time, John serves as a lecturer at the Johnson School. Same column, different format. The two bananas I ordered arrived as two pounds of bananas, leading to the necessity of baking banana bread. All restrooms are single occupant with locks. Lastly, Colleen Colbert has been busier than ever during the pandemic, practicing clinical psychology via telehealth resources. Cathy says, Im so fortunate not to have been touched closely by the pandemic. It would thus be possible, for example, to have an experiment in progress in a laboratory, and, in a classroom in another part of the building, to receive a description of the activity and measure resulting data. Jeff is an entertainment lawyer who works in music, film and television, fashion and branding, and the digital media space. Wow! In the 1940's, the offices moved to a temporary Quonset hut located where Phillips Hall currently stands. She has also had fun picking up new languages on her phone app. Integrated circuits are ubiquitous and integral to everyday devices that make our world work, from cellular phones and home appliances to automobiles and satellites. As I write this, I find it difficult to believe that its another glorious fall in Ithaca and we have been living through this pandemic for a year and a half. Your class officers and council are working hard to create opportunities for reconnectionvirtually and in person. Jeffrey Moses. Their son Blake married Meredith Machesney in September 2020 on Cape Cod, and their daughter, Samantha 09, married Ryan Sigman in June 2021 in Sonoma, CA. I had a bit of writing experience, but how Bob knew about it, and why he recommended me, is still a mystery. Before the pandemic, consulting took me to D.C. regularly, but recently only Zoom meetings have been possible. Members of the EE Faculty worked diligently to prepare for the transfer of the School to the new building. In this context, a group of startup founders in New Delhi launched an ambitious initiative, Mission Oxygen. Utility Shutdown Request 34197. Inara is particularly missed by Mike Duffy and others who shared classes with her at Cornell. Along the way, as his fathers career advanced, Dick lived in Boston, Paris, and New York City. She observes: Fortunately, spring brings good weather and allows us to spend a great deal of time in our beautiful backyard in Titusville, PA. And we have very attentive children watching over usparticularly our oldest child, who lives nearby. On April 23, 2021, a leadership team of around 15 startup founders came together to procure oxygen concentrators from China and donate them for free to the neediest hospitals. That farm boy went on to the U. of Nebraska, then to Michigan Law School for a JD and Harvard Law School for an SJD. Carol Solomon Levine (NYC) officially retired in 2019. Hilary only found out that it wasnt an official word when, a couple years after college, Alex Carey 97, a friend of hers from the Cornell Daily Sun, visited. She has rescheduled for 2022 and hopes all will be well in the world. Always trying to look beyond the horizon to find new investment ideas that make sense in a rapidly evolving world. The map is loading and will appear here presently HTML5 is required to view the virtual tour photospheres. In 2004 he was called back by the firm to promote civic activities in the Cleveland metropolitan area and for 17 years has reported daily to the office. Harriet was an avid golfer and talented artist. Good advice, Doc. These days, she has derived the most satisfaction from talking on the phone to family and friends. James Clarke (Columbia, SC) has recently seen no real change, as we spent half the time on our farm in Chester County. He is busy managing their tree farm. My son Alex, who was recently promoted to the rank of Major with the US Army, and his wife are proud parents of baby Alessandro. To celebrate this re-launch, Steve released a prestige version of his graphic novel, The Millionaires Magician. ), In Copenhagen, Sheldon said, I discovered the SU(2) x U(1) structure of the electroweak theory. According to The 100 Most Notable Cornellians, His insight needed more work, but the formula stuck as the fundamental way to express the link between the weak force and electromagnetism. Sheldon worked at CalTech, Stanford, and UC Berkeley. Phillips Hall - Cornell We can all learn from Rachellife moves fast! What a great idea! All the classmate news Im getting is written in longhand! Share it with us through the Class Notes. Effective November 1, he became P&Gs president and CEO. Given the losses that so many of us have experienced due to COVID-19, their story has resonated widely. We remain in good health. How are you planning to spend the winter months? Cornells alumni website recently featured Julie Morikawa, profiling her college experience, career journey, Hawaiian values, and desire to help Hawaiian middle and high school students by founding the nonprofit ClimbHI nine years ago. She now substitute teaches at Newark Charter High School, and is fully vaccinated. All of this is very rewarding, but spending time with her two grandchildren, ages 5 and 20 months, is the most rewarding of alland so much fun! His interest in communication led him to work tirelessly to promote an appreciation for science among the general population. He wrote several books for educated laypersons. Laurance Fuller Professor Smith School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Martha Ballard Lacy ( is also involved in significant volunteer opportunities and is clearing out paperwork and furniture that she no longer needs. These are not for the public. Cornell University College of Engineering - Wikipedia George and I were commissioned through ROTC at Cornell. My family loves it here, and although were in COVID lockdown (again), that usually does not impact a good day out at the beachappropriately socially distanced, of course. She is planning to spend time on Skaneateles Lake, seeing family and reconnecting with Michele Chandler from her U-Hall 2 days. Pete also volunteers at a soup kitchen once a month, participates in a mens group thats been meeting for over 20 years, and walks on a Rails to Trails path and the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal a number of times a week. Please submit an online news form or send your news to: Dorothy Mulhoffer Solow, 50 Grant St., Wellsboro, PA 16901; tel., (570) 948-9107 or (412) 215-1435; email,; or Class of 1949, c/o Alexandra Bond 12, They created a website and set 78 ambitious goals, one for each year he livedsuch as getting orbisculate mentioned in a podcast, a word game, and a Hallmark cardand got to work. Steven Steinhardt ( lives in Albany, NY. I am active in my local temple. We met at our 25th Reunion and we each have three children, age 18 through 27. (Another plug for our 35thmaybe youll meet/re-meet someone?). and recruited major corporate clients for his firm. Johns next stop via the friendly skies: the Princeton suburbs, to see my pal Sameer Desai and his lovely clan. She and her son Dash decided to build a home near Austin to be closer to relatives but found they hated the heat and made the decision to move back East. Closing notes: If your email is not here, it is because you havent checked the little box on the news form that allows your e-address to be shared online. Had to give up my car. She is taking one day at a time! Of her children, she writes, One in Afghanistan, one a research doctor, one an architect, and one unemployed. Satisfaction?

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phillips hall cornell