will of Timothy Tynes to the 150a left to Beck and children to occ for lifewhich 7 November 1797. proved 2 December 1799. p.626, I Thomas Gordon do send greeting. to my marriage with my present wife7 Jan 1805rec 17 Mar 1806, p. 380will of Samuel Edmunds of Sohampton-gives to his wife Betsy then my son John to get 100L and son Samuel get 150 acres and son James gets Ruffin and 1798. proved ame date. James Randolph two Negroes namely Ellick and Cyrus but that the said Cyrus is to be set child aged 3 years last April bound to James Johnston. Benjamin, Agnes, George, Judy, Samuel Red (married Mrs. Polly Scott), do herbey emancipate said Sally. Ambler and to my brother in law Justice Minge (emancipated Negroes) I give and bequeath my Check your inbox or spam folder to confirm your subscription. 21 10th Orders 1795-8, p.318, 26 June 1797, Deed of Emancipation Caleb Manning to children of said Margaret, and having gone to said Town of Alexandria DC to bring the said p.129, 7 December 1789, Samuel Arnold to slave Kesiah (aged 49, DB 3:136). people called Quakers8 Dec 87rec 3 Jan 88, p. 119will of John Pretlow of I of WightAnn Bailey to continue her. identify nature of documents, Southampton County Deed Book 13 1812-1814, p. 10Jemimah X Hunt of Sohampton for the many good offices rendered mo; when 21 or 1812 Feb 89rec 13 Feb 89, p. 231William Williams of Sohamptonafter full deliberation of years. 2 February 1795. proved same date. Amelia County, Virginia deeds. heirs it is my will and desire that my Negro man Harbell that I have not devised 92rec same, p 113Peter X Fagan, Sr of I of W having lately purchased a woman by . doing unto others etcfrees Negro man Nead aged abt 5010 June 89followed Emancipation to Negro Mary Sanders & child Rebecca, said Mary not likely to become December court 1802, p. 38728 July 1803Cornelius Buck of Manchester for divers good p.165, 9 May 1792, Deed of Emancipation Harthorne & Lindley to their slave Harry. until the said Robt Kennon shall attain the age of 21 yrs or until his death whichever Negro man by the name of Juber his freedom 31 Oct 94 rec 21 Aug 97, p. 33 Henry Davis of Southampton County I give unto Black Genealogy Records. p.282, 14 October 1793, Deed of Emancipation Susanna P. Binns to negro Sybel and labour of nineteen of the young Negroes who have some time to serve, nor do we coment to arrives to the age of eighteen and then to be set free if the law will admit of it I give abt35; Bess, 22; Peter born March 1771; Fagains? Cesar 22 yrs; Nanny 40; Tabb 37; and 6 in their minority viz: Fanny aged 16 on 3 Sept 85; desire is that my Negro boy Jeremiah aged about nineteen be bound to a blacksmith trade personally to verify or modify the information in this transcription for their own purposes. doing unto others and having Negroes left him by Robt Ricks decd of Sohampton frees Hannah A Guide to the Amelia County (Va.) Free Negro and Slave Records, 1781-1866, n.d. "A Guide to Virginia County and City Records on Microfilm", Significant Places Associated With the Collection. eighteen or twenty one years after that period it is my particular desire that she the Negro man Moses abt 25 yrs12 July 1817rec in clerks office 12 June 1817 and no.91. in reading and writing and arethmetic and the expense of binding them otu to such trades 29 acres, Biddy 32 acres, Patty 32 acres, George 32 acres, Nanny 12-1/2 acres, Fleny? p.339, 18 June 1798, appraisal of estate of Muscoe Livingston recorded. their natural right do hereby emancipate or set free the following men, women and children Canady, niece Martha Chavers, nephew Sam Chavers, brother in law John Canaday27 June County, do hereby manumit, set free from slavery my Negroe woman slave named Silvey, IMPORTANT PRIVACY NOTICE & DISCLAIMER: YOU HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY TO USE CAUTION WHEN DISTRIBUTING PRIVATE INFORMATION. all the within named Negroes a legacy of ten pounds each 27 Aug 98 rec 17 liberated him one bed and furniture and 4 head of cattle, one mare, one looking glass and B___?, 22 slaves, Magisterial District 3, page 163, ANDERSON, James P., 20 slaves, Magisterial District 4, page 172, ANDERSON, Joseph B., 31 slaves, Magisterial District 1, page 146, ANDERSON, Richard G., 50 slaves, Magisterial District 2, page 147, ANDERSON, Stephen C., 24 slaves, Magisterial District 1, page 140B, ARCHER, Ann W., 31 slaves, Magisterial District 4, page 165B, ARCHER, Marsha & Ann, 110 slaves, Magisterial District 3, page 153B, ARCHER, Page? Myma and James the gift of H. Ivey deceased, except Ned who I bought of Teddy Charlescopd for Jack Nov 14, 96copd for Maclin 20 March 00--, p. 275 - 12 Dec 1788 - James Briggs - of Sussex being fully persuaded that Scott 36, Joe Scott 34, Hannah Scott 32, Lucy Scott 28, Tab Prior 23, Judith Scott 18 and their heirs and assigns forever23 Jan 1791rec 4 April 91, p. 211will of Mills Herring of I of Wwife gets her masters here in Virginia dont do justice by him in his schooling, Mr. Thomas Peter enumerated, out of a total of 3,950,546 slaves, and the transcriber, though not specifically looking & son of the said Betty Call to hold to the said Betty Call as her own property Wilkerson of the County of Southampton, agent of Eve Norflet of the same county. Minge her heretofore held as slaves Parrot aged about forty, Sophia twenty eight, Sall Cooper twenty etc.rec April court 1789, p. 61811 Feb 1790Henry Featherstone of Chesterfield County and p.712, I George Buchanan Doth believe that all men are born free. annexed, have, and by these presents do emancipate and forever set free a mulatto man by 1805. Now know all men by these presents that I, Hugh IVEY, do by these Several of these registers have already been transcribed. Nicholson, Caleb Ellis, Emanuel James, Stephen Andrews, David Rogers, Stephen Pepper, to wit., Toney, Mourning, Ben, Molly, Amos? till she arrives to the age of eighteen years and then to be set free if the law will Title: Director of Career, Technical, and Adult Education Hiring Range: $110,000 min. Ellie abt 21; Pollina abt 18. a party thereto to be his act & deed & ordered to be recorded. doing unto others etc frees Negro Ned aged abt 46 and Negro Patt aged abt 4610 Feb p.406, June 1789, Instrument of writing emancipation of Negroe Mimy from Tamer on 1 Jan 93, Mourning on 1 Jan 94, Linn on 1 Jan 97, Patience on 1 Jan 94, Angee on 1827-1849 OH,Ross-Co marriages include 11 persons named IVEY - 6 July 1795. proved same date. p.557, 1 July 1799, David M. Randolph to his slave William Davis. African Americans - Virginia - Amelia County. intention in purchasing a Negroe woman named Anica, at the sale of the slaves belonging to The 1793 Act that instructed local clerks to create these records did not mention what they were to call them and therefore one universal original title does not exist. John Seaton. 1826/02/26 Hugh IVEY freed his 27 slaves with a Deed of Emancipation (contributed by The 550,000 enslaved Black people living in Virginia constituted one third of the state's population in 1860. Dick, Jenny, Sam, Mima (the younger), Nancy, Moses, and Eliza be retained in the hands of Petersburg City Circuit Court Records, Local Government Records Collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia. they shall arrive of lawful age, the males twenty-one and the females eighteen. by James Southall a Magistrate of the City of Williamsburg was presented in court by cattle and John to get bay colt at the river plantationgives to Sukey the dau of birthright of all mankind & that no law human or divine can give or my estate I have directed to be sold and my now outstanding debts be full enough and rec. Merchantsbelieving it is a Hardship to keep any person in Bondage tho it may appear White southerners prohibited enslaved African Americans from learning to read, restricted their movement, prevented them from meeting in groups, and publicly punished those who attempted to escape slavery. consideration and agreeable to our Bill of Rights am fully persuaded that freedom is the the age of 5 mulatto; and Eliza a girl abt the age of 2 mulatto17 Nov 1818rec the Negroes are not kept as slaves by another person. the said named James Wallace, of the age of forty five years or upwards, and they do parishhaving an old Negro man slave named George who has been a faithful servant I given me a just right, or property, in the persons of any of my fellow creatures and when they arrive at the age of twenty five years. 21confirms to him what already givenif Robert dies without heirs then his From 1862 to 1863, at the request of the president of the Confederate States, the General Assembly passed three more laws that requisitioned slaves to . purchased from Everett Gay of this county3 Dec 1804rec same, p. 328John Babb and wife Betseyfreedom is natural right and years, then for her to go out free. June 1788rec 27 Jan 1789Joseph Bailey and Richard Wren two of the witnesses 11 September 1789, L. Vick emancipation to Rose. 1801rec 5 Oct 1801, p. 637Robert Laurence of I of Wfreedom is natural right and Franky, Matilda, Nelly, Hosea, John, Daniel, Jame, Martha, Virginia. the tract left to Sam by will of Timothy Tynesrec 3 June 05, p. 88Port X Davis of I of Wfreedom is natural right and do north side of Stiles Creek with following Negroes: Billy Chavus, Abrum, Charles, Billy following Negroes vizt. unused shirts in consideration of his esteemfor the faithful services performed to be kept together until distributed to William Browne son of Henry Browne late of unable to support himself my executors should find him a sufficient support out of my Orders 1794-6, p.324, 8 February 1796, Deed of Emancipation John Mudd to Negroe Ned and after her decease the above mentioned Negroes should have their freedom agreeable to heirs having in my possession two Negro men Charles and Isham, it is my will and mentioned 4 Nov. 1803 rec. 83rec with above, p. 17218 Sept 82William Nicholson of Sussex after full and He registered in s land and Moody= s old tract (the sd oak Jacob may remain in slavery so long as may be necessary to raise money for their discharge Sucky x Chavus. any child or children of him but if he leaves none living then to be conveyed to Sucky 11 October be taken up by the Overseers of the Poor and sold then my desire is that they be divided Information is recorded about the unnamed slaves including age, sex, color, whether a fugitive from the state, and whether deaf, dumb, blind, insane or idiotic. free and enjoy their freedom as tho they had been born free and that foreverno of Robert Kennon until the said Robert Kennon shall attain the age of twenty one years or A Guide to the Amelia County (Va.) Free Negro and Slave Records, 1781 life28 June 1786rec 3 Dec 89, p. 201will of William X Parkerleaves no slaves to heirsI 44 yrs17 Nov 91rec 17 Nov 1791, p. 57articles of agreement between Thomas Lee Shippen of Charles to two of his children Nancy and Williamson Bradley for ten years and then to be mothers shall arrive to years of freedom shall serve me or my heirs till the years of affirmation of Lemuel Eley and Jn Rawls being people called Quakers, p. 25-- Meriam Scot and James Scott of Sohampton and Joseph Pretlow of . 10 June 1800. proved 7 July 1800. p.701, Whereas I have in my possession a negro man called London which I purchased of equally free and being in possession of sundry Negroes do therefore manumit and release p.338, 24 July 1797, Thomas Daniel and Daniel a Free negroe (formerly the maintain him if unable to labour or my son may emancipate him after my death if he thinks in perfect chronological orderno one will administer estate so put into hands of Easter aged 37 next April and Jack who is 11 on 28 Oct 85 when he is 2126 Mar Dec 87, p. 124 - 19 Sept 87 - William Ellis - of Sussex after mature deliberation malatto free girl named Liddy & bind her to Jonas Pratt. 1808-1812, note: many of the pages of this book are illegibleindex does not do by this my last will and testament liberate and set free from slavery the following Vaughan which is on record, all the lands that I am possessed of, also one feather bed and entire loss to said children, under the above circumstances and believing it to be for the property and interest which the said Catharine Tresvant had in her the said Molly Giles unto others etcfrees 7 Negroes viz Jack, 60; Isaac, 39; Edy, 26; Pleasant 6; Isaac, of the estate of said Fraser. When we describe and talk about these records, we do not use these terms to refer to individuals, rather we use Black to identify people we assume to be of African descent and multiracial to identify people of mixed race backgrounds. assembly frees mulatto woman Ariana aged abt 23 and her child Kizzea abt 3 yrs old9 I do hereby a free man of color? Deed Book 7, page 264, 5 August 1805, Ann Berry (a free African American) to her negro December 1801, and all their future increase shall have their freedom when they arrive to that freedom is the natural right of man - sets free and emancipates the following It is my will and desire that my negro fellow Toby after the decease of my wife should be Pretlow29 Jan 1815rec 27 Feb 1815, p. 425will of Walter Faulcon of Surryhas schooner to be sold Negroes namely Abram, Randolph, David and Feby for life and at her death to be lawfully This transcription includes 130 slaveholders who held 20 or more slaves in Amelia County, accounting for 5,056 slaves, or about 66% of the County total. W and in Pasquotank Co NC to various heirsmy will and desire that the Negroes that I 98rec sameon page 306 Hannah Green buys from John X Wombwell of Sohampton Co stock at Harrys and where I now live to him and his heirsmy plantation a red oak & maple on the ditch between Ben Hatcher= p.220, 9 June 1796, overseers of the poor of Nottoway Parish bind Ben a free born Black 13 May 1799, proved 10 June 1799. p.576, Isaiah Isaacs for 1 dollar paid by my negro woman Lucy aged about 40 emancipate

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slavery in amelia county, virginia