Her secret is not something you can get at med school. There is a missing layer to all of this and it is only something that Dr. Badass JoRo can deliver. She is so lucky to have him as her Godfather, to love and look after her. I am still trying to absorb this all. Actually a lot out of my comfort zone. Thanks to all of the amazing people you are just throwing my way, thanks to this blog, and thanks to the most kind hearted, generous people in the world, I now have a new home. He always knows how to cheer me up, but I was still left a little shaken. A water for me. I dont remember the last time Ive written to you and I dont like that. The one of a dead child, due to cancer. I am floored. Trust me. Bye Bye Little Sad House! I cannot process this. Today was one of those days where I just could not stop crying. A life full of moments is what I am left with, Ronan. I think Im having a mid-life crisis. Why the fuck did this happen? I talked to George Clooney last night and Im going to run off with him. (inside joke, but I really did freaking talk to George Clooney thanks to one Fairy Bad Ass RoMo) And my all time favorite, Where is Ronan and who is taking care of him? I got sat down and talked to in the harshest but kindest way. I can do a city, all alone, and badass, any other month, but not this month. I cannot keep up with everything that is going on and life seems to running at an outrageous speed. Mandy chirped up, Can you tell the sex of the baby today? The technician told her she indeed could. My heart started pounding. How do I even put into words, who he is? Robyn. Its so funny. I do think this is true. I am trying not to panic about it all, but I said to your daddy tonight, We need to come up with alast minuteMay plan, because Icant behere. He promised me he would, so I am trying to relax a bit about it but it has still been keeping me awake at night. It was good to see them. They fill me with things like a fire and a drive that I never knew I had. WTF. Most of our weekends are low key. Oh, theres perfect infant Ronan. I forget to write about 23 months without you. Everything feels extra heavy, hard, sad, and the slightest things take up every ounce of energy I have just to get through the day. This baby girl is going to be the most loved little baby girl in the world. Please. First things first, Ronan. Ronan is not going to let anything happen to you. That phone call that has had me down on my knees every day and night, begging and screaming to you to please DO NOT LET THIS BE STAGE IV FUCKING BULLSHIT CANCER AGAIN. Nobody in that restaurant, had a dead almost 4-year-old. I am so glad I finally got to meet her. Not even his witty remark made me giggle. Becca. Ronan - ROCKSTAR RONAN I have the best doctor I know in Omaha at the ER waiting for you. The moments of utter beauty and bliss that I only feel by being with certain people. I cannot wait for next year and I am so proud to call this place, home. Anything That Has To Do With You and New YorkCity. I talked to you in my head the way I always do when I need you to work your little Ronan magic. I told you that. I saw a cat in our driveway and right behind that, a big raccoon. You are a writer, plain and simple. with you being somewhere else. I cried after I dropped your brothers off at school, I cried over every single Taylor Swift song that came on the C.D. How are you always right? I could easily see myself sinking into a very depressed state of mind and not getting out of bed until Poppy is born. Ive been writing about your treatment, which has been hard. I was getting ready for our little board meeting and I should have suspected something.. but I just chopped it up to being tired. Sooooooo New York!!! Everything around here is really calm and peaceful. And now has to stay here and is expected to go on with this so called life. I hate seeing him on days like today where I am so sad that I can tell it hurts him. Ronan, do you want to know the one question I get asked, all the time? Its amazing the way she seemsto beworking her little magic on all of us. A little seal with the biggest eyes. While I was on my vacation in the Hamptons, I got that little email that everyone else got who signed our petition to turn The White House GOLD for just one day in September. As always, I am thankful for you and that I am your mama. Ill never forget all the pokies, we had to give you after your rounds of chemo. A dozen times. Oh god. Then I remembered. Im a mom whose heart is broken into a million pieces because this little boy, was mine. I, of course went to, Oh fuck. I miss you so much. One that I so badly wanted her at and one that she so badly wanted to be at but did not think she could come for due to her crazy work schedule. How stopping will make me want to run up my mountain 8 months pregnant and not come back down. They make the raddest tee shirts out there. Remember how I said that nothing will ever be the same again? They are both so excited. I cannot keep up with everything that is going on and life seems to running at an outrageous speed. Im really going to kick your ass now! Because they never gave up on the you and me part of this. No eating required. I needed the blackness of the night that only exists due to this little frienemy of mine. NYC with our Fairy RoMo is my paradise. Missing but Ill never be able to find you. I know Poppy is going to help us find our way a little more, too. I went down to his office. I am going to build something amazing with it. I cant imagine what writing about your death will be like for me. I am going to take the day that you left me and rename it and make it the name that it deserves. I love you, Ronan. I knew you were having a baby girl. Its the Who is Mr. Sparkly Eyes. A lot of you, ask that in my comments. I often feel like after you died, we should have just up and moved to freaking Australia or somewhere crazy. Please. if everybody came back in the room with me. Did I forget to mention the fact that I know your sister is going to be extra spicy, just like you? Cant a vampire/zombie catch a break around here? I have the best doctor I know in Omaha at the ER waiting for you. (still sick and maybe a little depressed) He put his keys on our dresser, just like he always does, right in front of your urn. I think that is pretty good, considering our circumstances. I had a little secret very important meeting today. I let it continue to play. He told me he thought I was being a little harsh. He is doing such a good job, of watching over me for you. I choose to live to honor you and everything you stood for which was strength, courage, and fearlessness. Gnight baby doll. Anything else I need to address tonight?? I hope you know I am thankful for you taking the time to learn about Ronan and for every single penny that comes our way. I think this is all for tonight, Ronan. He told me to please go and get it done. Does Ronan talk to you and tell you these things? I honestly think you do, Ronan. It was weird and creepy and I was so sad when this morning when I didnt have you to tell my story to. I know myself well enough to know when I am not capable of handling things on my own. So typical. Does it start with baby steps while everyday, kids are just being murdered, left and right? I feel like I am back there again. Carolyn. Our sad little house that leaves makes my skin crawl during the day because I miss you so much. It was all I could do to stay in the restaurant and not flip the fuck out. Everyone else buzzed about, working their butts off to make this Run Like A Rockstar 5k run, happened and it ran smoothly. Yes. It felt good just to be out with my friend. Ambien won. I actually got nervous as I went to not shake her hand, but to give her a hug instead. I have a bunch of families that I will be thinking of, not just our own. You are alone. On to the next. I am dying to see our Fairy RoMo, as well. Same with our Fairy RoMo. maya thompson - Page 2 - ROCKSTAR RONAN I sat back with our friends and watched the way the 4 of our boys became fast friends, laughing and giggling together. How could my baby be just fucking dead? Throw up. I am so excited to meet this beautiful gift you have given us. It scares the shit out of me and I know what its like to lose you to cancer. It all started with her looking me in the eyes and saying, What do you want? We decided this year, to do it all after your favorite guy, Captain Rex. This led to me sending him an email back saying in no way, shape or form, was I too harsh. I watched your daddy come home from work today. Your birthday is the same day as Mothers Day. Who Is 'Ronan'? The Truth About The Boy Who Inspired Taylor - TheThings I met with one editor from a certain publishing house, more than once. on Dear Grief/Pregancy, You will NOT kill mysoul. It was a good way to start the day, if anything. maya thompson - Page 6 - ROCKSTAR RONAN on Not a life full of beauty but one full of beautiful momentsinstead, on From what I can see here, it looks like you are having a baby. I took everything she said to heart and appreciated her willingnessto be so open and honest with me. I will get through it the best I can, just like I did last year. Thats all I needed to hear. Starting from before you diagnoses to the months after. As soon as my name was called, I got up and asked if it was o.k. Shes a pretty big deal in the literary world and is a writer herself. But if I would have said something, it would have been something like this: Im not a doctor. I had all I could take. I still think this baby is going to die, so therefore I am trying not to get too attached to it yet. I am truly thankful for all of you. A lot of my blog readers have been posting that you said you wanted a baby sister. My days are mostly spent taking care of her while continuing to fight for you and all that was stolen from us. We Have a NewHome! Im better. He called me a control freak and told me to settle down and to start listening to my body instead of fighting everything. that my New York Miss Macy made me. Thanks for writing them. For those of you who have been trying to order some things on our Big Cartel site, I SO apologize. Healthy and living and there should be nothing to complain about, ever. That raccoon was very likely stalking the cat to eat it. I had Dr. JoRo over to our house today. I wake up exhausted. They had spent the last 4 days, selling cake pops and had made about $73 dollars. I poked my head up out of bed to get a peek at your daddy who was stripping sheets, washing blankets, and tending to your brothers. I stood that way for a minute, while the tears fell down my face. I will never understand so I will spend the rest of my life, trying to fix this. Maybe Ill take in on in my free time. I can do this. Ill fall asleep quickly as I have been doing so easily lately. Quinn was over the moon. Please keep your Poppy sister safe. Just the usual? he asked. This led to me bawling on the phone. I will take this Macegiving to count the things that I am thankful for, on one hand. Things like this dont even happen in the fucking movies so how can they possibly happen, in real life? There was complete devastation. How do you know everything? I would give anything to have you here to cuddle up to because I cant sleep. Twenty freaking one. Thats all for now little man. Are you o.k. He sat down. I let myself get lost in my baking. I was mesmerized by her. God Bless your beautiful family! She called around to a few places. I knew that planning this trip. The day you left me is almost here. She put the little wand over my belly. Alone. Something unlike anything that has ever been done before. I used to be able to go days without crying. THANK YOU. Rockstar Ronan - ROCKSTAR RONAN We sat and caught up. Once in a formal setting and once again, outside of her office. Do you think there will ever come a time when Christmas lights wont be blurry from mytears? And how in the world am I living without him? Please work harder because there is a reason you are here. Because I do. We talked about some other things. I had the talk with Stacy and Fernanda this week. You have to be mentally and physically exhausted, sweetheart. It meant that kids are dying, dying, dying and nobody is paying attention. I was in a world that I normally dont live in anymore. I have had to regroup from that blow and go back to square one. Heres how Im going to get through the next two months. The rest of my day, played out in a way that I dont think I can take much more. I told him about the story that somebody told me about the Poppy flower. Ronan. Dear Grief/Pregancy, You will NOT kill mysoul. I felt myself panic. I feel calmer and more peaceful than I have in a very long time. I truly think you thought you were just going to go to sleep and wake up once again, after we got you all better. Your daddy keeps telling me that Im wiped out due to growing a home for your baby brother or sister. What I wouldnt give to have my old life back. It is just all so wrong. Blackness engulfs my forever painfully aching body of grief. I am allowing myself to have about an hour a day in bed, not the entire freaking day. I let you think you were being naughty, just to make you giggle and to let you feel like you were breaking the rules. Please bring him back. It is her birthday today. All I can do is my best and I want to do this the right way, not the rushed way. Maybe Ill start baking. I would like to think so. Holla! We think we have our boy name too. You left him here to watch over me, for you. The Ronan Thompson Foundation - ROCKSTAR RONAN Only one other living thing survived and that was the poppy, flowering each year with the coming of the warm weather. I would rather jump out of an airplane, 10 times then have to walk out of PCH with your Captain Rex costume that you will never wear again. I dont understand how even watching your daddy and brothers, watch football is normal now. I dont do well with them. Maya! Where is Ronan? She told me how she found out at 12 weeks here with both of her boys. Gnite. Right in the middle of my breakdown, your Sparkly called. As far as an update goes, things here for the most part have been normal. I think I told you that I tried to prep, with Dr. JoRo about this whole getting pregnant thing. I love you to the moon and back, baby doll. That somehow by doing everything I am doing, this pain will someday become less and maybe someday, I wont miss you so much that it hurts this badly, all of the time. Quinnmade a commentabout how weird it felt to have another person living in our house again with us. This is all for now. Im hard on myself and fuck, I just plain miss this. I have been getting through the days alright really; I suppose. Maybe Poppy will even make an appearance;). I think I am starting to feel a little better and pie is still my best friend. I love reading all of your comments. . Thank you, V and K. For being so kind and generous today. I am so proud of them both not only today, but always. I handed him the baby to hold and I was begging him to help me name this baby boy, as I could not think of a name. You are right. Tonight a big dose of reality is waiting for me as I step off this plane. Another one of those crazy, good days where something so big happens, that I have seriously been jumping up and down all day long. She told me she was sorry about you. If you cant be here with me, I will honor you by bringing your little light everywhere that I can. Im alone and I have nobody to take care of me.. This appointment just happened to fall on her birthday! I was so glad I got to tell him my news in person.

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rockstar ronan who is mr sparkly eyes