", "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! They all looked abandoned. ", where Bill and Andy tie up William in a chair outside with duct tape and bring out his Xbox One S and burn and destroy it with an ax. YOU WOULDN'T LISTEN TO US!". !, where he yells at Violette to make him food after refusing to see his special doctor with jumping on the couch along with showing his buttocks. Trending pages Aunt Lee Anthony Xbox One/Xbox One S KID BEATS COUSIN IN A FIT OF JEALOUS RAGE!!! where he complains that William is abusing him mentioning that William pulling him backwards by grabbing his legs while unable to get up is "parent abuse" but Bill has abused William at times such as refusing to turn on the water supply to let William finish showering and locks William out in the freezing cold or when he abuses William by making him watch his Xbox get destroyed in front of him. THERE'S NO WAY I'M BUYING YOU AN XBOX! ", "SO WHAT? He also doesn't care how cold it was outside and tells William and Violette to freeze to death. (RAGE) when Bill mentioned how spoiled William is when he threw a fit over wanting Domino's Pizza, Bill also mentioned that all William wants is food that's bad for him, but Bill always wants unhealthy food too like Kentucky Fried Chicken, Big Macs from McDonald's and Whoppers from Burger King a lot. Violette1st's Raging Series (TV Series 2010- ) - IMDb Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. !, wants William to vacuum his bed after the glass shards are on his bed after axing the Sansui TV Bill got for him for $5 with telling her to "GTFO" (which stands for "get the f**k out") and tells him again if he wants his $10 allowance and then William begins to say "BLAH BLAH BLAH!" William generally receives positive reviews, but he is still a highly controversial character due to his destructive behavior, stubbornness, stupidity, crudeness, recklessness, and rudeness to other people. ), WHAT DO YOU WANT?????!!!!!!!! You told me I don't deserve my Xbox! when he ate all 24 mini cupcakes for the cats, but for their 7th birthday, William ruins it in WILLIAM RUINS THE CAT'S BIRTHDAY!!! Bill will be on the receiving end of the gag when he goes too far. In BILL SNIPS THE CORDS ON WILLIAM'S GAME CAPTURE!! (referring to the bathroom in, "FREAKING JERK, I'M GONNA GET YOU, JERK!!! Bill thinks he should have everything to himself and not share a single thing to the family such as not sharing his food, have others go with their choices such as fast foods where he fights with William over him wanting Taco Bell and Bill wanting McDonald's in WILLIAM AND BILL BATTLE OVER FAST FOODS!! by ruining his birthday for the Xbox One S destruction by smashing the cake he made for him along with slamming it in Andy's face, putting ketchup on his shirt and placing it in the sink, rubbing cake on his back and even giving him a wedgie, making him have a bad birthday. Privacy Policy. ", "I'm not doing Italian or Taco Bell. Bill gets k*lled by police after he shoots William!!! - YouTube (Bill referring to all 4 whoppers he bought in BILL AND WILLIAM"S WHOPPER FREAK-OUT), "That's good food!" ", "Good luck playing your Xbox without a controller! Lucy, or Andy have taken this role a lot too. When Violette questioned what William was drinking, he claimed it was fruit punch. ", "I DON'T CARE!! This could be a main factor that causes William's aggressive and destructive behavior. Violette1st is a popular YouTuber that has been on YouTube for 10+ years, but most people didn't know is that the channel has some deleted videos, every video and it's status will be listed below. I'm tired of his shit! !, Violette explained that he wanted to keep his torn up shoes, sleeping in his shoes, and even locking his shoes in the bathroom with him when he takes a shower as he's afraid someone is gonna take his shoes from him. ", "It's going back!" WILLIAM REFUSES TO SEE THE "SPECIAL" DOCTOR!!! (referring to the laxatives in LAXATIVE PRANK ON DAD!!! The reason for this is a lost video from the Violette1st Youtubers. But William doesn't understand his age difference and maturity, which frustrates Violette. BILL AND ANDY FIGHT WILLIAM WHILE HES SICK!!! Eye color Nobody should learn any of William's behaviours due to the fact that he usually acts like someone who is 6 or under, and his behaviour sometimes gets insane. He also sprayed William with a hose once he gets untied. (RAGE), William finds Ding Dongs in Bill's gym bag after he decided to go on a diet and got caught cheating on his diet, William wonders why Bill has Ding Dongs in his gym bag when William mentions he doesn't like eating healthy like saying he hates vegetables. when he splashes a cup of water in William's face believing that he is still faking his ear infection. He is the archenemy of William due to his intense rudeness and stubbornness to the family. Hair color ", (in response to William asking how he feels) "Like crap! SevenPerfectAngels. He is also bossy to Bill such as in UNGRATEFUL KID DESTROYS HIS NEW TV!! Sometimes, William will sometimes put aside his differences with the family and get along for a change. Lucy is extremely selfish and thinks that she's the most famous character on the channel and mostly thinks about herself more than her family, sometimes her son Zachary. !, where he destroys the internet router because he has to wait until Saturday to have the router fixed, which he feels like is a long time due to his impatience. Once the file was downloaded, my computer went crazy, it was the worst virus I had ever seen. He is very nagging, such as when he nags about his Xbox. Support. In "WILLIAM SAID THE F WORD!!! !, wants William to stop cussing from now on after hearing him say the S word in WILLIAM SAID SH*T!! ", "We seriously have to ground him for this, Violette! "There's a light on your camera! Characters or things who have died in the Violette1st YouTube channel. ", "He's probably gonna poop on the floor if you don't hurry up! ", "HOW WOULD YOU FEEL IF YOU WENT 7 DAYS WITHOUT THIS CHAIR? A prime example is in WILLIAM'S DISASTEROUS DRIVING LESSON WITH BILL!!! You won't spend more time with us. AGAIN?!?!?! Bill may be abusive, but he isn't wrong about William being on his Xbox for so long or not thinking about his family. ", "What do you mean 2 pizzas is not enough? Examples of Bill's stubbornness include when he argues about going to the bathroom first on the way home or choosing to go to McDonald's instead of Taco Bell like in SON GLUES DADS BUTT TO TOILET SEAT!!! A prime example of Bill's ungrateful behavior would be the time when he rejected and shoved an "I'm Sorry" cake that William had made for him as an apology for burning his car into his face in "FURIOUS FATHER SMASHES CAKE IN WILLIAM'S FACE". !, Violette threatened to call the police on him because he wouldn't turn on the shower water for William. Sometimes, Bill will want William to stop playing Xbox and spend time with the family, despite how he usually treats him. When tests were done, the body was revealed to be Bill Violette, who lived in Maryland. ", "I'm tired of this crap! ", "The combination of chocolate and Gatorade helps cure my ear. Violette1st Bill - Posts | Facebook ", "I don't wanna sit down and watch freaking Christmas movies. TELL ME WHY? ", "I DON'T WANT REGULAR CHERRY, I WANT WILD CHERRY! YOU DON'T DESERVE IT. ), "Well you were annoying me when I was playing Xbox. ", "Andy, go in the house and get his Xbox! So William does not set a good example for behaviour. ", "What do ya mean? who always records freak outs rather than step in and resolve them, talks even more than she did in the earliest videos, extremely selfish as she constantly boasts that she's the star, constantly spoils William and never openly disciplines him like a normal parent would and is too soft on him, Violette constantly records everything and never does anything to stop a situation, and she could have easily put the bags away and move the cake from the chair before Bill even sat down, despite how they usually act in the Violette1st videos, has shown to greatly care for her adopted-son Zachary, and they go as far as to tease him when he was crying on his bed, Violette accidentally slips it when she and Bill were arguing over Bill encouraging William to cuss, when he goes too far with his retaliations. Scan this QR code to download the app now. ", "YOU ARE GONNA PAY FOR THIS PAL! It's possible that William also has oppositional defiant disorder (ODD). He often blames Andy, examples being in KID GAMBLES AWAY $1,200 ON DAD'S CREDIT CARD!!! !, Violette offered to help William fix his game stream but William refused because he thinks Violette is bad at Technology which Violette thinks she's not which later caused the two to bicker at each other then saying "BLAH BLAH BLAH!" William happens to be bossy at times (just like Bill). However, that is false. ), "DON'T EVER DO THIS CRAP TO ME AGAIN!! Explore the Best Violette1st Art | DeviantArt Violette1st: Our 1st Movie! | Violette1st Fanon Wiki | Fandom https://www.instagram.com/william_anderson_1004/, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. !, he naturally stated that he hated his old and torn shoes (which is another example of how hypocritical he is). He is however, and always will be, the most hated character in the Violette1st series. In BILLS GOING ON A DIET!?!? William is also hypocritical in WILLIAM FLIPS THE TABLE!!! They decided to visit William's grave. I first heard of it at an event where Andy was speaking. ", "Oh, you were probably saving it for Rotten Rebecca. Bill is also very distrustful, meaning that he doesn't show any trust or confidence in William or Violette. Another trait that Bill is hypocritical for is when it comes to being caught in a lie, such as when he mentions that William didn't pack his suitcase for the Florida trip in SO WILLIAM DOESN'T WANT TO GO TO FLORIDA?!?! (RAGE). That's what I think of your (something)! AND I'M GONNA GET IN THERE! But in 2018 raging videos, William is shown wearing new clothes like in KID PICKAXES FORTNITE MONOPOLY BOARD GAME!! Hes also very irresponsible as he never takes responsibility for any of his actions (Especially when he drinks beer and gets drunk all the time), He usually blames his mistakes on Andy when hes the one who did it, even blaming Elsie the dog on some occasions. When act two started, Violette, Bill, Lucy, and Andy were sitting at their table, crying. ", "Least I'm not gonna end up a fatass like him. SCREW YOU!! ", "Call the freaking, um, BLEEP! Even Lucy will get her karma when she pushes William too far. ", "There's nothing wrong with those shoes! His cause of death and how he got here remain a mystery, but autopsy experts believed he died from choking on an unknown object. ", "Just sit down and eat your freaking hot dog! Like that's gonna replace the big screen! ", "Why don't you go out and buy me something for once! Violette1st on CN (December 27, 2021/MOCK) Questionmouse. I CAN'T STAND IT!!! ", "You can probably repeat every single word they say in the movie. The videos production number was 7G06, the title was Dead William. It's not your car! (RAGE) when Violette tells Bill she is going to get milk with William wanting to go with her so they can have a mother and son bonding, Bill doesn't trust Violette and thinks Violette is lying, because Bill thinks she is taking William out to get GTAV instead of milk (which she actually tries to do). 1 1. Violette, Bill, Lucy, and Andy were skeletally thin, and still sitting at the table. Violette1st Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. Just an hour ago, the Violette1st Twitter tweeted at least hundreds of a bunch of numbers and letters. Someone in the crowd asked about the video, and Andy froze for a while before simply leaving the stage, ending the event hours early. It's about this family where William rages and destroys the family's stuff while Violette, his mother, spoils and coddles him. Violette1st - YouTube VIOLETTE THROWS TANTRUM IN WALMART PARKING LOT, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Kings Dominion Snake Chormebook Andy's Peeps FORTNITE MONOPOLY BOARD All items (9) # A B C D E F G H I In "WILLIAM'S WALMART SHELF ASSEMBLING DISASTER!!! WILLIAM DESTROYS THE VACUUM CHAMBER!!! DO NOT TAKE WHAT IS SAID SERIOUSLY. The Stupidist | ", "You have like, ten of your special moments every day! ", William was heard saying the F word by Violette and she and Bill confront him over it and. ", "WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU DOING? He's popular for the viral video "William Throws Temper Tantrum Because He Has To Do His Homework. THAT'S WHAT YOU GET! The episode was about the family going on a plane trip, near the end of the first act, the plane was taking off. WILLIAM LOSES IT OVER ANDY'S XBOX ADDICTION!!! At a fan event, I managed to follow William after he spoke to the crowd, and eventually had a chance to talk to him alone as he was leaving the building. A thought occurred to me after seeing the video for the first time: You could try to use the tombstones to predict the death of living people, but there's something odd about most of the ones who haven't died yet. and making him suffer by forcing William to watch Bill/Andy damage/douse his Xbox with lighter fluid to where it gets burned to cinders and making William shriek in horror and agony, as well as bullying William even more when he is in his bedroom weeping about his Xbox destruction. (When someone calls out Bill for liking Spam and pig's feet or destroys Bill's food). Andy is shown to participate in family time. I'M SO TIRED!!! The day the world ends because of global warming. ", which Violette agreed to, but William mentioned that he doesn't like to because he too plays XBOX too much when his family try to call him from upstairs. THEY'RE NOT MY DING DONGS! and Violette replies back at him in BILL SNIPS THE CORDS ON WILLIAM'S GAME CAPTURE!!!. ", "I'm not gonna freaking take a freaking break. We gotta start hiding our keys around this place. NO JUST GIMME MY CONTROLLER MY FRIENDS WAITING FOR ME ON THE 360!! ", "DON'T EVER BUY ME WALMART DISCOUNT SHOES AGAIN!!!! (RAGE), William throws a fit when he said he wanted Domino's Pizza for dinner, but his parents said no because of how they have food in the house, and how William ruined the previous Domino's Pizza night when he smashed raw eggs on one of the pizzas and burned the other pizza. !", that has over 2 million views. There's a light right there! One example of this is in WILLIAM'S PANCAKE COOKING DISASTER!!! but Bill also curses as well when he get angry or drunk at times. (used on multiple occasions, mainly in the earlier stages of the series), "WHAT THE FREAK IS YOUR FREAKING PROBLEM?!?! who the fr- WILLIAM, WHAT THE FREAK ARE YOU DOING YOU JERK?! Rage videos are the main videos on the channel, involving Violette . 18. ", "Call the BLEEP! in UNGRATEFUL KID DESTROYS HIS NEW TV!!! ", "THIS IS SO PITIFUL!" ", "WHY DID YOU EAT A FEW PIECES OF MY CANDY? ", "Gimme my phone or I'm gonna text Rotten Rebecca! WILLIAM'S LAST DAY OF SCHOOL FREAK-OUT!!! He's spoiled rotten, I want the Xbox!". KID RUNS OVER DAD'S FOOT IN TRUCK!!! ", "I put the whole bottle in your freaking milkshake." ", "AND YOU'RE JUST GONNA DISRESPECT ME LIKE THAT? There's Something Wrong with Violette1st, and I don't know what it is. Almost everyone hated it and expected William to get his revenge on him and Andy too since he helped with the destruction. William could be similar to Jesse as both are immature and selfish and play video games and get angry easily. But he doesn't, mostly because he doesn't pay attention in school. He also complained about Bill ruining the cat's 6th birthday in BILL RUINS THE CATS BIRTHDAY!!! ", "I'M DOING JUST FINE!! ", "You are gonna buy me more pizzas pal! !, This is ridiculous! Here we go! He tied William up and destroyed his Xbox One S alongside Andy. FINE! KID PICKAXES FORTNITE MONOPOLY BOARD GAME!!! it was great! Rest of the family: I don't wanna get into too much detail, but we have a mixed relationship. for the family with his way of getting tomato and onion topping pizza which is what Bill likes on his pizzas and doesn't think about how the family will like it, especially with William because as he doesn't like onions and tomatoes. Even Andy was this when he smashed William's Xbox with an ax. There's a light right there! !. DON'T EVER DO A MORNING PRANK AGAIN!!! and LUCY TRIES TO STEAL THE PLAY BUTTON!! to each other. The picture of William's corpse was barely recognizable, they took full advantage of it not having to move, and made an almost photo-realistic drawing of his dead body. ", "Oh, so you can just sit there and be lazy all day? ", "Get him off that Xbox! The piece of paper had a website address on it, I would rather not say what it was, for reasons you'll see in a second. In EAT MY SPAM!!! SCREW YOU!!" Villainous Benchmark Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. February 15, 1990 Died November 18, 2020 (aged 30) Hair color Brown Eye color Blue Anthony Shipley was the older brother of Andy and the cousin of William, Lucy, and Kelsey. In MOM AUCTION'S SON'S SHOES ON EBAY FOR A PENNY!! I DON'T HAVE GRAND THEFT AUTO 5! In WILLIAM'S LAST DAY OF SCHOOL FREAK-OUT!! Violette1st | Wikitubia | Fandom It is heavily implied that he killed someone in the past. ", "You shouldn't have done that. William is extremely self-absorbed and believes he should he should get what he want without care for anything else and thinks his problems are bigger than everyone else's. Another trait on how Bill is hypocritical is mentioning on how William cares about himself when he chooses to not to spend family time with him and Violette and plays Xbox in DAD SHREDS SONS GTA 5 DISK!! Have you heard of a Youtube channel called Violette1st? Doesn't he know we cook dinner and we eat together? ", "He won't taste it." (while flipping off Andy over peeps). William is very rude too, and he plays very mean pranks, such as putting laxatives in people's drinks and food. William was born on October 4, 2001, and he is currently 21 years old. He stole William's package for seemingly no reason, which is a federal offense. You're the one that won't listen! Violette1st Popularity. ", "THAT'S WHAT YOU GET! He was very quiet, seemed nervous and morbid. ", "You ripped my credit card up. (RAGE), SON GLUES DADS BUTT TO TOILET SEAT!!! Examples include William Throws Temper Tantrum Because He Has To Do His Homework when Violette wants him to do his homework when she found William's real homework assignment and didn't do his math homework correctly and she wanted William to redo it. NOW I'M GONNA BE GETTING MESSAGES ALL NIGHT!! There was no sign of anyone else. He takes sadistic pleasure in watching William attack Andy with his birthday cake, although Andy deserved it for forcing William to watch as he destroyed his Xbox. ", "You think you own this vehicle or something, jerk?! THAT IS WHAT YOU GET FOR DESTROYING MY XBOX!!! When William finally used his manners but said it in a rude tone, Violette still made food for William which turns out to be a salad and William hated it. "THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR RUINING MY SECOND 16TH BIRTHDAY!! P please dont tell anyone about this He then grabbed a piece of paper, wrote something on it, and handed it to me. (referring to Andy's Peep Moment), "YOU DON'T HAVE TO PILE YOUR DESSERT PLATE UP TO THE CEILING!! They upload fan mail, pranks, rage videos, and vacation videos. ", "He does the same stuff, and it's time to get back! !, Bill tells Violette that William is "faking" an ear infection, when in reality, he does have an ear infection, however, Bill doesn't believe any of this. ", "You're going to get that baby freaking GTAV! Violette1st - Violette Icon. ), "Put your freaking blinker light on, jerk!! ", "If you keep this up, I'm gonna turn the internet off! ", "I make pumpkins ten times better than that. WILLIAM'S ULTIMATE BIRTHDAY FREAK-OUT AND REVENGE!!! you know I have a bad cough. (which would become some of the words in the first intro). ), "I'm gonna turn off your phone. In MOM LOSES IT OVER SON'S CHOICE IN SHOES!! William also doesn't know how to act his own age since he's in high school, and he acts childish whenever he doesn't get his way or what he wants. Birthplace Maryland. people things. on December 25th, 2018, they took a 3-year long hiatus, which made people wonder if they quit YouTube, however they eventually returned in 2021 with their newest upload; "UNGRATEFUL KID DESTROYS XBOX DAD BOUGHT HIM FOR CHRISTMAS!!!".

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violette1st bill died