Type above and press Enter to search. Meeting ID: 320 984 0121 6:00 PM Central Standard Time Open Meeting, Sunnyvale, CA Meeting ID: 85995021961 Meeting ID: 457 422 2042 If you go to http://www.intherooms.com, you will find a whole host of meetings to choose from. Meeting ID: 860 9282 8230 Meeting ID: 383 090 4657 Zoom Meeting ID: 891 0704 5226 After weeks of rehab, years of counseling, and GA meetings I have developed a deeper understanding of my addiction, a greater sense of my higher power and faith, and a desire to help others fighting similar battles. *Cameras are off for this meeting, audio only* 12:15 PM Pacific Standard Time https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83990265190?pwd=MXpQbDR3UzN2Q2lnZFpYWk1sN3hrQT09 But , we all know..i am way behind..Casinos mostly win. She has lived with type 1 diabetes since she was 7 years old. Ringcentral.com Meeting ID: 738 5787 6863, San Francisco, CA - Women's All rights reserved. Meeting ID: 828 8230 6050 Zoom By attending a Gamblers Anonymous meeting regularly, you will be Meeting ID: 320 984 0121 Since then, he has his phone glued to him. Zoom You need to join a group and have a sponsor or friend to help when its tough. I have a check to cash and bars close at 11:00 here in colorado. https://us06web.zoom.us/j/7942992709, Northern Virginia Meeting ID : 870 2189 5175 Meeting ID: 871 7219 1463 Or should I say sin is fully alive in the middle of casino. Zoom Meeting ID: 84148124471 Zoom Your luck has changed. These steps include:1. For many years, I avoided compulsive gambling but when we moved to a state with four casinos within 30 miles from home, I slowly began going out to have fun. Zoom 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Pacific Standard Time Meeting ID: 870 8751 4772 20:00 - 22:00 PM My hope is to begin recovery here and now. All other meetings are for compulsive gamblers only. Especially after a day like today. Making a list of the people you have harmed because of your gambling addiction. Zoom We constantly remind Meeting ID 909 740 997 7:00 PM Zoom Zoom Meetings Zoom Access Code 1234, Fairfield NSW But nobody knew I was there as often as I was. Please enter the full email address you used to sign up for In The Rooms and well send you a link to get back into your account. 7:00 PM Central Time Suggestions for meeting topics? I was clean for a few years but have been right back at it for a number of years again. Access Code/Password: 822892, Moline/Silvis, IL 7:00 PM Eastern Standard Time This meeting will officially be a topic meeting where a topic or a set of topics is chosen either by the chairperson or by other viewers and these topics will be discussed. Zoom Access Code/Password: 427389, New York, NY https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5083424264 Access Code/Password: 079338, Paris, France everyone sharing about their thankfulness brought a great vibe to the whole meeting. My husband has an addiction to the lottery. 10:00 AM Central Time Access Code 012798, New York, NY - East 79th Street G.A. I need help need to know how to get to a zoom meeting from gaming. tapes/Franais/Ferm None other than me. This is a compulsion or addiction which may be associated with financial insecurity, dysfunctional families, legal problems, employment difficulties, psychological distress and higher rates of suicide and attempted suicide. Access Code/Passcode: 12120070, Las Vegas/Henderson, NV Meeting ID: 892 4031 7960 As the debt mounted and my gambling continued to spiral out of control I was finally confronted with the fact that I did have a serious problem. so i havent been in a casino since this virus began back in march 2020. Zoom Access Code 1234, Blacktown NSW https://zoom.us/s/95732961919 7:00 - 8:00 PM Potenza, M. N., Fiellin, D. A., Heninger, G. R., Rounsaville, B. J. I feel useless, worthless, and downright stupid. Access Code: GAhelp, *Women's Preferred* - Closed Meeting Open Meeting, Ventura - Virtual https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86966138413?pwd=aEpCOWN0U2xtU3Jrb1BLQUVOckV6Zz09, Kaluga G.A. If you have or suspect you may have a health problem, you should consult your health care provider. 6:30 PM Eastern Standard Time 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM Eastern Standard Time Access Code/Password 494402 Many Gamblers Anonymous members may also be struggling with other mental health or behavioral addictions. Meeting ID: 159 159 159, 6:30 PM Eastern Standard Time Im so afraid what will happen if he found out. Access Code/Password: 700703 1:30 PM Eastern Standard Time Enter side door and follow directions to meeting room 1. Meeting ID: 886 3703 2756 American Psychiatric Association. 9:30 - 11:30 AM ChicagoLand GA - Find a Meeting My personal issue with gamblers anonymous is two-fold: 1. and the seniors like myself make up am a huge part of the bread and butter of their day times. If you have been in any 12 step programs (double winner, here) you know that it is always said -Your addiction is always just dormant, getting stronger. When dealing with any sort of behavioral or mental health problem, it is helpful to have the support of people who are going through a similar experience. Zoom Zoom This all started when he was diagnosed with brain cancer. Meeting ID: 861 541 5467 Access Code/Password: ga, 7:30 PM Eastern Time The Victory community forum also features Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, as well as bi-monthly public forums featuring a variety of topics. Meeting ID: 973 0245 2246 Zoom Gambling is a serious addiction that we take seriously. We are compulsive gamblers. I almost died once from this insidious disease. Access Code/Password: 1234, Auburn, WA Zoom Access Code: 1234 Zoom Meetings If you are struggling with a gambling addiction, consider attending a Gamblers Anonymous meeting near you. To go win my money back. Closed Meeting " = Only those with a Zoom Passcode: 383087 Last Saturday was my last bet and drink. Open Meeting, Oakland, CA WebOpen, Step Meeting, Topic: Monday 8:00 pm: Los Angeles/ Cheviot Hills - Virtual: Online. Open Meeting, Los Angeles, CA Meeting ID: 406 325 2061 Members of the group can choose to attend closed meetings, knowing that everyone in the meeting is guided by the group's steps and traditions. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83255832513?pwd=M1JFYTBQMUJIaEFGNWVla2VaMkpsQT09 WE GET EACH OTHER. Zoom I see your post was from a couple years ago. 7:00 PM Eastern Time For many years I didnt even realize that I was hurting anyone let alone myself. Meeting ID: 885 1028 7451 Open Meeting, Monterey, CA Seeking out the high highs, and devastatingly low lows. https://meetings.ringcentral.com/j/1451458512 7:15 PM - 9:30 PM Eastern Standard Time Access Code/Password: 510015 I own nothing of value anymore. Zoom Meeting ID: 958226486, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/939622580?pwd=aU1YRlUvVWxPS1ZIT2VPSU8xUW15QT09, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88510287451?pwd=OStMS05pR0FGUWhqa0xINUYzS0lqZz09, https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/910831733, https://meetings.ringcentral.com/j/1451458512, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82335232837?pwd=Y0kycEMranRsSEw1RDRtZU5qTjhlUT09, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83255832513?pwd=M1JFYTBQMUJIaEFGNWVla2VaMkpsQT09, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83990265190?pwd=MXpQbDR3UzN2Q2lnZFpYWk1sN3hrQT09, https://us06web.zoom.us/j/8811098655?pwd=TE1nOHB4aUs3aE1wY2czMWZUNis3dz09, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83538684492?pwd=Tng4RU85QUNUQWsyQjZOMXRiaWdYQT09, https://us04web.zoom.us/j/873688113?pwd=VUZHUjFZSlBUN3RnZlJCSnNtanErZz09, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81574084348?pwd=M283V2Fpb0luOVc2TlV0OE9EUVpXUT09, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84944376249?pwd=Y2Z5WHRpUjlESVlDZnE2RGVVd0Nvdz09, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83022631128?pwd=alNRMEp3VXVzU1MzUHYxQVk5dDkxdz09, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86035375737?pwd=QUpaaHFhUkE5VFFHOTRzdXVHaHd2QT, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86966138413?pwd=aEpCOWN0U2xtU3Jrb1BLQUVOckV6Zz09, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3821530718?pwd=WitZWmZ0eGU1SkNnNnEzM1JsNE04UT09, https://us06web.zoom.us/j/3853997278?pwd=d2t0N2hQWStBM1ZJd0tSeTBUR1FZQT09, Regional Service Offices and InterGroup Mail Addresses. Heres the thing- Our sickness doesnt care! 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM Pacific Standard Time I have said on more than one occasion that Im out of control Tonight I was compelled to reach out because Ive been gambling all evening on borrowed money. Meeting ID: 829 5161 2784 Meeting ID: 498 463 094 Password: 254864, San Diego, CA He does. Access Code/Password: 771101, Ardsley, NY WebU.S. Meeting ID: 86116998172 Zoom 10:00 AM Pacific Standard Time 7:30 P.M. Pacific Standard Time Meeting ID: 846 2782 5240 WebAlcohol and Gamblers Anonymous Meeting As we go through the day we pause, when agitated or doubtful, and ask for the right thought or action. So I'm wondering: what are some of your favorite meeting topics? I cant sell this place and i cant stop coming because its our family place. Meeting ID: 822 8004 2818 Zoom Zoom Open Meeting, Arroyo Grande, CA 7:15 PM Eastern Standard Time Meeting ID: 468 341 512 The $5,000 I borrowed to pay my IRS bill. Open Meeting, 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM Philippine Standard Time GMT+8 Meeting ID: 579080879 Nancy, I can no longer set foot on the premises of that Casino. Zoom I dont want to die as a compulsive gambler. Closed Meeting, Calgary - Beginners Meeting Q&A Access Code/Password: 314636, St. Louis, MO - St. Mary's Hospital I am insane. 8:00 PM to 9:15 PM Eastern Time Password: 513549 A member of one of our groups was arrested and charged with 2 counts of criminal trespassing, 1) the day they caught and arrested him, and 2) for the time they recognized him on camera but he left before they could arrest him. Meeting ID: 265 508 647 Open Meeting, Rancho Cucamonga, CA My whole family gambles. My husband skims from grocery money, puts lottery on credit cards, will not produce receipts as a check and balance system. Zoom 6:30 AM Central Time Zoom Meeting ID: 159 159 159, Northern Virginia Pennsylvania: All 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Pacific Standard Time New member focused Q & A discussion, Elmhurst, IL 7:30 PM - 10:00 PM Eastern Standard Time Zoom I called GA hotline. Ive enjoyed reading the posts. 7:00 - 8:00 PM 9:00 AM Eastern Time WebGamblers Anonymous Meetings; National Conference Call GA Meeting Information; Gam-Anon Meetings; Gambling Treatment Providers; Inpatient, Residential and Open Meeting, Santa Monica, CA I certainly understand that addiction can be harmful not only to you but to those around you as well. Simultaneous drinking and gambling: A Risk Factor for Pathological Gambling. Access Code/Password: 12345, Ithaca, NY I was lonely. 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Eastern Time Access Code/Password: 1234, Seven Hills, OH I know Im not any of those things. Closed Meeting, Tempe AZ Access Code/Password: 091357 Zoom We believe that together we are stronger. Meeting ID: 953 792 3324 We are compulsive gamblers. "Closed Meeting" = Only those with a gambling problem, or those who think they may have a gambling problem, with a desire to stop gambling, are eligible to attend and participate. Meeting ID: 860 7127 6958 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM Eastern Standard Time Thanks! Kudos! Out of bank. Access Code/Password: 471158, Forest Hills, NY Access Code/Password: nbqqZ2, Metairie/NOLA/Louisiana I dont think Im seriously suicidal but i think about it often. Im not happy, I think I use this as a form of escape.I want to escape my life. 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Pacific Standard Time Zoom Zoom Access Code: 025082 Win to lose or keep losing to win.. then I cant wait to get back. "Closed Meeting" = Only those with a gambling problem, or those who think they may have a gambling problem, with a desire to stop gambling, are eligible to attend and participate. Zoom WebAt meetings all over the world we read from the same Gam-Anon literature. I dont know what to do I have been gambling heavy for 4 years. Finding a Gamblers Anonymous meeting near you is easy. Zoom Access Code: 1234, Epping NSW Zoom Zoom In-person and Online. Access Code/Password: 008842, Mount Vernon, WA They offer worldwide online recovery meetings. Zoom 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM Pacific Standard Time 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM 6:00 PM EEST UTC/GMT + 3H This is a weekly open topic meeting; only those who are compulsive gamblers, those who believe they have a gambling problem at their first meeting and those who have a desire to stop gambling Meeting ID: 816 6131 6404 My family has no idea, they just think Im broke all the time. Meeting ID: 245 726 868 From the information flyer: We hope you can attend to be able to reflect your experience I used to have terrible problem there too but decided i didnt want to go so. The problem w/ GA vs AA is that there are not a lot of meetings available to go to. A place for Redditors in recovery to hang out, share experiences, and support each other. Access Code: 1932, Flushing-Queensboro NY Meeting ID: 214 083 5798 Access Code/Password: step4, Manhattan, NY Open Meeting 7:00 PM Pacific Standard Time "Open Meeting" = Spouses, family, and friends of the gambler are welcome to attend and observe the meeting. 5:30 PM 7:00 PM Eastern Time 11:00 PM - 12:30 AM Pacific Standard Time 12:00 Noon - 1:00 PM Zoom 6:30 PM Central Time Suggested Topics For Discussion Meetings | Alcoholics Meeting ID: 834 9112 6805, Flushing - Kissena, NY I am too anal about a clean home. Call American Addiction Centers for help today. It is not a substitute for professional care. 2013). I even so i break even. Meeting ID: 835 6107 4685 Sometimes thats all we need at the moment. Passcode: 920215 Zoom Hour after hour only wanting to win back what you may have already lostand then ABRACADABRA! *Zoom meeting is in Russian, Camera off*, Kaluga G.A. Access Code/Password: 197721, Sacramento, CA I want not to be alone, this seems to be my only form of escape. My poison is slot machines. I almost cried when I heard this. Meeting ID: 8519 8875 144, St. Louis, MO - Immaculate Conception Church Meeting ID: 677 561 796. Despite the serious individual and societal costs of problem gambling, few countries currently monitor statistics on gambling addiction. 7:30 P.M. Pacific Standard Time - Open Mind Meeting ID: 828 101 1904 Access Code/Password: 148489 Zoom 7:30 - 9:45 PM Eastern Standard Time And then -hey! Meeting ID: 752 3536 5986 My family didnt knowI was what I call a closet gambler. 7:00 PM Eastern Time However, Gamblers Anonymous is welcoming of people of all ages, religions, and racial backgroundsyou just need to want to end your gambling addiction. Meeting ID: 870 8201 1322 6:30 PM Eastern Standard Time Closed Meeting, Mesa, AZ Zoom Zoom 7:00 PM Pacific Standard Time Access Code/Password: 121947, Kensington, CA 9:15 AM Pacific Standard Time Zoom Meeting ID: 873 6666 140 They are less concerned about money and more focused on obtaining the thrill. The high that gamblers seek is similar to the high experienced by people who are addicted to drugs or alcohol. A gambler is willing to risk losing a sum of money or property in the hopes of winning a larger payout. Right now Im waiting to see if I have enough money left after I pay my taxes. Meeting ID: 849 4437 6249 Zoom Gamblers Anonymous is free, and the only requirement for entry is a desire to stop gambling. Zoom Zoom 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM Eastern Standard Time Meeting ID: 513 676 527 7:30 PM Pacific Standard Time Zoom I dont think most of my family loves me anymore. 6 minutes to go. Access Code/Password: 2222 Meeting ID: 854 0181 4459 Everyone is welcome. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83022631128?pwd=alNRMEp3VXVzU1MzUHYxQVk5dDkxdz09 I cant hurt him. Looking for support, thank you all for your honesty and comments. Meeting ID: 83324215283 Edmonton G.A. Check your email and click on the link to reset password. Cross talk meeting, Thousand Palms, CA - Spanish Speaking Do you know if there are Gamblers Anonymous meetings in your area? But my meeting format is chair's choice (the chairperson chooses the topic and format of each meeting) and I think that the topic has a part in how the meeting plays out. 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM Pacific Standard Time 2 Has gambling ever made your home life unhappy? This is what Gamblers Anonymous provides. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81574084348?pwd=M283V2Fpb0luOVc2TlV0OE9EUVpXUT09 Scan this QR code to download the app now. Access Code/Password: 2225542, Wantagh, N.Y. 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM Eastern Time Hybrid Meeting, physical/Zoom, Vallejo, CA Meeting ID: 926 679 8768 10:30 AM Im three years into compulsive gamblingit feels like my head is messed upi dont understand why i cant stopi quit drinking 9 months agonow my ddiction to alcohol turned into gambling.. Im on anxiety pills that say compulsive gambling is a side effectdo i change my medocation??? Meeting ID: 9904 172 729 It is my hope that this meeting and continued involvement on www.itherooms.com will help us as a family fight this battle that we are facing and know that we are not alone. Please dont give up on yourself. Access Code/Password: 583410 Meetings that are noted as "combined GA/Gam-Anon" are meetings in which the members of both Gam-Anon and Gamblers Anonymous have joined together to create one meeting. Access Code /Password: 22222, Saint - Hyacinthe Qubec, Canada Meeting ID: 834 276 9860 I chose the lifetime ban 15 years ago at the Indiana casinos. 8:00 PM Eastern Time 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Pacific Standard Time Zoom Access Code/Password: 513549 would i take the chance of getting the virus to go get it. Zoom Meeting ID: 830 2263 1128 Meeting ID: 973 0245 2246 Access Code/Password: GAFAMILY. Access Code/Password: 197721 I had to tell the man I have been married to for 38 years that I let him down and I let everyone down. From what I understand all Casinos do. This is a vent and a cautionary tale. Zoom Zoom and lottery and all the loser games. Chairing a meeting! Access Code/Password: Hope2020, Issaquah, WA Access Code/Password: 513549, Santa Monica, CA Zoom https://meet.google.com/evr-suwc-aji, W. Bloomfield, MI Hi Nancy. 7:00 PM Central Time I too am a double dipper in the 12 step program and I am so frustrated that I cant kick this insane addiction. Zoom Zoom Zoom Meeting ID: 159 159 159, Boca Raton, FL I dont gamble at home even though one is only 1 hr away. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7097833052, Louisville, KY Meeting ID: 176 781 762 Never thought I would have to feel as low as I do to stop my gambling addiction. Gambling took a toll on my life and those around me for over 8 years. Access Code/Password: 1111 Access Code: GAhelp, Virginia Beach Meeting ID: 971 9293 3676 Meditation/Open Meeting, Solana Beach, CA Pay them back and borrow more never ending story looking for a good rehab. 7:00 PM Eastern Standard Time Hubby takes 300$ and if he loses 100 he wants to leave. Gam-Anon has a rich variety of books, pamphlets, and information sheets about the Twelve Steps of to learn more about what happens at a Gamblers Anonymous meeting. Open Meeting, G.A. Open Meeting, Palm Springs, CA 7:30 - 9:00 PM SUPPORT THE PODCAST COFFEE BACKER $5 The purpose of this paper is to discuss and reflect on my experience attending an Alcoholic Anonymous meeting. There are other self-help community groups that incorporate problem gambling into their programs. Camra ouverte, Regina, Saskatchewan 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Pacific Standard Time 7:00 P.M. Pacific Standard Time Hi Larry. Access Code/Password: 1919 Meeting ID: 385 399 7278 Access Code/Password: 243199, Dayton, OH Zoom Zoom Access Code/Password: Rfst8R 7:00 PM Pacific Standard Time Find a Gamblers Anonymous Meeting Near Me 8:00 AM Central Time Meeting ID: 88348579473 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Pacific Standard Time Please check out https://gamblersinrecovery.com/. Access Code/Password: 2021 The spiritual foundation of all 12-step groups is anonymity. Meeting ID: 498 463 094 Im truly heartbroken on so many levels. She would usually have at least 2 tables of tonk going and needed someone else to collect money at one of them. I looked up the closest meeting but it is 35 miles away and goes right past a big casino. WebAlcohol and Gamblers Anonymous Meeting As we go through the day we pause, when agitated or doubtful, and ask for the right thought or action. I pay my bills but almost all of the rest of my money goes to gambling! Zoom Meeting ID: 869 6613 8413 I have always gambled. Some days i think of just killing myself. If any of this sounds familiar to you, know -you are not alone! 9:00 AM 10:30 AM Pacific Standard Time Zoom Otherwise, youre shutting a door and leaving a window open. Meeting ID: 383 090 4657 We're here to help you find the treatment you deserve. Meetings I am having similar issues as you. 7:00 PM Central Time I get upset because they have a problem too, but I suppose mine is much worse than theirs. Ring Central 7:00 PM Pacific Standard Time Camera off, Kaluga G.A. Zoom I wish you all the best in your recovery. Every second Sunday of a month public meeting, 7:30 PM to 8:45 PM Access Code/Password: 440061, Colts Neck, NJ Meeting ID: 3906950313 Topic/Closed Meeting, Murrieta, CA it was only 110 bucks but all the money i had. Meeting ID: 82600946382 Zoom Access Code: 1234 Meeting ID: 819 853 2703 Zoom Meeting ID: 406 325 2061 This encourages each member to maintain their own anonymity and the anonymity of others in the Some people decide to use Gamblers Anonymous as their primary form of treatment from gambling addiction, while others prefer to go to a gambling addiction or dual diagnosis treatment facility. I have excluded myself from the Casino in my area in NY. I was mad. Zoom I found txts from the owner of a party store that he has become friends with. Meeting ID: 88354078674 Welte, J. W., Barnes, G. M., Wievzorek, W., F. & Tidwell, M. C. O. Meeting ID: 938 4469 9832 Wetumpka, AL Meeting ID: 832 0222 4842 7:00 - 8:30 PM Eastern Standard Time I preferred going into a casino vs playing on my phone with pretend money. Access Code: 309767, Manhattan, NY & Mazure, C. M. (2002). Meetings that are noted as "combined GA/Gam Over the years, Ive done all those things too. I wish I knew, then I wouldnt be on here joining others who like me, want it to stop. Zoom 21.00 gmt +3 *No access code as meeting host will meet you prior to entry, Northport, NY Access Code/Password 09131957, Ridgewood, NJ What am I to do as a spouse? Whatever you prefer. Topic meeting Last Friday of the month. You have just described what I am going through. Meeting ID: 279 8740 009, Burien, WA I feel so alone in all this, If I had family around me I think it might be different. Meeting ID: 86585578306, Yonkers, NY Access Code: 1234, Anaheim, CA Meeting ID: 320 984 0121 Zoom Members can also discuss any temptations they may have recently had. Now, however, I exclusively like losing my money (or someone elses) at the casino. 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM Eastern Standard Time Hi Libby I am in recovery for gambling and our stories are very similar and its a battle daily. Had 200 players cards from all over usa. Access Code/Password: SolanaGA, San Jose, CA At least four of these criteria must be present within a 12-month period for a person to be considered to have a gambling addiction. Zoom 8:00 PM - 9:30 PM Pacific Standard Time Im glad to be able to get to at least read post & comments from others who have gambling problems I understand how it has taken me & others so long to face it I know that I have to take responsibility for what I do & Im doing it with Gods grace & love because I know that I have to have help & seek guidance from my higher power for me & many other people that is our Lord Jesus Christ because we have no doubt that though our Lord Jesus Christ all things are possible I can & will make sure that I become a better person than I was before I have to because I cant even make myself go anywhere near a game again I dont ever want to hurt the people who mean the most in my life that have believed in me & stood by me in thick & thin parts of my life & who I trust & love & who I am certain that love me too 100% beyond any & all shadows of doubt my chosen family my very best friend my Mom & best friend after my Mom is Carolyn she has always been a Sister to me & tries to watch out for me & that is my support group & my reason to get up & keep trying to be a better person each & everyday of my life & I know that when God decides to take them home I have the strength with his help to just keep doing the right thing each day so that I can get to see my chosen family again & I will not let the devil bring me back down with him again I am a child of God & I am better than that I know exactly how amazingly blessed I truly am & where I came from I will never stop fighting the good fight for the best version of who I was meant to be in life & beyond. I am a wife of a gambler. Zoom Access Code/Password: 787867 I pray every night for those still suffering from any addiction. Meeting ID: 941 3478 4107 WebMeeting format; Step 1 Step 1: We admitted we were powerless over our game addiction, that our lives had become unmanageable Principles - Honesty and Acceptance Meeting ID: 812 7450 9327 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Pacific Standard Time Continuing to take stock of what you did wrong in the past and where you can improve. 6:30 PM - 7:45 PM Pacific Standard Time Access Code/Password: 017012, Davenport IA Access Code/Password: 367639 Meeting ID: 858 0343 8380 WebMeetings. Meeting ID: 890 563 8836 https://us06web.zoom.us/j/8811098655?pwd=TE1nOHB4aUs3aE1wY2czMWZUNis3dz09 Gamblers Anonymous is a 12-step recovery program and support group in which men and women share their experiences, struggles, wisdom, and support about problem gambling.1 There are no dues or paperwork to join Gamblers Anonymous; the only requirement is that you want to end your gambling problem.1 Though Gamblers Anonymous is not associated with any religious group or political affiliation, some people find the 12-step principle of surrendering your problems to a higher power to have distinctly religious overtones. 7:00 PM Eastern Time Open Meeting Gamblers Anonymous | Bartleby Meeting ID: 839 4077 0500 Meeting ID: 89390771911 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM Eastern Standard Time I let it out and now it is roaming voraciously. Ringcentral.com Meeting ID: 320 984 0121 Zoom - Reunin Internacional de Solitarious JA Join The Persist study and earn up to $500. I know its a problem but I cant seem to quit. Access Code/Password: 1234 Access Code/Password: 247891, Oak Lawn, IL 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM Eastern Standard Time Access code/Password: 1234, Anaheim, CA - Women's Preferred (Same meeting with new ID and password) Access Code/Password: CLEANTIME, Las Vegas/Henderson, NV Meeting ID: 890549123, Seattle, WA Access Code/Password: 920215, Natomas, CA Meeting ID: 704 055 9419, Richmond Hill, NY 8:30 PM Meeting ID 883 4193 0527 I can when $400 only to spend it off within an hour. 10:00 - 11:30 AM Pacific Standard Time Meeting ID: 815 7408 4348 Meeting ID: 81390774512 Meeting ID: 859 6090 6364 Meeting ID: 837 5085 2333 5:00 PM Eastern Time Access Code/Passcode: 12120070, Las Vegas/Henderson, NV 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM Pacific Standard Time I have gambled all my life and have not felt the way I feel tonight. Ive actually gotten in a few arguments with family members because theyve noticed I have a problem and are urging me to get some help.

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gamblers anonymous meeting topics