What Is The Meaning of The Masonic Bible? A book review of In Quest of the Historical Adam: A Biblical and Scientific Exploration by William Lane Craig (Eerdmans, 2021), Let Faith Oust Fact: A Review of The Whale, No Mindful Matter: The Explanatory Failure of Scientific Materialism, Una pregunta que los mormones no pueden responder, Connect with the Christian Research Institute. This article first appeared in the Viewpoint column of the Christian Research Journal, volume28, number6 (2005). Freemasons have long held an interest in the masonic bible and its interpretation, and while there are some differences between it and the holy bible, they are still able to use it as part of their rituals. 1 Corinthians 10:31 (NASB). Finally, there are also several other topics addressed in each book including prayer, faith and morality. The only Masonic Edition of the Bible with all these features: Masonic, Scottish Rite, and Eastern Star Records; Masonic Presidents; Freemasonry and the Holy Bible - Taking you through the internal workings of Freemasonry from the first to the thirty-third degree; Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite Masonry; Order of the Eastern Star; Questions It was important because people back then used to understand Greek instead of Hebrew. For one thing, the masonic bible is not as literal as the holy bible when it comes to interpretation. The Bible still maintains to be the most popular books. web pages Dec 8, 2008. Freemasonry and the Afterlife. The guiding principle for situations where the demonic is involved is given to us in 1 Corinthians 10:31. The ones whose Masonic lodges used the Bible, the Bible that exists today is like all of the Bibles, a translated version of the actual Hebrew texts. Masonic Regalia and Jewelry Due to the relative scarcity of antique Bibles in decent condition which are 200+ years old, their value and collectibility rises. Ultimately, freemasons must decide whether or not to continue using the masonic bible in their rituals but either way, its influence can still be seen in modern freemasonry today. 8. But if anyone says to you, This is meat sacrificed to idols, do not eat it, for the sake of the one who informed you, and for conscience sake;I mean not your own conscience, but the other mans. When referring to the Bible, the term edition is most often used in correlation to publication, whereas version is most often used in correlation with its translation. It can be said that in millenniums, no other book could replace it. Der Himmelstern The Holy Bible is a collection of ancient texts that were written over two thousand years ago. The most common interpretation is that it serves as a guide for morality and ethics within the fraternity. Proper Sources. In fact, just one page from the Gutenberg Bible could be expected to fetch $100,000 or more! Allen E. Roberts, The Craft and Its Symbols: Opening the Door to Masonic Symbolism (Richmond, VA: Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Co., 1974),6. However, the older the Bible, the less important condition becomes. It is my understanding that they are more common in the United States of America, Canada, and Great Britain; I also tentatively add that they might be common in Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand. Masonic Bibles - The Educator An Introduction Should Christians Join the Masonic Lodge However, there are differences between the two Bibles when it comes to symbols used by Freemasonry. Additionally, there is much discussion of masonic allegory within the masonic bible that is not found in its counterpart. The Bible is not only the single most printed book in history but its also the most read. The UK's only Masonic Bible, with bespoke presentation page and special introduction to Freemasonry and the Bible. Certain biblical texts and characters play a key role in the Free Mason bible and traditions. Let no one seek his owngood, but that of hisneighbor. Over the years, many publishers have produced and marketed versions of the Bible with added content in introductions that refers to Masonic ceremonies. Old Bibles published between 1900-2000 are almost exclusively considered reading material and unless your copy was owned by someone famous, it is not worth further research. Q: Is there any difference between the Freemason Bible and a regular one? Bibles are heavily used and often tend to be in poor condition. Before I move to the next point I have four observations regarding the previous three points. In the early 1600s, freemasonry was widely accepted and popular amongst members of the aristocracy and the clergy. In this article, we will explore the distinctions between these two powerful works of faith, examining their histories, beliefs, and practices. Finally, it is not surprising to read in some monitors the following exhortation given to newly raised Master Masons: Then let us imitate the good man [Hiram] in his virtuous and amiable conduct; in his unfeigned piety to God; in his inflexible fidelity to his trust; that we may welcome the grim tyrant Death, and receive him as a kind messenger sent from our Supreme Grand Master, to translate us from this imperfect to that all-perfect, glorious and celestial Lodge above, where the Supreme Architect of the Universe presides.13. Masonic Bibles are heirloom editions of the Bible; they do not serve as a separate version or translation. On the other hand, the Holy Bible contains scripture from various religions and serves as a source of spiritual guidance for Christians. These modern 20th century Bibles are the type most of us have. In Freemasonry, the lodge means two things. This was followed by other texts such as Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song Of Solomon. Ultimately, both versions are valuable resources for their intended audiences; however, they serve different purposes and should be used accordingly. The Bible as we know it today is made up of 66 books, 39 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament. Ultimately then, it can be seen that although both bibles have been subject to translation processes over time, there are still some notable differences between them when it comes to how they are interpreted and understood by readers today. In a few of the private Masonic groups of which I am a member on social media, I have, at times, come across comments from Masons in foreign countries stating that there is no such thing as a Masonic Bible. on the Internet. Masons. But, a fact that is not be ignored here is that various Bibles have been placed upon the Masonic altar. Nevertheless, no matter which version you choose both will provide valuable insight into faith-based beliefs and practices. In fact, the only thing that makes this Bible a "Masonic" Bible, is that it includes a short . ! as alleged evidence of Bidens ties to the Illuminati or the Freemasons. See Tsoukalas, Masonic Rites and Wrongs, 7476, and The Masonic Lodge. The reenactment is centered around the Masonic legend of Hiram, who, as the Bible notes, helped King Solomon build the Temple (1Kings7:1345). The Masonic Bible and the Holy Bible may appear to be similar, but they are intended for vastly different audiences. By contrast, the Holy Bible is a religious text with much more literal interpretations. Today, digital copies, ebooks and print editions of the Holy Bible can be found in many places including Christian bookstores, online versions and hardcover editions. If It simply demonstrates that Roberts conformed to the overall teaching and practice contained in ritual. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. & A.M. of New Mexico, 1992),20. Posts making this claim can be found here , here and here . For example, even an incomplete King James Bible from 1611 can still be worth a considerable amount. Septuagint:It is a name driven by the 72 Jewish scholars who are responsible for Greek to Hebrew. When discussing the similarities between the Masonic Bible and the Holy Bible, there are a few key points to consider. Finally, if your conscience troubles you because you own the Masonic Lodge Bible, then you need to throw it away. Douay Bible:It was translated in Douai and Rheims. This raises an interesting question, since Freemasonry and Christianity have somewhat different beliefs. Candida Moss, a professor of theology at Britains University of Birmingham, (here), told Reuters via email that there is absolutely no evidence that ties the Douay-Rheims Bible to the Illuminati or Freemasons., Noting the fact that Freemasons and Roman Catholics are not historical bedfellows, Moss called the idea of Masons using this particular Bible extraordinary.. Additionally, some passages from other texts have been included to further emphasize certain points made within the Masonic Bibles pages. On the other hand, the structure of the Holy Bible follows a more rigid format, with each chapter having a clearly defined purpose. Is it wrong to own a Masonic Lodge Bible? In comparison, bible readers from within Christianity will find that all of its content is relevant to them and their beliefs. Furthermore, its interpretations can vary from one person to another depending on their beliefs about how to live out their faith. Some individual leaves from truly rare Bibles can make big money. The differences between the Masonic Bible and the Holy Bible are striking, like a lightning bolt from the sky. All Rights Reserved. If you have an antique Bible published in America in the very early 19th century, it could possibly have some value. What is the Eastern Star organization, and are they related to the Free Masons? The Masonic Bible is distinct from the Holy Bible in many ways. The difference between the Masonic Bible and the Holy Bible is not only found in their symbols and allegories, but also in the language they use. One viral Facebook post, shared over 18,000 times at the time of this articles publication, has the caption, Sooo has anyone else realized this yet or???? There are many types of antique Bibles that are collectible for various reasons. We hope the information helps you in any way possible. might be worth considering that the Bible is not what people think it While the Masonic Bible is used by Masons to learn about their faith, it does not contain any religious doctrines or official teachings from any religion. . This article was produced by the Reuters Fact Check team. belief and ordered the Bible to be kept from Priests because it might be Finally, while both books may contain similar stories or passages, they differ greatly in terms of interpretation and application. It emphasizes individual responsibility and emphasizes knowledge as power. In it, I have recorded important family history events, information pertaining to my own Masonic ceremonies, and I have plenty more space for the information of anything else that I find important enough to preserve. Beginning in verse 19-20 the apostletells us that anything that is sacrificed to an idol is nothing. However, its popularity declined in subsequent years due to its perceived links with Christianity. So prepare yourself as you step into a world where ancient secrets are revealed and mysteries unraveled. There are a few rare exceptions, but if you have a Bible published AFTER about 1800, it is most likely worth very little as there were tremendous numbers of Bibles produced during this time. Rarity plays a big part in the worth of an old Bible. What is the Masonic Bible? The Douay-Rheims Bible (also spelled Douai-Reims) is an English translation of the Latin Vulgate (Bible translation) that was made by Roman Catholic scholars exiled from England during the late 16th and early 17th centuries. Shrouded in enigma, this sacred text has long been seen as something to be revered by its adherents, yet shrouded in mystery to outsiders. During this ritual, various symbols are displayed such as a square, compass, level and plumb rule. Here are just a few of the most popular: Beauty and quality craftsmanship go a long way in adding to desirability, and these are definitely factors to consider when evaluating an old Bible. 11. An 1880s exception to the rule; due to its beautiful, ornate binding, this Bible sold for $300. By exploring these ancient texts together, Masons strive to become more enlightened individuals who strive for excellence in all aspects of life. important to a Freemason, today? The Masonic Bible is a collection of sacred texts used by members of the Freemasonry fraternity. Though the cover design of Bidens specific Bible is unclear, the eye of Providence seen on some antique Douay-Rheims Bibles has been a Christian symbol for centuries, predating Masonic use. Trilogy, and more recently in 2009 with the publication of Browns novel The Lost Symbol ( here , here ). , here ) and seven times as a U.S. senator, was reported widely on Inauguration Day ( here , here , here ). Through these additional symbols, Masonry aims to challenge its members to think more deeply about religious texts from a variety of perspectives. Great Bible:Also, to take note, Henry VIII has possession of copies of the Great Bible that was chained for the purpose to foil overzealous worshippers. originally compiled by Jewish masters for the management of goyim The answer is by the influence of the pure principles of our Fraternity (see the prayer). Thus, while both books contain similar teachings, they differ in terms of their religious importance and usage within Freemasonry and Christianity respectively. There is nothing in the existing Standard Work and Lectures (SWL) that specifies that the Bible is to be opened to a specific passage of scripture when the Lodge is working in a specific Degree. I am grateful for my Masonic Heirloom Bible. All wise men acknowledge His authority. The masonic bible, for example, has been translated into numerous languages and dialects throughout its history. But what sets the Masonic Bible apart from the Holy Bible? Freemasonry: The Bible is only one of seven commonly used Volumes of Sacred Law (VSLs), all of which are deemed equally important: "The Holy Book of any religion may be used as a VSL, provided that it teaches and its adherents believe in a Supreme Being" (https://grandlodgeofiowa.org/docs/Freemasonry_Religion/VolumeofSacredLaworiginal.pdf, As such, although there are differences between them including differing interpretations of scripture there are also many similarities between these two sacred texts. Although this Bible was published in the 1880s, it is in wonderful condition with original clasps. Yes, the Masonic Lodge Bible contains false teaching, the doctrines of demons. Although both versions are derived from similar sources, they each offer an alternate perspective on scripture that can be used to interpret religious texts differently. For further information Este artculo es una exclusiva en lnea de Christian Research Journal. Wait a moment and try again. On Jan. 20, 2021, Joe Biden was sworn in as the 46th and second Roman Catholic president of the United States after taking his oath of office using a 1893 edition of the Douay Rheims Bible (see around the 4:15 mark here). This is an online articlefrom theChristian Research Journal. It is to be noted here that many other Holy Books from all of the languages reside upon the various Masonic altars around the Globe, for the Freemasons who are English speaking. At the back of the volume (after the end of the Biblical text) is a list of strange/interesting Bible facts, a guide to the laws of Biblical peoples, Biblical quotes used by various historical statesmen/orators, a digest of characters, places, and a Bible Dictionary. The significance of both bibles for Freemasonry is clear: both provide religious guidance for members of the fraternity. It is here that the all-encompassing deity of Freemasonry becomes an issue. Bible Markers - Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons of the State of It is the first book formed utilizing a moveable form. Masonic Bibles - Freemasons Community Uploaded by The Creator, the Great Geometrician of God as we know him, is the Supreme Being and is worshipped through various rituals that are performed by the Free Masons in their secret lodges. Availability The above-mentioned company Heirloom Bible Publishers alone sells The Original Heirloom Family Bible, the African American Family Heirloom Bible, the Spanish Bible Nuestra Biblia Catlica Familiar, and the Family Record Bible. This, combined with the experience dealing with antique books and access to historic auction records help judge the interest for certain types of Bibles in the antiquarian marketplace. It consists of two main sections, the Old Testament and the New Testament, and is considered by Christians to be the inspired word of God. My citation of Roberts buttresses my point, but is not foundational. What is a Masonic lodge? That comment was important because it prepares us for verses 24-29. There also exist other heirloom editions of the Bible that are not Masonic. Though the Vatican eventually abandoned the symbol altogether (here) , Moss noted that you can still find the eye of Providence in some Catholic churches, even relatively modern ones like Monroe, Louisianas St. Matthew Catholic Church (stmatthewmonroe.org/eye-of-god), which was built in 1899 (here). See Tsoukalas, Masonic Rites and Wrongs, 74-76, and "The Masonic Lodge." The reenactment is centered around the Masonic legend of Hiram, who, as the Bible notes, helped King Solomon build the Temple (1Kings7:13-45). With a beautiful imitation leather flexible binding, coloured page edges and its own slipcase, this is the ideal gift for a new Mason. Today, many lodges still adhere to the teachings in the masonic bible, although not all lodges do so. Biden is the second U.S. president to be sworn in with a Douay-Rheims Bible, after John F. Kennedy in 1961 (here , here , www.jfklibrary.org/media/2371 ). 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