A merchant cash advance is a lump sum of money that you repay by deducting a small percentage of your daily credit card or checking account transactions. It is not considered a finance because you are selling your future receivables at a discount over a period of 6-18 months.
The term length of a merchant cash advance is typically between 4 and 18 months, with repayment scheduled on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. They are shorter in length due to the speed with which they can be funded and the lack of collateral requirements.
We understand the importance of timing as leaders in small business growth funding. Unlike most banks, we are committed to providing the most flexible financing options available, as quickly as possible!
Receive funding within 24 hours of approval
Custom tailored approvals specific to your business needs
Save thousands by finding the right program with the lowest rates for your business
Find out if you qualify for a loan without impacting your credit score.
Provide details about yourself and your business in our online form.
You’ll receive a no-obligation, tailored quote if you’re approved.
If you accept, you’ll receive the funds in your account typically the following day.
We assist small businesses in obtaining the capital they require to manage challenges and opportunities—and to succeed on their own terms.
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