Instructions. Try to create these conditions in whatever way you see fit. It's best to look at weight or moisture loss rather than time to judge when it's done. Making biltong does not require a load of fancy equipment and many DIY methods are available online. (freezers can deteriorate smell/flavor so it depends how its frozen too (with air or without like with vacpac (which we do for harvest wild game generally), i friend had a wild young goat in the freezer for 2 yearswe roasted it up, it was amazing! If you want to check out the options and a guide on building a curing chamber, here is a detailed page on all the setup. No need to slice it after wards it breaks like a biscuit! Unfortunately, the hot and humid climate will limit how dry your biltong can get and the conditions are perfect for bacteria, microbes, and enzymes to flourish. My Aussie and ZA mates all love it. Your house seems like the place to be) Thanks! Once all your meat slab pieces are hooked up, hang them in the drying area. cheers, Sounds like a good time is coming. I then sealed it and placed a HEPA filter over it. So I go for longer slower biltong which takes 2-4 days. Here is simple cheap sensor pack to check temperatures around the home. Use Kosher or natural untreated coarse salt. I have an Anova Precision Oven which can dehydrate meat at that exact temperature and humidity. Biltong curing consists of salting the meat and then giving it a dredge in a marinade or vinegar solution. Here are the ingredients and equipment you will need to make biltong. If you suspect that case hardening is your problem, I recommend cutting through the end of the meat and checking it. If you are happy waiting a few weeks then the low temp is good and you'll get a very good product. Avoid spoilage and make the food more delicious. Do not point a fan directly at the meat (to avoid case hardening). I sometimes use them in case of emergency biltong shortage, so Im not sure how to break it to them. Trim off silver skin, connective tissue or any unwanted fat but I suggest you leave the fat on for moisture and flavour. What humidity should biltong be? Would a box with heat source be the best way to go to make biltong for us up here or can it be done with this colder temp? Since curing meat in a curing chamber is a craft, temperature and humidity do not have to be exact, but more so within a range. It should be mostly powder, with a few pieces of seed shells left in. This was specific to my curing chamber since it was designed to have a fan continuously operating even when the compressor wasnt on (it was a drinks fridge). Place several (about 7) wooden rods (C) inside the box about 2 inches from the top. Biltong made from beef or venison is the most popular. Its important to note that, while your biltong will shrink by around half the size when dried, the fat doesnt shrink at the same rate as the muscle. Whole muscle dry curing is also easier then salami, less air is exposed to meat surfaces which could have potentially bad bacteria get into it. I have used it with great success with beef, kangaroo, fallow and red deer meat. The point of using vinegar is to neutralize any bacteria that may affect the meat. Remove the thinner strips at the top and dip them quickly in hot water. My answer? And everywhere I go my camera goes too so many of the articles are illustrated with my own photos. The Worcestershire sauce just adds depth of flavor to the biltong. There are other spices you can add, but these four make the foundation of the biltong spice mix. If youve ever tried cutting over-dried biltong, youll know how tough it can betough as old boots! beef silverside or topside 4 tablespoons salt 8 tablespoons coriander 4 tablespoons black peppercorns 1 tablespoon ground cumin optional 10 ounces balsamic vinegar Worcestershire sauce Instructions Cut the meat along the grain into strips roughly an inch thick and around 8 to 10 inches long. First time making the biltong. Cool, is, of course by South African standards, anything around 18 to 25C. I'm used to seeing brown sugar instead of honey in most recipes, but its a good change and something I will use going forward. Play with the biltong spice recipe until you find what you like. For most people, a balcony with a fan blowing over the meat would be the easiest. If you want something a little more fancy, there are biltong cutters (a board with a hinged knife attached), biltong knives (traditional knives made for purpose), hand crank mechanical cutters, and at the high end, expensive elecric cutters, mostly used by butchers and biltong suppliers. Which comes from areas that are pretty much untouched. Try to keep as much of the spice on the meat as possible. After your biltong has dried to your preferred consistency, you can continue to store it hanging in a well aerated space indefinitely. Travel writing, recipe development as well as writing about homesteading matters, camping, health, children, medical matters, press releases and copywriting keep me busy. Just remember that although biltong meat will dehydrate to about 50% of its original mass, the fat will pretty much stay the same. Don't worry too much if you leave it longer in the wet cure. The air fryer will give a harder dryer piece of meat in 4 to 6 hours. Another really easy way to make biltong sticks (thinner, dry pieces) is to put oven on lowest temp (170 F in USA) and leave the door open a crack to let warm air escape. Add the meat to the wet cure and let it sit for another 2 hours flipping twice to make sure it's evenly covered in the liquid. However, the exact process and recipe vary according to personal taste and the tools and . Might need that temp controller too Cheers T. Thank you for putting in so much effort in your site and sharing your experience. I do not mind waiting 2 or 3 weeks. Recipe was easy and the result was tasty. idk about this lightbulb plan. Over the years, many ways have become available for people to make cured meats at home or in tight spaces. For biltong strips, cut tenderized steak into 2cm strips and follow the recipe. As I did 6.4 kg of topside and at the last minute decided to not introduce any smoke on the grounds it should be kept original. Also, remove any gristle or sinew which once it is dried is pretty much inedible and you dont want that ruining your biltong snack. 2 Tablespoons of roasted coriander seeds - you can crush these or chop a bit to release the favors. . The key is to draw air around the meat without the airflow being too strong, to avoid case hardening, whereby the outside becomes overly tough, and the texture gradient falls off too quickly. I use an ex- wine barrel which doubles as a cold smoker and biltong maker. With an acidity of at least 10%. Any mould left on will grow back. Its just too delicious! So here is a table summarizing the temperature and humidity ranges and then Ill go over a few tips relevant to the curing chamber and its environment. There's a lengthy thread on biltong making. In most cases, flies arent a problem, but pepper has the added benefit of detering them. . Making biltong Next Biltong (spiced dried meat) is a South African delicacy. Toast the spices, apart from the peppercorns, in a dry pan until fragrant and giving off a bit of smoke. I live in Denmark and have decided to build my own box. Keeping below 24C in the initial phases stops the fats from going rancid. Its worth noting that the thicker you cut your initial beef cuts, the slower the drying process must be to avoid case hardening, so try cutting thinner next time. You want to be able to identify the different spices. Interesting 7 Deg could mean thinks drying slowly Also, beneficial bacteria (penicillin) prefers is a little warmer too 85 is doable, but when you have meat in there (which is 70% water), its going to probably be a wetter environment, initially. Any advice on how to infuse a bit more chili flavour into the meat for a bit of extra kick. The ideal climate is warm (not hot), dry, with steady reliable balanced airflow. Now, these are my dry curing conditions, although I have spoken to award-winning biltong makers internationally. Use a high wattage bulb so it's nice a hot, it helps dry the air out. Making biltong in a dehydrator - Follow steps 1-6, taking into consideration how thick the meat can be in the . So some rewiring was done, which only turned on the fan when the compressor was on. As each piece is covered inspice, set it aside in a dish until you are ready to hang it up to dry. I've just made my first batch and it's fantastic! Let it sit for 2 hours in the salt flipping a few times to ensure even salting. There are many curing methods used for a variety of cured foods and the method used depends on the raw product and the desired final result. The easiest way to measure dryness is with your fingers. It will froth as the acid reacts with the soda. Just found out youre back and to save myself a major maths equation youve added a superb adding thingy. Thanks for dropping by, Ive been passionate about meat curing for decades. WHAT AN AMAZING TREAT!!! When I started off and built my first meat a curing chamber over 15 years ago, I did a lot of research and read quite a lot of books to make sure I was on the right track. The Worcestershire sauce just adds depth of flavor to the biltong. If youre impatient and cant wait for your biltong to dry, plan ahead and cut some thinner pieces to hang with the restthese will keep you going while you wait for the thicker stuff to be ready. Considering that we no longer tie biltong slabs up outside on trees, the best source of this is from a fan. Buy good quality beef. If you feel any give in the meat, its still wet inside. Its just a bit hit or miss and can be frustrating when its inconsistent, but its done this way in homes all across Italy or other places across the world. The main seasonings are coriander, sugar, salt, pepper and vinegar. Since there was always a little bit of pressure going through the chamber, it was always coming out the hole. This fat can add a considerable amount of flavor to your biltong. Store wrapped airtight or in vacuum bags in the fridge or freeze for longer storage. Place the meat and the cure in a fitting non-reactive food-safe plastic or ceramic container. It was invented or happily came about because Dutch settlers needed a way to preserve fresh meat for their long travels exploring the rugged South African terrain. Hi Andew looks lekker my last batch using another recipe (my first) was too salty 1.4 tbsp per kilo for 24 hrs. In the early days, when there were no fridges to store fresh meat, and once a steer had been slaughtered or an antelope had been shot, people had to preserve the meat by air drying it. Make sure the meat is covered in the biltong spice. And if it's on the wet side, it'll go rancid faster. Coat the meat in the spice mix making sure to get it into every nook and cranny. ), A Biltong recipe that produces consistent results with an authentic, traditional spice mix. That said, its fairly forgiving and a day or two over wont do too much harm. I like a little fat because it helps carry flavour, but I tend to remove most of it before hanging. It just needs to be somewhere in the range of humidity approximately and temperature above. I added a UV light to prevent mould forming (because I live in a very humid part of the world! Just dont overdo itbiting into a lump of peppercorn is not a pleasant experience! You can always just test the environment like out the back, in the garage or some other place protected from pests with a bit of airflow. Now some recipes also dont have fermentation, so just make sure you are following a decent one. Some people like their biltong lean without any fat and some prefer the added flavor of a bit of fat on the biltong its up to you but you have to be more careful to ensure that the fat is properly dried. Step #1: draw templates for cutting. A Wind Advisory has been issued through Sunday morning. Can be stored in the freezer for many months. Then proceed as you would with Biltong! One question I would like to ask is how do you make chutney biltong flavour. Well explained. After so many failed previous attempts, finally your recipe worked beautifully for meits like being back in south Africa again, Love it. Two or three slabs will not last that long and will be eaten within a week or two. As soon as you spot mould wipe it off with vinegar making sure to get all of it. Later that night, he was vomiting, and had diarrhea so badly he collapsed his wife had to call the ambulance and he was rushed to hospital and placed in intensive care, only to be released from the hospital ten days later. Cant wait ! It can also occur while making your own biltong. By far the best biltong I have ever tried! I recommend brown vinegar for the best flavour, with cider vinegar coming in a close second. Every experienced biltong maker has a personal recipe for making biltong. Anyway I reckon your recipe is the best I have come across. Sugar on our meat is not popular among biltong fans. It kills bacteria on the outside of the meat, and helps to draw moisture out. I keep mine forever in a freezer vacuum sealed. What Ive seen with temperature control and different curing chambers is that the compressor or whatever form of cooling is used may create more or less moisture as well as impacting the humidifier or dehumidifier. I wanted to thank you for all the knowledge Im getting from your blog. This site may earn commissions when you visit certain links. Learn how your comment data is processed. Temp stays right in range. - pat meat dry and season with biltong spices - coriander (mandatory), chilli (optional) and salt and pepper. So glad I found your post!! Can you please advise. In principle, biltong is made by marinading, spicing, and airdrying strips of meat. It is advisable to put a tray down before hanging up the meat because they will tend to drip a bit before they get dry. The meat is then air-dried in a dry environment with very good airflow. You can do your own research on pink curing salt otherwise known as sodium nitrite and sodium nitrate mixes with regular salt, I still use it as a form of protection just to make sure the meat is safe. Yes you could do that or you could grind the chilli flakes a bit and add more. Humidity and Temperature Ranges for a Curing Chamber. A combination of good airflow, moderate temperature and low humidity are the key to successful biltong making. Make a biltong box from a cardboard box to save money. So, my plan is to use the standard dehydrator. Thank you for the time you have put into the presentation!!! Drying times will vary with humidity, airflow and temperature. Everything is easy to understand and clear. Its not a traditional ingredient if were going full purist, but it balances the saltiness well. Biltong was typically made out of whatever a hunter could catch as that was what was available. I cant give accurate advice on how long to store it this way, but I think its safe to say that no sane person is going to leave biltong uneaten for more than a few days. Rely on airflow. I never like the pre-mix because they add some flavouring too, but that's just me. Leave for 12 hours. 3) When I make the bigger cabinet should I have: a: Just a fan, b: Just a lightbulb, c: both fan & lightbulb? Prepare your own Biltong spices for use with this dehydrator biltong. Learning tricks from other cultures on planting and gardening brought new ideas to food gardens and creating beautiful outdoor spaces. I like my biltong a little tough, but still wet in the middle. Then just lay the cured and spiced thin pieces out on a wire rack in the oven. Its all about the unique spice mix and salt and enjoying this snack with a cold lager. Trouble is, it's getting more difficult to find incandescent bulbs. I know this probably doesnt make any sense, but remember that after the biltong has been dried, you will cut it a second time, and that time it will be against the grain. Simply brilliant, best recipe on line- Tastes just like home. Click here for the recipe. Sure thing. Both are cured meats but with a difference in the method, texture and flavour. Hang in your biltong box, or in a well aired, ventilated space with a fan blowing gently to increase air flow. You need to find the balance between quality and cost because in the drying process, youre going to lose some of the weight, and then per pound biltong can work out quite expensive but it is so worth it! Now and then I had some Louisiana Cajun Spice for a kick. Lightbulb to dehumidify, fan to circulate. If youre interested in a simple guide and recipe, please check out the page I wrote on jerky & biltong here. Biltong needs a fresh air supply to wick the moisture off the meat and dehydrates it. Can it cause spoilage or just a longer time for the meat to cure ? I have a question this time : I just bought a wine cellar (18 bottles). Put a small meat hook or paperclip through the meat with a label attached to it. Adding sugar brown sugar, for example may sweeten the taste but it also brings you closer to beef jerky than to South African biltong. Everybodys preferences with biltong tend to be different. Secondly, you need your biltong slabs to fit into the drying area that you have. The more translucent and oilier the saturated fat is, the better. Always slice across the grain of the meat when eating it. white powdery mold (Some folks do like to spray the meat surface in encourage this growth). Pick good quality meat with a nice layer of fat and if possible fat marbling. Brown sugar has a caramel and molasses flavour that adds complexity to the meat, without masking it. Right now it averages 30 to 40 degrees Celsius with humidity around 80% plus. Chill the beef in the fridge. Used it before when I had to go on a long hike. So make sure you meet slabs are dry before rubbing them with the spice mix. I may earn a tiny commission on qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you. If youve not checked for a while and found your biltong totally covered, sadly the best place for it is the bin. Raw beef inoculated with 4-strain cocktails of either E. coli O157:H7, Listeria monocytogenes, or Staphylococcus aureus, and processed with a standard biltong process, were shown to incur a >5-log reduction . It may not display this or other websites correctly. Rub a little salt on the cut ends to protect them. Your tutorial is very good and your recipe looks amazing. This will be the first curing recipe I will try, but I will be using a refrigerator dedicated to this and I will keep it around 12 Celsius, with a fan inside and a device to monitor humidity. Biltong is not sweet or rubbery like jerky. The best materials for humid climates are engineered hardwood, spray foam insulation, clay or lime plasters, proper windows and ventilation, waterproof paint, and sealants. Now let the meat marinate. (You can see this on the dehydrator biltong recipe). penicillin a.k.a. This is by far the best recipe I have ever used the salt content is perfect. Thus giving us a delicious product that is safeguarded against spoilage. The best methods to extend that time are to vacuum seal it or keep in a fridge. He did use 3/4 tablespoon of pink salt in his wet marinate.I'm going to try and add fennel. Its best to toast the seeds to release the oils for flavour, but also because the oil suppresses bacterial growth. Thoroughly wash and dry your hands, and squeeze the flattest sides of the meat in with your fingers. Texture-wise biltong is more similar to bresaola when made correctly and beef jerky is more of a leathery sometimes wet and chewy consistency. Keeping relative humidity in the box below 50% ensures consistent, quality results.

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making biltong in humid climate