Play another Soldier Puppet on your melee row. This is a standard battle. A short distance to the west is a bird's nest with something glinting in it. Use the Manticore Trophy, Pit Traps and Slingers as well. The enemy has nine Dark Alley cards on his ranged row, one of which conceals an escape route. Adjust your deck so that you're not using the Manticore trophy and add Alzur's Thunder to your trinkets. Dig up the gold and you will also unearth a golden chest (6/9). Even though it's hard to eliminate enemies, you want to repeatedly damage any Elven Sentry units that the enemy plays. Use the Forager to consume the two Arbalest units to his right. This is a standard battle. Continue east to unlock a fast travel point. Curiously, wood is scarcer than gold. Victory will earn you the Dimeritium Shackles trinket along with a decent chunk of loot and a new report entry. There are three Assassins on the enemy side with countdown timers. You'll find a letter among the after-battle spoils. Go behind the building and look near a tree for a dig point that reveals the final golden chest for this chapter (10/10). This is one of three decisions that will determine whether she stays with you after this chapter. Despite what the game text says, there don't appear to be any consequences to this choice. You'll find a letter among the after-battle spoils. Choose to follow Gascon. You can choose to order an assault on the town or pull your forces back. Afterwards, you will have a sombre scene where Meve finds the chosen lieutenant dying. Destroy a Water Hag on the enemy melee row, adding a Slinger to your hand. Examine the quest marker at the end of the path for a scene and the final battle of the chapter. You can choose to spare the elf's life and, if you do so, you can also choose to take him into your army. You can choose to drive them out, but you will lose Isbel if you do. The enemy commander has an ability that strengthens every unit he deploys by 2. Note that you can repair the morale loss with a nearby shrine. Do not talk to the man with the "?" Follow the main quest marker west. Make your way northeast towards a village for a scene and another battle. Your goal is to destroy Garth Rockstew. After the battle, make your way to the northeast of this area and approach the necrophages for another battle. Use the Fortification Tonic on the damaged Arbalest. Continue northeast for a scene of the local peasants enacting a rather grisly ritual. Use Alchemist ability on the centre slave followed by the rightmost one leaving all Slaves with 12 HP. Unfortunately, if the enemy has the ability to target a selected card (and they often do) they can continuously strip the armour off the Wagenburg meaning that you are unable to get a decent effect from it. Meanwhile, the Glustyworp summons additional enemy units. Every turn damage the marked unit by 2. You may also want to use the Lyrian Banner and Lyrian Arbalest units. Allowing the soldiers to join will cost morale but give you two new unit types to add to your forces. You can have a whole bunch of new conversations in the Mess Tent and read some new reports in the Royal Tent. Since he's an outright terrorist, this is a request that is quite easy to refuse. Pick up the loot lying around. This is not bad at all. Continue along the path, gathering loot, and unlock the next fast travel point. The cheap way to win this is to wait until the enemy has placed, say, six cards on his melee row before Raymond starts turning cards over. This is a spy unit which you can neutralise with the Decoy card or a Forager. Since the former choice is the only way forward I'm not sure why there's a choice at all. If you didn't take advantage of the inn earlier, you can restore it a little. Otherwise, cross the bridge to the east. This is a standard battle. After one turn, you can order this unit to summon the topmost Blitz card from your reserve deck. Use the final Splish Splash card and drain your drink, beating Gabor by a single mouthful. You have a choice: Whatever your choice, you will gain the Lyrian Merlot trinket. Ideally, you will do this before they get to your rows and duel your units. The enemy spams Frenzied Ghouls who boost enemy units both on deployment and as a deathwish ability and Rabid Drowners who damage all enemies by 2 on deployment and destruction. This unit is OK and can be used to repair damaged allies. 30 prisoners killed without raising an alarm: that is a literally incredible feat that I guess the writers thought was cool. Order the Troll to let the Arbalest pass. As far as I can tell, you get nothing for this battle so consider it very much optional. The Fake Floren trinket is no good for this battle while the Dazhbog Runestone is useful. Treat this as a puzzle: This should win you the first round. You can turn him down, in which case you'll lose him. Go south for a scene to meet Gascon, the bandits' leader. You should be able to get rid of them by combining a Pitfall Trap, Gheso Arbalests and the Flail. You will capture the caravan and release three spy units on the enemy side. Play an Arbalest in your melee row and damage an Archespore by 1. Every 3 turns the commander can damage one of your units by the number of enemy units on the field. From here, head south until you come to the wooden bridge leading to Crumhorne. This will set the power of the three enemy units to 3 (11 / 3, rounded down). When you're ready to proceed, make your way to your tent at the top of the camp to consult with your advisors. The enemy has the Forgotten Treasure on its side of the board which can seize your units as you play them. If you select the Workshop, you can choose to upgrade certain elements of your camp. Speak to the crow next to the stone bridge and pay 1G to receive a treasure map. by the Flail or a Slinger), it is destroyed. Choose to see what's happening in the mine for a battle. Use Meve's command ability on the Arbalests. Walk around the island to the east and north for some loot and a shrine. You will learn significant revelations about both your lieutenants. When you kill the Phantasm, you will do 3x the banished unit's power in damage to the Colossal Beast and recover your unit. It is at its default state of yellow. This will result in lowered morale and significant resource loss. Here's a solution. If you decided not to hang the deserters earlier, you will find that a bunch more recruits have deserted, taking a chunk of your resources with them. You will have to choose how to punish them. Play the Slinger and target the three Gigantic Arachas in the enemy ranged row. What do I mean by intangibles? It's OK but the lengthy cooldown limits its usefulness. Place one in the top row and attack the 8 HP Rotfiend for 7HP damage. In addition, when choosing the right cards, you have to pay attention to the army limit. Afterwards, head along Langbridge. Since these units start off with 4 HP and no armour you can take them out with your command ability. They will be replaced by a Lesser Dao with 5HP. Also, the next tier of camp upgrades has opened up. After that, it's just a matter of outscoring the Niflgaardians. If you do so, you will eventually receive a card for your troubles. However, he will run into a patrol on his way out, resulting in a puzzle battle. You'll lose if he gets all the way across. Use the Wagenburg with 3 armour on the enemy ranged row. When you do battle, all your units will have a -1 modifier applied to their stats. Go through to unlock the Through the Fourth Wall trophy. Approach the Grave Hag in the centre for a puzzle battle. However, it is not good if you need the deathwish ability of the enemy unit to trigger: if you use Artefact Compression on a Verendal Elite, for example, a bunch of enemy units will be left with the immune attribute. The commander boosts all vampiric units by 2 and plays a lot of them which means lots of power for Eyck and Isbel. Return to the main path and head west. Return to the most recently unlocked fast travel point and head east for a scene. You'll pass a bit of loot on the way here. You will be battling the forces of the Mysterious Figure. Your goal here is not to eliminate enemy units but rather outscore them. The commander will spam Slave Infantry which can pull other infantry in from the graveyard. You start in the bottom left corner and your target is the top right. Damages any unit that subsequently appears in the row by 2 as well. If you want to feel bad about the deed, talk to Keltullis first and find out why she attacked the town. Here's a solution. Eventually, you are sprung from prison by Gascon of all people. If they have an even number of HP, they will move 1 row up and damage one of your units by 1. Take a moment to have a look at your cards. alright i'll finish the story and report back, I can't remember exactly but that +evil does mean that is the consequence in a later chapter. The broken bridge nearby can be repaired at a cost of 50 wood. Follow up with Eyck or Gabor to eliminate it. Xavier will get them moving again. Retrieving its contents should earn you the Tax Collector trophy. Unlock the nearby fast travel point and continue south for another scene and a battle. On the other hand, you can use the AI's tendency to target the Wagenburg to keep them from targeting other units. The Hym has 34 HP and will replay any card you played, targeting the leftmost ally. All banners have the resilient trait, which means they are not cleared from the board at the end of a round. Continue north and examine the tree. Start heading southeast. Continue west a short distance to find a golden chest (3/9). With Reynard, you will hatch a plan to strike behind the enemy lines in Angren, a strategically important territory. Click on the figure in the corner, Grey Rider, to get some stats for the current map. I chose 200 wood for 250G. On alternate turns, the Reckless Vampire will seize the strongest unit while the Shrewd Vampire will seize the weakest. Potato-Soldier. Otherwise you will have to fight a battle. At some point, the enemy will bring the commander onto the field. Accept his invitation for a morale boost. Eyck will join you temporarily - go into your camp and add him to your forces. All three Spotter units will move up to the enemy ranged row. After victory you will be able to collect some loot and your army's morale will improve. It is also a battle where you can unlock the Party's Over trophy. After the battle, Reynard will accuse Gascon of being the traitor in your ranks. Continue north to find the place where the humans sell goods to the Scoia'tael. After 3 turns, destroy that unit. It's quite difficult to defeat via conventional means. Every turn, he can compare a unit from his deck to one from yours. Unless the enemy is injured, this is likely to end in the Disgraced Warrior's demise. You have a choice between spending 25 gold or 1 recruit to remove the obstacle. Their children have failed to return from their drekthag, a year long journey to human lands intended for young dwarves to gain experience of the world. Aretuza Adept (Human)When deployed choose a regular unit on the battlefield or in your hand and add two copies to your deck. Xavier can do this twice. The enemy will start out with three Alba Cavalry units on the board. If you give the enemy a few turns to get both rows full (for example, deploy Rayla then Xavier then use the Decoy card on Xavier and deploy Xavier again), you can really go to town on wrecking his units. One of them is the escape route you want. ah I've got the Isbel: Destroyer conversation bug. After the scene, you will be controlling Meve in the overworld. Note that you no longer need to be quite so careful about maintaining neutral morale since you've left behind Scoia'tael encounters for the time being. If you destroy them, the countdown timer is reduced by 2. Fortunately, you can use this to power up Eyck and/or Isbel. Between the remains of a tent and a broken wagon is a dig point which is the location of the last golden chest of the game (6/6). Unlock the next fast travel point and go northeast. Weaken your enemy and strengthen yourself? Use the Longsword as Meve's weapon and the Lyrian Banner as the trophy. Deploy the second Alchemist anywhere and select the Sapper so that his strength is reduced to 4. In the village, you can read the notice board to point out nearby points of interest and unlock the fast travel point. 255 views 4 years ago "My Enemy's Enemy":Meve finds Nilfgaardian soldiers surrounded by Necrophages ( 00:57 ). The enemy commander can draw additional cards when he's losing so make use of your own deck to flood your side of the board with allied units. You only ever want one of these in your hand because deploying one will pull out all copies of the unit from your reserve deck. This damages the highest powered unit by 5 if its power is even. Continue south and enter a gate to the west. You can use this in conjunction with the Manticore trophy, Pitfall Traps and fire and treat it as a "kill three enemies" card. Another charge for Rayla? Make sure you do not miss the various piles of loot lying around and continue north. This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. You need to eliminate Falbeson without letting Gascon or Reynard die. Among the after-battle spoils is a letter. The Armory node in the Workshop unlocks "Reynard combat units" and the Engineers' Drafting Desk node in the Workshop unlocks "Reynard support units". You will find a letter and a treasure map among the after-battle spoils which should unlock the Cartographer trophy. Use your ability on the green stone four times. Disgraced Brawler (Human)The order ability is to damage himself and two enemy units by 3 HP. Repealing them will result in you losing Gabor. Approach them to be thrown into battle. Return the way you came and leave Lord Clayton's grounds through the eastern exit. To the west of the village is a golden chest (2/9). If the battle only lasts one round, however, you should typically discard them after your initial hand is dealt. A short distance further along, you will be ambushed by Scoia'tael. Stray of Spalla (Human)When deployed, damage a unit by 5. You have two goals: destroy three wagons, which have 1HP and 9 armour, and achieve numeric superiority on the field. Lyrian Arbalests can destroy Water Hags and Slingers can move them. If you talk to him three times he will join your ranks. You can, however, choose to requisition his wares which will give you 100 wood. After the Hym's turn, it will have 19 HP and your units will have 26 and 6. Grab the bit of loot here and unlock the fast travel point. This is a standard battle. As before, turn back and use scouts on the map to locate any loot that you may have missed. Not so useful when you need to damage enemies, however. This is a standard battle fought against familiar Nilfgaard units and there is nothing interesting to be found among the after-battle spoils. Return the way you came and when you cross the bridge, head southeast through the swamp. You can talk to the woman here but she doesn't have anything useful to say. Keep using your Longsword to boost the strength of your Scythemen and use summoned Alchemists to duplicate the power of your supercharged Scythemen to other units. Your goal is to damage the wyvern and you do so by moving cards on the battlefield horizontally or vertically. If you end up with, say, a bunch of Scythemen and a couple of medics, just restart. The targeted unit is removed from the enemy's side of the board bypassing the graveyard. This is not a difficult battle at all, but using your Bombers and/or Pitfall Traps will help. Use the ability up to 8 times. Continue through the gate for a scene. Play the final Arbalest on your melee row and destroy the fifth corpse along. You will likely need to rearrange your deck for this. Place an Arbalest on the melee row and attack the 4 HP Elemental. Here's a solution. You can use Foragers to destroy them, capture them with the Decoy card or use the Fake Floren and have an enemy unit duel them to death. You may want to adjust your deck. Use Alzur's Thunder to attack the Alghoul in the enemy melee row, inflicting 10 HP damage. You can keep your distance, which will result in a morale loss, or attempt to free the captives. After the scenes, You will be introduced to Gabor Zigrin who will join your forces and act as a guide. Blacksmiths are awesome. Continue across the bridge and unlock the nearby fast travel point. If you rethink your choice you can come back later. This is better than the Fortification Tonic since you can use it on a damaged unit. Read the nearby notice board, unlock the fast travel point, use the recruitment post and go southwest. You will see the country in flames. Grab the wood and approach the monster for another battle. Alchemist (Human, Field Support)When deployed, sets a selected unit's power equal to the unit to its left. Fortunately, they also damage their entire row when you destroy them. Afterwards, talk to the individual you ignored earlier. Grab the loot and examine the house. Deploy Reynard and flip a banquet table on your melee row to increase the Assassin's timer. This is a standard battle in which you'll be fighting a lot of slave units. Both nearby bridges are down so return to the most recent fast travel point. The other options give you recruits that you don't really need and pressing townsmen into service will reduce your army's morale into the bargain. You'll want the Bekker's Dark Mirror and Alzur's Thunder trinkets. This will cost you 8 recruits and result in a battle. When you reach the end of the path, the game will give a summary of stats for this chapter. Note: since Rayla may not be in your army, her absence is assumed in any strategy tips. As it happens, I was never short of recruits so you can treat them effectively as a free resource. This can be useful to in combination with abilities that damage all units on a row such as Meve's Broadsword command ability or the Wagenburg. You can choose to murder him to improve your forces' morale. You want to take advantage of the Rayla / Xavier combo in this battle. Select the LEFTMOST Slave to swap power with. In a classic case of interface stupidity, you are able to select an enemy unit first; make sure this does not happen. Here's a solution. The enemy commander boosts vampire units by 2. Choose to enter the tomb for a battle. Head through the gate further to the north for a scene where you witness Nilfgaardian soldiers trying to fight off necrophages. Continue north for a scene in which your army is struck by an avalanche. Use the final Volunteer on the Spotter at A1 and move Reynard up to A2 and victory. The Alghoul will consume the Nekker to its right and grow to 17 strength. Return to the main channel and continue south. After the battle, you will receive a new weapon, the Ornamental Sword. Brouver will bring up the flooding of Davor's Abyss and the collapsing of Boro's Rump. Approach the bridge leading to the cemetery for a scene. If Reynard survived the war, you can hook him up with Meve. Ah okay nice, I see you've made the guide public now, and it's looking good. No, that isn't very good. There's a main quest battle coming up shortly so you may want to avail yourself of the nearby shrine if you haven't done so already. When Eyck's strength exceeds the head's HP, deploy him to end the battle. To save time, you may want to use the fast travel point northeast of Crumhorne. Continue west to the Old Graveyard. Unlock the fast travel point to the south and grab the nearby loot. Although your goal is to outscore the enemy, Albrich has a nasty ability that he can use every turn: he damages your highest powered unit by the strength the lowest powered one and gains one strength each turn. The Rayla / Xavier / Raymond combo is ridiculously powerful for one round battles. You need to surround him with units whose power sums to a total greater than his. The goal is to place the correct ingredient on the enemy ranged row to match the scent description of the unit to the right. Each turn, Gascon needs to play a Surveillance card to peek at two enemy cards. Use Dazhbog's Runestone. Afterwards, Isbel will ask to speak with you in private - you'll find her in the Mess Tent (which is not very private, but oh well). Move all units between rows and damage all enemies by 2 and boost all allies by the same amount. In the subsequent conversation respond however you wish. Your goal is to arrange the stones on the far side of the board such that they are a mirror image of the stones on your side. Return to the Nilfgaardian Camp and approach the soldiers for a puzzle battle. Your goal is to eliminate all foes. Foragers' Quarters upgrades are more useful the earlier you unlock them which is why you want to unlock the first as soon as you can. Lay an Arbalest next to him and attack a Rotfiend for 2 HP. The next sections are interactive scenes. The chest is locked but the key can be found in a loot pile in the top left of the camp together with a letter. You'll kill any cows remaining in the enemy ranged row but there will be at least one cow remaining in the other row. Keep the food for your army: 250 wood and an increase in morale. After the battle, you'll learn that transport is carrying slaves. You'll find a letter after the battle that provides you with another treasure map. Play a fifth Arbalest on your melee row and attack the fourth corpse in the enemy ranged row. Alzur's Thunder (Trinket)Damage the chosen unit by10 and units either side of it by 5. He has 27 strength and 5 armour which means that you need to be able to inflict 32 damage to make this possible. The Nilfgaardians will deploy a new unit: the Spotter who can increase his own power every few turns. Help yourself to the contents of the woodpile regardless. You'll also see the Infiltrator which will ambush and destroy the next unit you play. Again, the Grey Rider units will move. Make your way northeast and make a note of the shrine. Go north and help yourself to the contents of the woodpile. Two will take its place. Examine the Nekkers' nest in the middle. Your goal is to get all your units to the other side of the field without letting any of them die. The rules are different to what you're used to. Grab some loot from the back while you're up here. After victory, you'll have the choice of spending 1000G to help the people of Dravograd. Their deathwish ability will destroy the enemy Warmonger. You will find a letter among the after-battle spoils. Can be used on Light Infantry to damage the enemy by 10. You will receive the Scepter of Storms trophy after the battle. Fortunately, most attacks on your units damage them by 2 which you can make up with Eyck and the Manticore trophy. Afterwards, collect loot and examine the notice board to find some black propaganda. Leave the estate and return to the main path leading south. This means that you can repeatedly summon with Regiment Drummers, repeatedly damage enemies using Slingers and so on. When you come a bridge by a waterfall, dig up the golden chest (3/10). This is a large undertaking so if I missed anything please let me know in the comments, and obviously there will be SPOILERS, stop reading if you care about that. You can kill them all in the first turn: Strays Slinger + Rivian Broadsword. This is a standard battle and is only fought if you had Lippy Gudmund imprisoned. Also the Gheso Arbalests will be quite useful here. Play a Rivian Sapper and attack a Nekker doing 2 HP damage. Begin by placing the Lyrian Arbalest in the melee row and attack one of the back row enemies. Continue northeast for the customary vista that accompanies the start of a new chapter and then make your way east to a Nilfgaardian Fortress. I also attacked the Nilfgaardians both times it was an option (The arms caravan and after the avalanche). Approach the bridge for a scene and a battle against Scoia'tael. This is a standard battle. Don't bother targeting the gate because it will be destroyed after a couple of turns. Examine the statue near the praying nun. I can't find anything after this point that gives me 5000 gold from Murko, is it a mistake? Crushing Trap (Machine)This card sets the power of all cards on a row to the mean value, rounded down. So if you play an Arbalest card in a row with six cards, you'll do a sizeable 7 damage to an enemy unit. You will receive the Blizzard trinket after victory. It starts with 2 and gains a charge if there's a unit to its right. This will pull in another Gawker. Order the Troll to let the Rivian Pikeman pass. Some peasants will entreat you not to carry out the measures stated on the false decrees that the Nilfgaardians have been distributing. Return the way you came past the locked gate and follow the path west through the broken wall. You will start at a considerable disadvantage and the enemy commander seems absolutely to spam Alba Armored Cavalry which makes using orders a bit more awkward than you might want it to be. If, on their turn, they have an even power value, they will go from the ranged row to the melee row or vice versa, inflicting two points of damage on each allied unit in the opposite row. Approach the Nekkers for a battle. Use Command: March on the Strays Bomber so that he can survive two turns. Leave the field through the eastern exit and grab some loot from between the two outhouses to the south. Queen Meve is on the field so you lose your command abilities. Use a third Splish Splash card and take another three swigs. Dimeritium Bomb (Trinket)Restore all enemy units to their base power. Use a Reynard's Volunteer on the Spotter at C1. Speak to the nearby priestess and pay 250G for the final card fragment. After the battle you can read one notice board for local information and retrieve a letter from the other. The castle is inhabited by a noble family who have long been in conflict with Meve. An enemy Warmonger will destroy the Sapper. You must not destroy Gernichora's Fruit since they have a deathwish ability that results in the loss of a card from your hand. Play a Lyrian Hajduk to the LEFT of the Alchemist and use Meve's Longsword ability on the Alchemist. Leave the valley via the northeast exit. There are three loot piles to grab. This is a standard battle and is very much optional. Although your path to proceed is to the north, begin by going south where you will find a golden chest (1/9). You don't have to kill Keltullis here but failing to do so will cost you the services of Eyck. And again. After three turns, Gascon will turn up with reinforcements for you. However, due to what is presumably a bug, summoned units don't get to use their deploy abilities making the Gheso Footmen rather useless. Note: I've also played this battle with the Nekkers only having 4 strength. There are 4 Water Hags on the board and Torrential Rain is present on all rows. You are assisted by Mahakam units which have the capability of pushing enemy units back. Otherwise, record the cards revealed and try again next turn. Here's a solution. If the druids from earlier are accompanying you, don't choose to make a sacrifice to the marsh gods. . This ability becomes an Order ability rather than one activated on deployment. From here go west. Their ability now becomes an order ability (rather than deployment) and will damage each affected unit by 3. If you take actions that your people disapprove of, morale will fall and the indicator will turn red. Examine the corpse for a key and a letter. Your triumph is short lived as you receive news of Nilfgaard's invasion. Attack a different Barghest with each and the Hag will destroy them, replacing them with 5 HP versions. Pretty good, actually. Not bad but not nearly as good as the Lyrian Horn. You have space for another trinket (even though you don't have a second one yet) and by upgrading the Royal Tent, you can add slots for an additional two. Continue northeast to come to a graveyard.

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