The Internal Fire, or Fire by Friction; II. This soul ray must be evoked into increased activity by the new group of world servers, the subjective worldwide network of all servers, working in all fields of activity, not just the overtly spiritual. To most of humanity, this vision has focused on the material world, material comfort, material possessions and material enterprises. Your astral body is upon the sixth ray so that it will be obvious to you that through that vehicle your personality will find the least resistance; there also lies the need for watchful supervision. It is very easy to get lost inside or lose your head inside esoteric knowledge. by Sharon Fish. That ray determines its appearance, purpose, life trend and occupation, while the soul ray has direct action upon the astral body; hence the battlefield of life is ever on the plane of glamour, were told. Wrong Planet. The books ofAlice A. Bailey, written in cooperation with a Tibetan teacher between 1919-1949, constitute a continuation of the Ageless Wisdom a body of esoteric teaching handed down from ancient times in a form which is always suitable to each period. But the prism is one. The influence of the 6th ray has led to the development of taste in all forms. A large number of 7th ray individuals soul or personality are coming into incarnation now, and to them is committed the task of organising the activities of the new age and ending the old methods of life and old crystallised attitudes. Therefore, some one colour predominates, and some one tone sounds forth, Alice Bailey said: "Each vibrating unit of energy can say: I am part of a divine whole, which in its sevenfold nature expresses the love and life of the One Reality, coloured by one of the seven qualities of the love of Deity and responsive to the other qualities." Thank you for your attention. First Edition. And that includes the nations of the world. The history of the world is based on the emergence of ideas, their acceptance, their transformation into ideas, and their eventual superseding by the next imposition of ideas. These seven types of energy produce the seven types of souls or rays. [66] She stated that this new development may take many thousands of years and may therefore not be the quick advance some of her New Age followers wish for. #4. The two volumes of Discipleship in the New Age by Alice Bailey provide a record of a group of disciples whom the Tibetan was overseeing during his work with Alice Bailey, and he gave each of those individuals information about their rays which is published in the two books. Alice Ann Bailey. The outstanding quality of human experience over the past 2000 years has been the growing expression of idealism. Is not this your immediate aim, my brother? Below the surface was a hidden controversy regarding Alice's work with the Tibetan. [2] Her writings bore some similarity to those of Madame Blavatsky and are among the teachings often referred to as the "Ageless Wisdom". The inclusiveness of the 2nd ray is encapsulated in some words of Krishna: "Whatever path men travel is my path; No matter where they walk it leads to Me.". They work by manipulating ideas to make them easier to grasp by those intelligent people whose intuition isnt yet developed. The incoming 7th ray expresses the power to organise, integrate and synthesise the great pairs of opposites, producing new forms of spiritual manifestation, but also new forms of material evil. So the progression is: 1st ray servers register ideas, which are then rendered attractive by 2nd ray servers, and adapted to immediate need and rendered vocal by 3rd ray workers. Every human being is swept into manifestation on the impulse of some ray, and is coloured by that ray quality, which determines his form and indicates the way that he should go. Bailey's teachings revolve around the central concept of the Second Coming of a personal Christ, the so-called "Lord Christ-Maitreya" who is the "World Teacher" for humanity and who is said to be preparing his "return" or "reappearance" on the world scene. This gives you power upon the astral plane and, in consequence, it gives you a powerful and sensitive astral body with all the implications of success and failure which go with that situation. With absolute dedication to purpose, Alice Bailey presented the teachings of the Hierarchy of Ascended Masters, known as the Ageless Wisdom, to the world in a way that was needed at that time. Higher Expression: Masonry, based on formation of hierarchy, and rules for admittance. Alice Bailey, along with Rudolf Steiner and Krishnamurti, brought Theosophical teachings to their own audiences, helping to perpetuate continuing interest in the Ageless Wisdom. British-American esoteric, theosophist and writer (1880-1949), For the American writer of children's books and articles for periodicals, see, Groups founded by Bailey or her followers, A commentary on the Great Invocation on Lucis Trust's website says "Christ emphasised ever the Fatherhood of God and substituted it in place of the cruel, jealous tribal Jehovah.". These differentions are like the colouring that the prism takes when subjected to the rays of the sun. The ray of the mindthe first Ray of Power. The mind and emotional nature are seen as auras. [24], Bailey continued to work up to the time of her death in 1949. The song Ancient of Days from the 1984 Sense of Wonder album appears to be a reference to a Bailey concept found in such books as The Externalization of the Hierarchy. "Writers of the 1920s and 1930s presented themselves as advocates of a New Age of occult enlightenment, and Alice Bailey did much to popularize the dual terms 'New Age' and 'Aquarian'", Initiation, Human and Solar. All books by Alice A. Bailey and the Master Djwhal Khul (28 books), Alice A. Bailey, Lucis Press, New York. [52] Steven J. Sutcliffe points out that both Bailey and Blavatsky's work evoke a picture of Tibet as the spiritual home of the Masters and that Bailey claimed a more-or-less direct lineage to Blavatsky. Alice and Foster Bailey founded "Lucifer Publishing Company". Ask yourself, does my mind express power easily (1st), or does it strive for balance by seeing many different points of view (4th), or does it crave detail and tend to observe with detachment (5th)? Lower Expression: Architectural construction. These ideas may partially account for an association in minds of some between Bailey, and others of the Theosophical schools, and UFOs. [28][64], Nicholas Weeks, writing for the Theosophical magazine Fohat in 1997, felt Bailey's assertion that "her teachings are grounded in and do not oppose in any fundamental way Theosophy as lived and taught by HPB and her Gurus" was false. Alice Bailey No preview available - 1951. . During the 1960s and 1970s, the neopagan author and ceremonial magic ritualist Caroll Poke Runyon published a magazine called The Seventh Ray, its name taken from the writings of Alice Bailey. The qualities which you should cultivate are persistence, expansion, and strength, applied with love. Jews do not, and never have, worshipped an angry vengeful god, and we Jews never, ever call God 'Jehovah'. Alice Ann Latrobe Batemen Bailey ( June 16, 1880 - December 15, 1949) was a teacher and writer and the founder, together with husband Foster Bailey, of a spiritual movement growing out of the theosophical tradition. Then followed a difficult period in which she worked in a sardine factory to support herself and the children. "[14] In 1919, Foster Bailey (18881977), who was to be her second husband, became National Secretary of the Theosophical Society. The 3rd ray influence is seen in money, which is the concretized expression of the spiritual energy of intelligence. [19] She outlined her vision for the Esoteric Section of the Theosophical Society; however, her efforts to influence the society failed, and she and her husband were dismissed from their positions. [123] Morrison also used the phrase "world of glamour", reminiscent of Bailey's Glamour: A World Problem, in the songs "Ivory Tower" and "Green Mansions". This is now only occasional (relatively speaking). [31][32], The esoteric astrologers who follow the teachings of Bailey typically base their work on her five-volume Treatise on the Seven Rays, particularly volume three which focuses on astrology. Now the line of least resistance should be the mind, and your major objective in life and in meditation should be the mind, and increased illuminationthis in order to render increased service to your fellowmen. There are two major factors of paramount interest to all aspirants andin your casethe task is made somewhat difficult because you have to add to these two tasks the work of shifting your soul ray from the sixth Ray of Devotion to the second Ray of Love-Wisdom. Alice Bailey then developed the teaching considerably in a number of her books, especially A Treatise on the Seven Rays. Learning to recognise ones ray pattern isnt easy, but we have some guidelines to go on. A ray confers physical conditions, the quality of the astral nature, and the distribution of energy. Isn't that what God wants of us? Alice A. Bailey "Good taste" is highly valued; now disciples must transmute this into the discriminating sense of spiritual values. She described the majority of her work as having been telepathically dictated to her by a Master of Wisdom, initially referred to only as "the Tibetan" or by the initials "D.K. "[114] But she did speak of Masters as having evolved beyond the human level, and expounded a cosmology of a living universe in which even planets and stars are regarded as living entities. "[73][a], Bailey taught a form of universal spirituality that transcended denominational identification, believing that, "Every class of human beings is a group of brothers. According to Newman, "the Plan" named in the invocation refers to the plan authored by "the Hierarchy", that Newman states places "high priority on removing all Jewish presence and influence from human consciousness, a goal to be achieved by eliminating Judaism. These '"races" do not represent a national or physical type but a stage of evolution. 6th ray people are often the reactionaries, the conservatives, diehards and fanatics, who hold on to the past and hinder progress. Ray V servers are coming rapidly into prominence. ", Higher Expression: Christianity and diversified religions. The Arcane School, founded by Alice and Foster Bailey to disseminate spiritual teachings, organizes a worldwide "Triangles" program to bring people together in groups of three, for daily meditation and study. It expresses the Will of God in world affairs, which is the will-to-good. It will awaken psychologists to a true understanding of man. Ray VII servers work on the physical plane. We might begin by asking, Why seven rays? It makes for understanding, intelligently applied, and for the emergence of beauty through that established rapport. Ray VI servers over the past 2000 years have trained humanity to recognise ideals, which are blue prints of ideas, by training world thinkers to desire the good, the true, and the beautiful. Bailey 1951 p.1. 2. "You cant pour new wine into old bottles", its been said. (p.172)[41] (p.33) See also: Subtle body. Courage is also an aspect of the 1st ray, but true courage is not a fighting courage or any sort of struggle to be what is called "brave." And the courage of the first ray lies behind the Christs promise: "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.". Midway between the two forces he stands, a conscious tiny point of awareness and light. ", Alice Bailey sums up process of integration as follows: "As the three rays which govern the lower triplicity blend and synthesise and produce the vital personality, and as they in their turn dominate the ray of the dense physical body, the lower man enters into a prolonged condition of conflict. Catholics, Jews, Gentiles, occidentals and orientals are all the sons of God." The task of new age workers is to bring these two apparent opposites together, to demonstrate that spirit and matter are not antagonistic to each other, and that throughout the world there is only spiritual substance, working on and producing the outer tangible forms. This produces the precipitation of karma, but because of this grounding effect, the 7th ray will foster the spiritual advancement of all grades. [25], Bailey's writings includes a detailed exposition of the "seven rays" which are presented as the fundamental energies that are behind and exist throughout all manifestation. "As you know, I find it useful to indicate to all in my group of pledged disciples their five determining or conditioning rays so that they can work with intelligence at the fusion of. "God is love" is a great truth, for love is the basic law of this solar system. While this process of soul control is being perfected, the ray types of the personality vehicles steadily emerge, the ray of the personality begins to control, and the soul ray begins finally to dominate and subdue the personality. 4.26. We might begin by asking, Why seven rays? The personality ray with the soul ray. [103] He had developed his approach to psychology, called Psychosynthesis, beginning in 1910; his methods were later influenced by some elements of Bailey's work. . Alice A. Bailey. Read More The Tibetan Master's Work The teachings on initiation are also given an essentially practical presentation as "facts of life", to be understood and applied. 4th ray The energy of Harmony through Conflict. Template:Too few opinions Alice Ann Bailey (June 16, 1880 - December 15, 1949), known as Alice A. Bailey or AAB, was an influential writer and teacher in the fields of spiritual, occult, [[soul-based healing|esoteric healing]],astrological, Theosophical, Christian and other religious themes. Alice Bailey is known as one of the prophetesses of the New Age Movement. 27 . [88][89], James R. Lewis and J. Gordon Melton, in Perspectives on the New Age wrote, "The most importantthough certainly not the onlysource of this transformative metaphor, as well as the term "New Age", was Theosophy, particularly as the Theosophical perspective was mediated to the movement by the works of Alice Bailey. Each of these seven streams or emanations of energy was coloured by a divine quality, an aspect of love, and all of them were needed for the ultimate perfecting of the latent and unrevealed purpose.". She believed that the influences of religions, philosophies, sciences, educational movements, and human culture in general are the result of this relationship. "During the annual convention of 1920 in Chicago, there was a power struggle between forces loyal to Besant and the Esoteric Section and others who believed that the latter had become too powerful. They married in 1921. Bailey's works, written between 1919 and 1949, describe a wide-ranging neo-Theosophical system of esoteric thought covering such topics as how spirituality relates to the Solar System, meditation, healing, spiritual psychology, the destiny of nations, and prescriptions for society in general. "[95], According to the Encyclopedia of Women And Religion in North America, several leaders of New Age philosophy have further developed Bailey's teachings, including the well-known personalities JZ Knight (who channels the entity known by the name Ramtha), Helen Schucman (author of A Course in Miracles through the process of telepathic dictation she called "scribing"), and Elizabeth Clare Prophet (who published what she referred to as "dictations from Ascended Masters"). ], In 1982, Bailey's influence appeared in pop culture, with the release of Van Morrison's album Beautiful Vision, in which he directly referred to the teachings and the Tibetan in the lyrics of the songs "Dweller on the Threshold" and "Aryan Mist". For example, she states that the Aryan root race (or '5th race'), is an "emerging new race" and so a relatively new evolutionary phenomenon. [42] or energy fields of which brain activity is a secondary effect. It is the underlying principle of religion as well as all serious endeavour in art and science. Unity in multiplicity is the Eternal Plan unity in consciousness, multiplicity in form. Your personality ray is the sixth. [6] She was also cited in THERAPEUTIC TOUCH: Healing Science or Psychic Midwife? This ray is of such dynamic intensity that its called the ray of the Destroyer. Source for information on Alice Bailey: Gale Encyclopedia of the Unusual and Unexplained dictionary. The whole process of healing is directed by thought, the mind of the healer and sometimes emotional synergy to inhibit causes of disease. It had primarily a physiological effect upon you which showed itself in the difficulty you had a couple of years ago. Three of these compilations offer quotations from a full range of the themes covered in the books. Remember now, from Steiner, Lucifer was associated with Shamballa (Shambhala). Two of these rays are struggling for expression - one incoming (7th) and one outgoing (6th). [6], Alice and Foster Bailey founded the Lucis Trust in 1922. Wessinger stated that they were "an important source of the contemporary New Age movement. [3][4], Bailey was born to a wealthy middle class British family and, as a member of the Anglican Church, received a thorough Christian education. But its important to remember that the 7th ray is the direct line along which first ray energy can travel, bringing the release of life into new and improved forms and the destruction of old ways of living. The ray of the physical bodythe first Ray of Power. Five ray energies are presently manifesting: the 6th, 7th, 2nd (always present), 3rd , and 1st. The ray of the mental bodyfourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict. Her vision of a unified society included a global "spirit of religion" different from traditional religious forms and including the concept of the Age of Aquarius. Bailey's teachings revolve around the central concept of the Second Coming of a personal Christ, the so-called "Lord Christ-Maitreya" who is the "World Teacher" for humanity and who is said to be preparing his "return" or "reappearance" on the world scene. The ray of your mental body is also the first ray. This is the coordinating capacity which unifies inner quality and outer tangible form or appearance. For instance, Christopher Partridge wrote of this association as "easily transferred". [117] He explained that "Theosophy has several prominent branches, and, strictly speaking, the branch which has had the most important influence on the UFO religion is that developed by Alice Bailey". We use cookies to make sure you can have the best experience on our website. Also in 1975, Rundgren released an album by his side-project Utopia titled "Another Live". "[62] Olav Hammer, in the book Claiming Knowledge: Strategies of Epistemology from Theosophy to the New Age, highlights Bailey's Theosophical similarities as well as noting what he thinks are some differences between them: "To a large extent, Bailey's teachings are a restatement and amplification of theosophy of the Secret Doctrine. The 6th ray is the ray of blind procedure; only one aspect of reality is seen at a time - and usually the least desirable. In the 1940s Alice A. Bailey, founder of the Arcane School (an organization that disseminated spiritual teachings), suggested that a new messiah, the Master Maitreya, would appear in the last quarter of the 20th century. "History and Philosophy of Metaphysical Movements in America" (1967), Westminster Press, pp.119131, and Campbell, Bruce, "New Age Movement", subsection "Origins", in. Though often referred to as the Robert Muller School, the preface of The World Core Curriculum clarifies that the Robert Muller School is founded on the ideas of Alice Bailey and The Tibetan: "The underlying philosophy upon which the Robert Muller School is based will be found in the teachings set forth in the books of Alice A. Bailey by the .

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