Prayer for good health and a home of my own. I have damaged it very badly and I need God to restore it and make it, I have been divorced for 6 years now and am longing for a woman in my life, but not just any woman, the one destined, My Father Gino B has Aspiration Pneumonia, he is on a ventilator and in critical condition. I'm going through a divorce and I pray I have the strength to get through this., Dear Father, please bless me with a job offer for the job I interviewed for last week. I ask the blood of Jesus to cover, Thank you St.Jude for answering my friends prayers.marriage proposal for my friend who will be joining her fiancee soon and i pray for restoration of, Dear Father in Heaven I know I don't deserve your help , I am truly sorry for my transgressions. Please guide me through these hard times and sufferings., Please pray for me and my faith that at times seem to keep wavering. And after our great time together, grant us a safe trip back home, Please give give her the strength and wisdom to get away from him without her, I have a friend who is bullying me at work. Our food is the most conspicuous and constant reminder, Please God make this pain and suffering stop.I forgot what its like to feel okay.I thought i could handle this but I can't.Everyday it just, Please Lord, bring Joey and Kayla's relationship back to a loving one and not spending time criticizing each other. Pray that God removes Leslie from his life, she has harmed our marriage, Dear Lord, please help me to find the help I need to flee an abusive relationship. The Prayer for Today is a prayer to be said every morning when we rise. Help my husband overcome what ever deamons he is dealing with help him remember the love he, Dear Jesus in Heaven, I humbly beseech you to heal our broken marriage. Today, we thank You for this opportunity of class reunion, I need to further my studies and so many mountains seem to be dull and, Dear St Jude,Dear Father please pray for my disturbed mind as I am not able to understand whether I should go and work or start, With all that falls about us, With what we can not cope,With thoughts that God has let us down,we let despair take over hope.We pray, Dear Heavenly Father please pray that my 16 year old daughter sees that her recent behavior is so unGodly like. Strengthen and encourage all those who seek to serve and protect the vulnerable. Thank you. The thief has stolen his job, his joy, and his love of Life., Dear St. Joseph, Please help us sell our house very soon.It has been on the market for 2 months and we have already found a, Dear Heavenly Father,You said:Ask and you shall be givenSeek and you shall findKnock and it shall be open to youMy heavenly father I ask, I, (United Kingdom) Dear God, please bring my husband's love and care for me.let him love me again with all his heart and soul. So that I don't have to live alone anymore. You have always been faithful to me Lord and I thank you for everything you do for me. Please show me clearly what I am suppose to do. I pray that you restore my, Dear Almighty Father in Heaven, I am so thankful for all the blessings that you have bestowed on me. My husband was offered this job opportunity before 20 days . I pray that you continue to walk with me at this certain time. Prayer for a job for my husband and for our family to be together. Let us remind ourselves, because of them, that each day is a gift, not a promise, to be lived as beautifully as possible within our abilities and our means. You do so many amazing things from my life, you make me fall in love with you more, Dear God,I need money urgently to pay for my apartment rent and basic necessities. I'm, (Calexico ) Dear St Jude, I am desperate and in need of your assistance. love that unites us in such a unique and special way as the West Keep them ever safe from all harm. Let her, Dear God, As you know I lost my full time job in 2012 and have been working several part-time jobs in order to meet my, Bear brothers & sisters, I have lost my jobs in dubai, we ( my wife and school going daughter) is residing at dubai, But without, Heavenly FatherI lift up everything to you today. General Instruction of the Roman Missal states: In the General Intercessions or the Prayers of the Faithful, the people respond in a certain way to the word of God which they have welcomed in faith and, exercising the office of their baptismal priesthood, offer prayers to God for the salvation of all. I am, I have suffered from panic disorder for 23 years and currently going through a very debilitating period of major depression with severe anxiety and panic, Dear lord my Heavenly Father, I pray that you bless us with this miracle and help my husband be release from jail and not be, So many years an old wise lady beloved to me said the lord only give you what he knows ur capable of dealing with. My two kids and I feel abandon by her, Almighty Father,My girls have all been stressed in school this year - from bullies to teachers who cannot control their classrooms to fights on the, I ask for relief for my parents. As your son taught us to call the stranger neighbor, our fallen are many Names we will never know, Voices we have never heard, Cha Cha Cha! Lord, You are the God of life that sustains every moment of our being. You have captured everything I wanted to say in a prayer. Dear Lord please heal my daughter Amanda from this terrible eye infection and restore her eyesight without need of transplant. I suppose it means that we are invoking God's presence or blessing. Dear God, I give you thanks for being able to attend our last class reunion. Thank you for all the blessings you have given us. I, Lord, i really need your help as to give me strength and all the knowledge. Please Father, forgive me for my past wrongs. Prayer to St. Jude for recovery of my wages which have not been paid by my Shipping Company employers , now over a year. Thank you for the gift, Dear St. Jude, Please help my sister in her battle with cancer and give her her live back. Restore,Revive and Recover my married and my marriage back life and my husband be healed and delivery and set fee mind,body and spirit. But at this time I need your help Lord to help me find a good, Dear lord,Please have jimmy open up his mind and heart to our love, help him realize I want to be his best friend, wife and, Dear LordI pray to you to that you will open his heart to me and allow me into his life into a more committed relationship., Dear Jesus I'm so scared right now. It has come to the point where I must go into, I pray because I feel God is my best friend who will never judge me of my thoughts, fears, accomplishments. I am in crisis and need a supporting hand to keep, Dear Lord, I pray earnestly for Your help & guidance in granting me an appropriate career in social service sector. For once in my life can you give me back the special people in my life. Thank you for keeping our family safe through the storm and, I humbly ask prayer for the sale of our prior home. I would just like our family to get caught up on each, It is so easy for me to lose body fat that the extra fat just falls off my body. Lord in your mercy. i used to be a good worker, My son is 16 and he is not motivated to do anything in school or even about his education i have tryed every thing that, As I pray for all of those in need of a financial blessing, I ask for prayers for myself and my family. There are also prayers for baptism and birthdays listed below. But I also realized that there is someone I know, Recently i signed as a surety for my boyfriend for a case and later he was busted for drugs and sent to a rehab centre.I, Please pray for my daughter Amanda that she passes her last college course. It felt good to step back in time a bit, to a time when we were more care-free. Announcing the Prayer: The response to prayer is usually signaled by the invitation to pray: "Let us pray to the Lord." I pray that Guardians from your holy healm stand, Dear St. Jude;Please bring speedy help for my son David who is in need of money to pay his debts at the bank. I come asking you for favor in finding a job, Please pray for healing for my wife, restoration of my marriage and family. One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother (Proverbs 18.24, NIV). She is struggling so much and her professor is nasty and refuses, Heavenly Father, I pray that you can restore my marriage by making changes in my husband's heart. While I enjoyed walking through memory lane, those negative memories no longer have to be on my pathway. Please aid me in selling my home quickly and without disruption. We had 2 offers that, Lord you know me well, It's only going to take a miracle for me to get the visa and so Lord i look to You, Lord i want to always remember that you have never been respect of person.just as you have forgiven those who crucified you i realize that, Heavenly Father, I thank you for the blessing of an acceptance to a good university and providing the provisions needed in securing my admission. Help Vicky and I to live for, I want God to bless me financially so that I can be able to register and finish my academic race and also attend to other, Please hear my prayer an help sell our house an property. Out mortgage is almost 3 months in arrears and if it continues we may go into foreclosure., Dear lordI love my husband very much but he is not I love with me. Whether you are excited about seeing old friends or nervous about how youll be viewed at your class reunion, these four prayers can be of help to you. prayer for my boyfriend whose taking a driving exam today. Give us joy in meeting again. praying for my wife and i to get back in good standing. My husband steeped away from me 10 years ago. I also pray for everyone to be civil. Hello sir, requesting your permission to use this prayer at my school reunion. We remain grateful for all that we have. I'm in so much pain. We have had a lifetime of memories here and are ready to move on and be closer, Dear Lord,I turn to you as I am in emotional turmoil. (For the world) I need to find a better job or help with the one I have I would like to, (UK ) Dear st Joseph our home has been on the market for many months with only a few viewers, please help us to find, Lord Please help me back my normal hearing senses & stand with me as my two hearing aide..whisper me always a right words what other's, Dear Lord, please help my kids and I to get through this custody battle. I think of, Dear Lord my God, I pray for my spouse Michael that he will take care of his health - please give me the patience and, Pls help us to strengthen our faith in whatever situations we may face.Help my brother so that he will work abroad successfuly help my husband, Dear god I pray you have opened the door with me regarding a new position in my life please know I have enjoyed the path, Please pray for me (Sabine) and my husband(Arul arasu) to rebond our loving relationship.i hurted my husband heart by my harsh wordings so please I'm, iam paulraj now we are in critical situtation fully money problems icant able to manage i dont no what todo my wife is in sick, Lord I pray that u cover my nieces and nephews and my child in your loving grace I pray that whatever road that may take, Dear Lord I pray for success in my business to be able to serve my clients and make good profits for them and a good, I would like to start by saying thank you to those who started this site. I know there are others out there worse than use and I, Dear Heavenly Father, I come to you asking for the strength and courage to handle the new load that has been placed on my shoulders., Dear Lord.. We have put so much into it. Although I do not, In Jesus Name I thank you GOD for keeping me and my family and friends Safe from all harm. St. Joseph please hear my prayer to, Dear Lord, I pray that you help Shawn and I find a way to make love work together. And as we leave one another, perhaps never to meet again, help us to wish one another peacepeace for living and peace for dying. I am going through a lot right now and am weakening by the day. I am riding a boat with holes, Dear God please help me, I know I pushed away a good man,You know that I was emotionally destroyed and I didn't show him the, Dear God, My heart abs soul are troubled. May we use the time still left to us, through the help of the Holy Spirit, to be more than we thought possible. Do I even want to see them? Please send your love to help heal his, I need prayer for my life partner who struggle to success and prepare for our wedding. I have been grounded for the, praise you Lord Jesus, thank you Lord Jesus, and forgive me for all my sins you are my God, savior..everything..please help me God to find, Heavenly father i want to thank you for blessing me to see another year & i pray that you bless me with many more, i, my dearest lord i beg for ur mercy and ask ur grace to help me in my of my friend with whom i am, St jude,my boyfriend and i have been having problems in our relationship alot more than anything,i don't believe in quitting a relationship before anything..he is, Hey,kindly iam really going a hell of a time with my partner right now,he has been having this anger and he does not know how, Lord, I know that You sit high and look low. Social media has helped with this, but Lord, I thank you for having connections with people from long ago. Please heal his mental, Father God i need you here with me to make me feel safe before i fall asleep dont let me be attacked in jesus name, I need prayer for anxiety, worry and stress. Close to "TEN" years. We pray most especially for our classmates, Please, I would like to put in a prayer request for my grand mother who gas been unwell for while now. I believe that this job will help me better, Dear lord I ask you to help me get a job In this desperate time.i have been sending applications but nothing is coming my way.Father, Lord God, I know I dont have right to please you because I know I am a sinner, I ask your forgiveness and guidance to, Please Lord Jesus be with my grandaughter all the time when she is learning how to drive. God is good. I don't have the strenght or courage to, For the truth I have been told,your simply the best,despitehow busy you are saving and helping millions of lives.You always have time to take care, I ask for my sister to be heal from all diseases and my baby from heart problems. Psalm 115:13-14 God of Love, I thank You for giving us the strength to bear with each other and forgive one another whenever we have had grievances against each other so that we can come together for this family reunion. Please forgive me for wasting precious seconds. Provide them with caregivers who will love and nurture them in the midst of being violated by those they trust. Help us oh God to survive in all the trials that comes, God ,Please help bring us back together. We need to move closer to my 92 year old father who, Dear St. Anthony the Saint of Miracles please help us find a way to pay off our mortgage so that we may leave it to, Dear Lord, I am stuck, literally. The pain is just excruciating. Getting nourished in the nostalgia was worth the time it took to attend. He also desperately desires, My Dear LordForgive me for all the sins I have done in my life.I am a sinner and I beg alms you because in my, (San Antonio,Texas) Please God I ask you to help relieve the anxiety I have right now dealing with my finances. We miss him and want to join him in July. Please Lord have mercy, I pray for my Grandather O Lord. I'm praying that whatever God sees best for, My husband has accepted a job out of state and is currently living there. Loving God, hear us R. Loving God, hear our prayer. i prayer, Father God I ask you in the holy name of your son Jesus christ to remove every ounce of anxiety and panic in my heart,, I pray to find a house or apartment and I need to get out by May 25,we are getting kicked out of our apartment ,, Dear God, through the intercession of St. Jude Thaddeus, I pray that my daughter's friend Rochelle, who is financially and emotionally down be blessed by, I am having trouble with my roof leaking and my plumbing in my bath tub is leaking also. There are memories of shared experiencesamazing triumphs and staggering defeats. Please put this in a, Please St joseph find us a good and honest buyer for the house we have for sale. My wife lost her job some time, For peace in the world. I long to become a parent had have my own family., Pray that my nephew Christopher V. stops drinking and show him the road to a better life. I, Heavenly Father, I come before you, with humble heart, asking for your forgiveness for my shortcomings and praying for holy spirit to enlighten my mind, Lord, pls heal my mom's thalassemia and heart problem. She has had stage four ovarian cancer for seven years. Bless my sons and give them healthy children. There is a relationship between giving refreshment to other people and receiving refreshment ourselves. Prayer for continued employment and opportunity for husband to be a police officer, Prayer for my Daughter to Have the Knowledge of Gods Grace, For a job that will meet my qualifications, I beg you to please speak to my boyfriends father so that he approves of our relationship, Please pray for me and ask God in his infinite mercy to bless me with gainful employment, especially with the ministry of foreign affairs, Please oh Lord make us fruitful both financially and physically, Pray that I will find a new job and God shows me the way, Forgive him for his infidelity and also teach me to forgive him also, Prayer for a disturbed Mind & able to take the right decision, Prayer for our exisiting business to prosper and release the financial burden, A Prayer to Deliver Me from Paranoia, Stress and Anxiety, I pray that you watch over my son our troops keep them safe, Bless us oh Lord to be fruitful financially, physically, and spiritually, Prayer to get salary and complete the sailing contract successfully. You take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer. Please heal her legs so she can walk. I said the wrong, This is a presidential prayer. We struggle every day to make, Dear Saint Joseph,We have been trying to sell our house on and off for five years. Please Lord help me find a car mine was repossessed. For my own conduct and for that of my students, grant me the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of knowledge and piety, This is truely humanly hopless an I need God's greatest miracles. Pray that my husband of 14 years would soften his heart, (Ohio, USA) Dear Lord, please help my husband suresh find a job that he has always wanted and needed, something that will help us financially, O dear St. Joseph, i pray that my darling, my boyfriend will come back to me. The only way for me to once again be in my own home, relies, God I am looking for a job that makes me feel good going to work everyday. Help me in my, Dear Lord Jesus,I ask you today to answer my prayers of financial help. We have been apart for two, Lord, I ask that you lead me and my children toward a new life without their father, my husband. Ive changed and I hope people can accept this new me, this better version of me. of holy and faithful married love; We pray to the Lord: Fathers. Hear our prayer. We are at the point of separation and divorce. It has caused a huge gap in our relationship. Send forth your Spirit, and they shall be created. I ask for prayer so my son can get an addiction of cross dressing out of his mind and, Here is a collection of opening and closing prayers that can be used for meetings, sunday school classes, and prayer groups. I pray that you restore my broken relationship with my fiance. Give us grace to recognize our mistakes from the past, so that we might have forgiving hearts. Heavenly Father, I pray for this family reunion and I thank You for allowing us to gather on this special occasion. Help us to heal from, Heavenly Father, your word says that if we ask it shall be given to us, so today Lord I am seeking your blessings in abundance, Please pray for my broken heart to mend. Find a Parish. God please bless me with, My Lord, thank You for giving us all unique talents and abilities. Thank you for memories from our high school years, for the education we received in the classroom and in other places and in other ways: basketball courts and Teen Town. Please restore her sight and heal her from her, Lord God I want to thank you for leading me to serving you. I ask you right now in the name of Jesus to break, God please forgive me for my failures within my marriage. To find the job he has been searching for to fill his mind and, Dear Lord. I will work diligently to, (Sidcup, Kent, UK) Father God,Thank you for being a God who provides for those he loves. Hear our prayer. Protect my boyfriend and My relationship and our families and my daughter. Please come to me in a very obvious way that I will, Dear Lord, My son started the school year off well. Daily Readings. Her decisions she is making and relationships she is choosing, Dear Jesus,I truly believe that you are the path and light of my world.I pray to you that may I never fall for this world.Care, Oh Lord I need your help please help me to get the matter in NY resolved quickly and without any more damage.Also Lord I ask, lord please help me to find a new decerning job. I need to be, Dear St. Joseph, my mind is so filled with the thoughts of Steve and my heart loves him so much. Please guide us in selling this house, so that we can achieve our financial, Lord, said I, leave me, for I am done,There may never again beThat faith that makes me whole.I heard a voice that said, "you are, Most Holy Lord Jesus ,I am down in the dumps at the present time . Please continue to guide the sale, Dear Father,I humbly ask that you hear my prayer. Help, I need Prayer in the name of our Father,Son and Holyspirt I am asking you. He needs an alternative employment and is asking, Dear lord have mercy on me i know that i am not wordy for your help but lord i am asking you please to help, I'm not working right now. Please Lord help me to get the Widow, Dear Holy St Jude, I'm requesting your assistance for my mother Norma. His name is Paul Pearson. My last job, I, Bless us strengthen us and guid us through each day , you know our every need. My life is at a low point and has been for many months now. We are in need of, Dear God,Please help me through this interview tomorrow, My confidence is lacking due to the issues with employment. I ask that you give me the knowledge and help me, Lord, You always blessed my life.You provide good health to my Father, Mother and brothers and even to my husband and 2 sons because of, Dear Lord, Father in HeavenI pray that the miracle of bringing her back into my life can be blessed upon me. The corporate head, Please pray that if it be our Lord's will our Lord would bring my ex-husband home both to Him and to his family. Proctect my son to get the help he need, proctect him, HEAVENLY LORD,Please heal my friend Jim's Cancer and make him Whole once again. Permission to use this prayer for our forthcoming reunion. I really don't have words to describe all the things I've been feeling but my actions and my tears speak for me.. I, Heavenly Father, I'm asking for prays to bring my grandbabies home with me and family members that love and miss them .Cps medical kidnapped my, DEAR HEAVENLY FATHER I COME TO YOU IN MY TIME OF DISPARATE NEED WE HAVE TO LEAVE THE THOMPSON HOUSE WE HAVE BEEN EVIDENCED WE, Here is our collection of popular dinner prayers and blessings. We keep losing out to new construction. He is living with someone else and has filed for divorce after 36 years.

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prayers of the faithful for class reunion