What If There Were No Religion? | HuffPost Impact The question asking respondents how important religion is in their lives was asked in a previous wave of the American Trends Panel series of surveys; as a result, not everyone in the supplemental survey to the Religious Landscape Study was asked this question. This post was published on the now-closed HuffPost Contributor platform. The What If? And then there's "rule-creep": rules just keep being added and extended, so that our individual liberty is increasingly curtailed. Try to conceive of a modern corner of the world where religion has virtually no place in politics, almost everyone accepts the evidence supporting evolution, almost everyone knows that the Bible was written by humans and not the divine, and nearly everyone understands that morals and values exist independently of religion. But have you ever wondered what would the world look like if there was no religion? It was created keeping in mind that humans need some sort of fear in their minds that could stop them from doing the wrong thing. I'm not only imagining it, but I'm living it. When governments protect and respect freedom of religion or belief for all faiths, this reduces grievances that can lead to religious intolerance and violence. Lewis Professor of Religious Studies at WC and went a long time to school to receive a doctorate in religion and a doctorate in science because of his intention of delaying getting a real job for as long as possible. The effects of racial, sexual, and religious discrimination have both mental and physical consequences such as: depression, stress and anxiety. (+1) 202-419-4372 | Media Inquiries. In the average country, 42% of young Christians pray daily, compared with 51% of older Christians. Lower attendance among young adults is especially pervasive in Latin America, where it is seen in 17 out of 19 countries, and in North America, where both the U.S. and Canada show substantial gaps. There are so many positive aspects of religion. . I could go on and on. Highly religious people not distinctive in all aspects of everyday life, 2. Answer: Without religion we can still be defined as a human. softballC. Mandes, Sawomir, and Maria Rogaczewska. But would this new linguistic freedom really do me any good or set my thoughts free? If respondents who seldom or never pray and seldom or never attend religious services are analyzed separately from others who are not highly religious, many of these differences are even larger. Have humans evolved beyond nature and do we even need it? Denmark is not only one of the safest places on earth, but it is also one of the most moral and ethically conscious cultures in the modern world. How Politics Replaced Religion in America - The Atlantic The conventions of "pleases" and "thank yous" that seem so irksome to young children are indeed arbitrary but the fact that we have some such conventions, and perhaps critically that we agree what they are, is part of what makes our social interactions run smoothly. Why? The vast majority of people around the world claim a religious identity, such as Christian, Muslim or Hindu. Young adults are, on the whole, less likely than their elders to say they attend religious services every week. A new Pew Research Center study of the ways religion influences the daily lives of Americans finds that people who are highly religious are more engaged with their extended families, more likely to volunteer, more involved in their communities and generally happier with the way things are going in their lives. And 40% of highly religious U.S. adults describe themselves as very happy, compared with 29% of those who are less religious Activity: Caption Me! But my own personal experiences aside, one can simply look at the sociological facts: on nearly every standard measure and nearly every international index, from economic well-being to educational attainment, from low violent crime rates to low unemployment rates, from quality of life to happiness and life satisfaction, this religion-lite land is among the best on earth. (For more details on how Americans say they relate to God, see, One-third of religiously unaffiliated Americans say they thanked God for something in the past week, and one-in-four have asked God for help in the past week. Chapter 1 provides greater detail on how Americans from various religious backgrounds say they live their day-to-day lives. Part of HuffPost Impact. In humans, rules also take hold early. A white man in New Zealand live-streamed himself entering a mosque and open firing, killing 49 innocent Muslims present there just for prayers. Religion gives you a sense of belonging and provides a person with moral values. He is the author of The Mind is Flat (2018) Penguin/Yale University Press. Third, and maybe most importantly, people can be upstanding, decent, and just without religious faith. List down at least five possible consequences if a society If you need to flag this entry as abusive. (Findings about non-Christians are discussed in more detail at the end of Chapter 2.). He did so because he absolutely hated Islam and everyone that followed it. PDF The Relationship Between Religion and Morality - EA Journals First came human beings and they dragged Gods along with them. In Rwanda, where government forces and militias killed over 500,000 people and displaced millions in 1994, younger adults attend religious services more frequently than older adults. Sinasabing ang larong batuhang-bola ay hango sa Amerikanong laro na A. footballB. A university basketball player as a student, he was also an NCAA coach of the year when he was starting his professorial career. 2023 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. There are no homeless people, begging in the streets. 2. _, what groups of people did it appeal to zoroastrianism and why. Every religious book teaches and preaches about peace and harmony and how it helps humanity prosper. While the average age gap in Europe is somewhat smaller (7 points), the region is home to two of the worlds biggest country-level gaps: Poland, where 16% of adults under 40 and 40% of older people say religion is very important to them, and Greece (41% vs. 63%). (For more details on meditation and stress, see, Nine-in-ten adults say the quality of a product is a major factor they take into account when making purchasing decisions, and three-quarters focus on the price. adventd. In the average country around the world, adults under 40 are 6 percentage points less likely than older people to say they go to worship services weekly (36% vs. 42%). Young adults around the world are less religious | Pew Research Center (For more details, see, Nearly half of Americans (46%) say they talk with their immediate families about religion at least once or twice a month. This post was published on the now-closed HuffPost Contributor platform. If you need to flag this entry as abusive. Why is religion important in life, in the society, and in our country For instance, highly religious people are about as likely as other Americans to say they lost their temper recently homosexual/transexual would stop commiting suicide. These rules arent just invented by rulers and imposed from the top down instead, they often arise, unbidden, from the needs of mutually agreeable social and economic interactions. (+1) 202-857-8562 | Fax Georgia has experienced a secessionist war in Abkhazia and a conflict with Russia in the past three decades, although the fall of the Soviet Union may also be a factor in religious differences by age. it is the sacrament that sanctifies suffering, increases grace, forgives sins and makes us ready for heaven? Nearly three-quarters of U.S. adults (73%) say religion should be kept separate from government policies, according to a survey conducted in spring 2022.Just 25% say government policies should support religious values and beliefs. (For more details, see, There are many possible ways to define highly religious. For example, Pew Research Center used an index of four measures (frequency of prayer, worship service attendance, belief in God and importance of religion) to create a highly religious category in a recently published interactive tool titled , Some previous studies have found that highly religious Americans Are more likely to volunteer not only for religious causes but also for secular ones. Where we went wrong was when people started taking religion for granted. The trouble with anarchy, though, is that it is inherently unstable humans continually, and spontaneously, generate new rules governing behaviour, communication and economic exchange, and they do so as rapidly as old rules are dismantled. About Pew Research Center Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. (They're also well dressed and their taxis couldn't be cleaner.). First, Glenn Beck, Christine O'Donnell, and their conservative Christian sheep are wrong: religious faith is not necessary for a society to be successful and well-functioning. And this is where the discrimination begins. The world will still be full of negativity, violence, hate, discrimination, and killing. It is my second extended stay here in Scandinavia, and just like last time, my mind reels at just how damn rational, humane, civil, safe, and calm everything is. If I should meet thee How will you show compassion to your stressed mother, Why should you look into the goodness of each person, Activity 1. These age groups also differ in their affiliations: Younger Liberians are almost exclusively Christian or Muslim (96%), but a considerable minority of Liberians ages 40 and older (29%) identify with an ancestral, animist, tribal or other traditional African religion.19 Liberia has experienced two civil wars within the lifetimes of younger adults, one from 1989 to 1997 and the other from 1999 to 2003. This explains the conflict religion brings among people. This is why people continue with the idea of discrimination and oppression either knowingly or unknowingly. (For more details, see, One-quarter of Christians say dressing modestly is essential to what being Christian means to them, and an additional four-in-ten say it is important, but not essential. (For more details, see, When asked to describe, in their own words, what being a moral person means to them, 23% of religious nones cite the golden rule or being kind to others, 15% mention being a good person and 12% mention being tolerant and respectful of others. They're just indifferent and perhaps uninterested. Far fewer only about one-quarter of adults say a companys environmental responsibility (26%) or whether it pays employees a fair wage (26%) are major factors in their purchasing decisions. But on the whole, breaking away from the rules of my language makes me not so much unchained as incoherent. By entering your email and clicking Sign Up, you're agreeing to let us send you customized marketing messages about us and our advertising partners. Our relationship with rules does seem to be unique to humans. Religious Landscape Study national telephone survey. Averaging the national percentages in each of the 106 countries surveyed yields a global picture that clearly reinforces the regional patterns: The share of younger adults in the average country worldwide who claim a religion is 85%, compared with 90% among people ages 40 or older. And there are similar patterns in different religious contexts in the Muslim-majority countries of Iran, Jordan and Tunisia. Looking at specific religious groups, half (50%) of younger Christians in the average country in contrast to 56% of those in the older age group say religion is very important in their lives. This is a particularly prevalent theme in Latin America, where age gaps appear in 14 out of 19 countries. Explanation: I'm not sure but that's my opinion. Highly religious people not distinctive in all aspects of everyday life, The challenges of polling when fewer people are available to be polled, The Gender Gap in Religion Around the World, Profile of those who are highly religious, less religious, 1. What if there had been no religion? As we see, earlier white man's . Imagine a society where people see Jesus as perhaps a nice man who taught some nice things, but was certainly not a miracle-performing son of any god. Ukraine war latest: Boy, 6, cries as sister killed in Russian attack There's no unity 2. 2013. There are 195 countries in the world with more than 7 billion people. Ideally, the survey would have asked about the essentials ofreligious identity across a wider range of religious groups. Would the World (and the people who inhabit it) be a better place? Some completely discard the idea of Gods and deities while some keep an open mind and promote spirituality rather than religion. For example, in Nicaragua, young adults are 17 percentage points less likely to say they pray daily than older Nicaraguans (67% vs. 83%). When asked where they look for guidance when making major life decisions, Americans overall say they rely more on their own research than on direction from experts. Religion triggers hate crimes and conflicts among people of the same country. But on the whole, breaking away from the rules of my language makes me not so much unchained as incoherent. (For more details on how often Americans talk about religion, see, One-third of American adults (33%) say they volunteered in the past week. Advertisement Still have questions? IdentificationIdentify what is being described by each number.1. The moment people from every religion had an idea (a very stupid idea) that they were superior to everyone else, is when religion took a negative turn. In my opinion, the world would still be the same even if religion didnt exist. Public spaces, organisations, dinner parties, even relationships and casual conversations are rife with regulations and red tape that seemingly are there to dictate our every move. Do we really need all these rules, why should I follow them and what would happen if we all ignored them?" You are also agreeing to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Or lets return to the case of sport. But there is a clear age gap: Out of 106 countries surveyed, young adults are significantly less likely to be affiliated with a religious group in 41. If you will be a journalist/writer/reporter what will be the topic of your feature story/news? Join one million Future fans by liking us onFacebook, or follow us onTwitterorInstagram. Even the ancient societies based their worldviews on religion. Practicing Our Faith: A Way of Life for a Searching People. However, the underlying question in this report is not normative e.g., how religious people should behave in daily life but sociological: Do Americans who are highly religious by conventional measures (prayer and worship service attendance) also have different beliefs or behave differently from less religious Americans in other areas of life? Humans have a powerful sense of wanting to enforce, sometimes oppressive, patterns of behaviour correct spelling, no stranded prepositions, no split infinitives, hats off in church, standing for the national anthem irrespective of their justification. There was no wait, the office was clean and aesthetically pleasing, the doctor was professional yet easy-going, and it was totally free. The elements of religion are: (a) reflects an effort to elevate their wholeself to a higher dimension of existence, (b) a framework oftranscendent beliefs, (c) text or scriptures, (d) rituals, and (e) sacred spaces(e.g., church, temple, mosque, synagogue). Of course, there has long been an appetite among some people for a less formalised society, a society without government, a world where individual freedom takes precedence: an anarchy. To help explore this question, the survey asked U.S. adults whether each of a series of 16 beliefs and behaviors is essential, important but not essential, or not important to what their religion means to them, personally. All percentages are rounded to the nearest integer. That thy heart could forget, This gives them more power to control the lower class. Do we really need all these rules, why should I follow them and what would happen if we all ignored them? But if human beings start seeing every person and every religion as one, it definitely bring positive change. The Effects of Racial, Sexual or Religious Discrimination Our relationship with rules does seem to be unique to humans. "I'm in my late 20s and I'm feeling more and more constrained by rules. This site is using cookies under cookie policy . Indeed, research has established that freedom of religion or belief, rather than being the source of religious hostilities, is instead the solution. Experiments show that children, by the age of three, can be taught entirely arbitrary rules for playing a game. what does this verse say will happen if you have bad friends?, Who Celebrate, How and When the Liturgy is Celebrated. The bass drum on the other hand, is made of a wooden shell covered with calfskin which can be tightened by metal rods. Generally speaking, among Christians, women are more likely to worship weekly; among Muslims and Israeli Jews, men are more likely to worship weekly, reflecting gender norms in each religion. How religious commitment varies by country among people of all ages, Introducing the UCDP Georeferenced Event Dataset, Identity status change during adolescence and young adulthood: A meta-analysis, I dont reject the Catholic Churchthe Catholic Church rejects me: How Twenty- and Thirty-somethings in Poland Re-evaluate their Religion, The Gender Gap in Religion Around the World, Appendix B: Detailed tables showing overall figures and age breaks by country and measure, Appendix C: Detailed tables showing age gaps by country, religious group and measure. Professor of Sociology and Secular Studies, Pitzer College in Claremont, CA. enforce, sometimes oppressive, patterns of behaviour. A good place to start is to imagine life in a world without rules. And so does religion. Why or why not? Individuals, and societies, face a continual battle over rules and we must be cautious about their purpose. They prefer the use of reason in interpreting the original mess, What great feast does it lead to?a. We all feel the oppressive presence of rules, both written and unwritten - it's practically a rule of life. See, for example, Pope Francis 2015 environmental encyclical Laudato Si. Also see Bass, Dorothy C. ed. One danger is that rules can develop their own momentum: people can become so fervent about arbitrary rules of dress, dietary restrictions or the proper treatment of the sacred that they may exact the most extreme punishments to maintain them. She found that people collectively construct rules about, say, how many cattle a person can graze, where, and when; who gets how much water, and what should be done when the resource is limited; who monitors whom, and which rules resolve disputes. While this question does not directly measure any particular religious practice, it correlates well with more concrete measures and also has an advantage in that it works equally well across many different religious groups, which is not the case for some specific measures of belief and practice. (+1) 202-419-4300 | Main Of course, there has long been an appetite among some people for a less formalised society, a society without government, a world where individual freedom takes precedence: an anarchy. And while only a handful of highly religious people are religiously unaffiliated, about a quarter of less religious respondents (27%) identify as atheist, agnostic or nothing in particular.. Planning restrictions, safety regulations and risk assessments can seem to accumulate endlessly and may extend their reach far beyond any initial intention. The snare drum has a cylindrical shape and is made of wood or brass covered at each end with tightly stretched calfskin. American Grace: How Religion Divides and Unites Us. Chapter 13, pages 443-454. There are even significant age gaps in four out of nine countries surveyed in the Middle East-North Africa region, where younger and older adults are almost universally affiliated. In recent years, religious leaders across a wide range of faiths have urged followers to put their religious beliefs into practice through everyday behaviors such as consumer choices, environmentalism, hospitality, charity, honesty, forgiveness and healthy living.

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10 possible consequences if a society has no religion